Why seek proof of God?

Well, we try to seek proof so if we do get convinced by his existance we wouldn't be ordinary beleivers but rather enlightened...

and if we don't get convinced, why should we cling to a system that we don't beleive to be true....

The important thing to me is that I beleive God told us to think about the Heavens, the Earth, and the Living and to use his greatest creation, the Mind, for something intelligent....... like where do we come from? where are we going?....etc.

The prophet Mohammad said that after God created the Mind, God told it: ((It is by you that I shall order and by you that I shall forbid........))

May we all be shown the Truth.........

What sort of God you seek the proof of?

If you don't have a scant idea about the sort of God, you will end up in searching for ever.

I convinced myself that i exist in God hence no proof is required for me. Strange?! every one has his/her own way.
Originally posted by Scorpius
"do these ring a bell?

9/11 Islamic terrorism,

Sorry but hitler was not of any religion, his only religion was Germania. He beleive in nothing but that....... look at the archives of WWII, Hitler and Gobelz were trying to invent a new religion, meening they beleived in nothing divine or they wouldn't have tried to lie about the issue!!

And why blaim it all on religion?? To be objective, was the Soviet Union a religious country, or is communist China?????? :confused:

Alright. And why do you want the demise of religion?
It is a dangerous meme contrary to the survival of the human race.
For those of you asking for my proof of an existance that is higer than God, it goes like this. I would like have these lucid dreams and wake up from the high emotional baggage they carry than go to my computer to look up images of my dreams. Coincidentally the Yahoo image surfer would show me pics of exactly what happened in my dreams. This is how I was able to make collages that soo closely resembled my dreams. If you look at and think about the individual renderings that I have used to make an entire collage, those individual pieces coincidentally speak in such mysterious ways. Most interesting is my rendering of the Area 51 site. This image was barely altered, yet exactly... How the scene was in my dream. And the castle that the navigator takes off in, just happened to be an exact replica of the one in my dream. What I'm saying is that something KNEW exactly what dreams I was having and as I searched them, It helped me recreate my dreams. It KNEW. Maybe you think I'm just wierd? But its Real, and it really happened and there is no denying it.
Cris said:

It is a dangerous meme contrary to the survival of the human race.

religion is a danger to the human race? humans are a danger to themselves. it is not the object that is dangerous but how the subject uses the object. not all religions are used as a vehicle for manipulation. there are may ideals which threaten what little freedom and peace humanity has left. religion is sucha vehicle for the pursuit of an ideal where it unifies people and brings peace and harmony it will flourish where it segregates people and brings fear and hatred it will be killed by its own wrath. it is not good to condemn all religions because of a particular path that particular cults have trampled.

What sort of God you seek the proof of?

If you don't have a scant idea about the sort of God, you will end up in searching for ever.

Personally, I don't seek proof of God. But you can see the numerous posts on these forums, demanding proof of God. So I wondered how come people seek proof of God.

I convinced myself that i exist in God hence no proof is required for me. Strange?! every one has his/her own way.

*You* convinced *yourself*?

* * *


Alright. And why do you want the demise of religion?

It is a dangerous meme contrary to the survival of the human race.

How can you prove that?
It may be a dangerous meme contrary to the survival of a certain part of the human race, who hold a particular outlook and lead a certain lifestyle.
But I don't see how you can prove that it is dangerous to the survival of all.
Well, depending on the noetic theory a person adheres to. (Most people don't know which noetic theory they adhere to; they don't consciously hold a theory on how they process reality.)

Maybe that's because you need free will in order to have a say in how 'you' process reality?

Mostly because God is easiest to blame.

With great power comes great responsibility.

religion is a danger to the human race?

humans are a danger to themselves.

it is not the object that is dangerous but how the subject uses the object.
In the case of religion - not quite. It is a more a matter of conditioning.

not all religions are used as a vehicle for manipulation.
But all major religions encourage irrational beliefs contrary to optimal long-term survival.

there are may ideals which threaten what little freedom and peace humanity has left.
My issue isn’t with peace and harmony, it is with survival, and religions are out of sync with that objective, whether they are benign, placid, or peaceful, or not.

religion is sucha vehicle for the pursuit of an ideal where it unifies people and brings peace and harmony it will flourish where it segregates people and brings fear and hatred it will be killed by its own wrath. it is not good to condemn all religions because of a particular path that particular cults have trampled.
Fine, but that isn’t my position.

Two thirds of the world population hold religious beliefs. These beliefs encourage complacency towards death and that “there is probably something beyond death” type perspective. Involuntary death has at the present time a 100% track record of killing humans. With such a massive number of people following the defeatist path that we can’t solve this then the result is that we are not focusing on solving this very real overwhelming plague of humanity – involuntary death.

Of the 6 billion people on the planet only a few thousand are actively working at the leading edge of solving issues of killer diseases like cancer and aging. This is a disproportional absurd ratio which I am quite sure would have been quite different if the irrational ideas sponsored by religion did not have such a strangle hold on the population of the world.

Get rid of religion and bring people to the realization that they are really going to die and permanently cease to exist and that there is no fantasy eternal paradise when they die – then they will give some serious thought to solving the real problems we face. Peach and harmony are nice for a while but who cares if after a few years you won’t be around to appreciate them.

How can you prove that?
It may be a dangerous meme contrary to the survival of a certain part of the human race, who hold a particular outlook and lead a certain lifestyle.
But I don't see how you can prove that it is dangerous to the survival of all.
See my response to Ellion.
Cris said:
Fine, but that isn’t my position.

Two thirds of the world population hold religious beliefs. These beliefs encourage complacency towards death and that “there is probably something beyond death” type perspective. Involuntary death has at the present time a 100% track record of killing humans. With such a massive number of people following the defeatist path that we can’t solve this then the result is that we are not focusing on solving this very real overwhelming plague of humanity – involuntary death.

Of the 6 billion people on the planet only a few thousand are actively working at the leading edge of solving issues of killer diseases like cancer and aging. This is a disproportional absurd ratio which I am quite sure would have been quite different if the irrational ideas sponsored by religion did not have such a strangle hold on the population of the world.

Get rid of religion and bring people to the realization that they are really going to die and permanently cease to exist and that there is no fantasy eternal paradise when they die – then they will give some serious thought to solving the real problems we face. Peach and harmony are nice for a while but who cares if after a few years you won’t be around to appreciate them.

a matter of opinion!

the short response is; why do you fear death?

the short response is; why do you fear death?
Why is that relevant? Why conclude I fear death?

It is simply that I do not find death an acceptable alternative to being alive.
I searched for God because I felt like there was something missing in my life. C. S. Lewis referred to this as a God shaped vaccuum in the heart. I wondered why I was here. This spurred my search. I left Christianity as a child before this question arose. then after looking at wicca, Buddism, etc... I came back to who I believe is the one true God as I returned to the Christian faith.
Cris said:

Why is that relevant? Why conclude I fear death?

It is simply that I do not find death an acceptable alternative to being alive.

it is relevant because you made such an issue of death in this post:
Two thirds of the world population hold religious beliefs. These beliefs encourage complacency towards death and that “there is probably something beyond death” type perspective. Involuntary death has at the present time a 100% track record of killing humans. With such a massive number of people following the defeatist path that we can’t solve this then the result is that we are not focusing on solving this very real overwhelming plague of humanity – involuntary death.

Of the 6 billion people on the planet only a few thousand are actively working at the leading edge of solving issues of killer diseases like cancer and aging. This is a disproportional absurd ratio which I am quite sure would have been quite different if the irrational ideas sponsored by religion did not have such a strangle hold on the population of the world.

Get rid of religion and bring people to the realization that they are really going to die and permanently cease to exist and that there is no fantasy eternal paradise when they die – then they will give some serious thought to solving the real problems we face. Peach and harmony are nice for a while but who cares if after a few years you won’t be around to appreciate them.

the conclusion that you fear death comes from idea you convey of the importance to conquer death. to overcome the natural processes of life aging and dying comes from a fear of embracing them. however subtle or distorted that need is, it is a fear based need. embracing all of life including death and old age is a freeing of your self from those needs to conrol your natural process. this fear itself is a natural process that is born of a love for your life holding life precious and the need to protect it is a response of a healthy being, but the need to protect life from its own nature is a fear of losing it.

when an apple falls from a tree the fruit decays, but unless the fruit decays the seed will not be free. only when the seed is free can the fruit become a tree.

Maybe that's because you need free will in order to have a say in how 'you' process reality?

You need to know you have free will in order to be able to apply it.
Some people do not know they have free will, and so they act as if they wouldn't have it.

Mostly because God is easiest to blame.

With great power comes great responsibility.

Sure. But, in your view, what does "With great power comes great responsibility." imply?

it is relevant because you made such an issue of death in this post:
Of death yes, but not fear.

the conclusion that you fear death comes from idea you convey of the importance to conquer death.
Well no and that is a non sequitur.

to overcome the natural processes of life aging and dying comes from a fear of embracing them.
Or it could come from a desire to stay alive; fear is not a necessary factor. You also imply there is something good about natural processes and that we must accept them. I don’t agree. Nature is something imposed on us that we do not have to accept willingly.

however subtle or distorted that need is, it is a fear based need.
Sorry but no, you are not even in the right ballpark.

embracing all of life including death and old age is a freeing of your self from those needs to conrol your natural process.
Again you imply that natural is good and we must take a defeatist attitude. You are displaying the very apathy that comes from religious conditioning. Aging is a disease like any other and we should address it as such with appropriate disdain. And nature is a largely random and uncontrolled process that we should learn to control and manipulate for our own benefit.

this fear itself is a natural process that is born of a love for your life holding life precious and the need to protect it is a response of a healthy being,
I can’t see that the terms “fear” or “love” in this context are applicable to me. Life is preferable to death, so why would one ever willingly accept the least preferable option? This is simply a matter of logic.

but the need to protect life from its own nature is a fear of losing it.
Sentence didn’t makes sense – sounds like meaningless psycho-babble – sorry but I don’t buy your defeatist conditioning, and rationalizing death as something acceptable is the result of such conditioning, which unfortunately leads so many to the irrationality of religion as a solution.

If you want immortality, you'll also need an immortal planet to live on.

Science says that this planet is endangered by other bodies in the universe -- comets can hit it and destroy it, and eventually, our Sun will burn out, cave in and take all the planets with it.

So. Where do you plan to live then? And how do you think people could survive the coming cosmic cataclism?
cris said:
Of death yes, but not fear.
you made such an issue of death that i thought it relevant to enquire about your fears.

cris said:
ellion said:
the conclusion that you fear death comes from idea you convey of the importance to conquer death.
Well no and that is a non sequitur.
how is that a nonsequitur? you convey a sense of death (and not just death) being something you must fight off.

Or it could come from a desire to stay alive; fear is not a necessary factor.
are you afraid to loose your life or the life of anyone close to you?

Sorry but no, you are not even in the right ballpark.
then what ball park are you in and i'll come join you for a game? why do you need to conquer death (we'll do nature later if you like)?

You also imply there is something good about natural processes and that we must accept them. I don’t agree. Nature is something imposed on us that we do not have to accept willingly.
i didnt mean to imply that but the implication is probably there because i do think natural processes are good, all of them (well, cant think of any right now that i cant somehow see having a purpose)

Again you imply that natural is good and we must take a defeatist attitude. You are displaying the very apathy that comes from religious conditioning.
again the implication was not meant but it is present in my nature. your opinion is that embracing death is a defeatist attitude, this is a matter of opinion. my opinion is that you have the deafeatist attitude in your belief that death is a finality containing no potential for spiritual growth.
i have already gotten victory over death i have achieved the immoratality that you crave for. for this reason i can embrace life now and give my life to death when called for (now if necessary)
so you are wrong i have no apathy concerning death, what i have is a passion for the release from the body, and for those already free.

I can’t see that the terms “fear” or “love” in this context are applicable to me. Life is preferable to death,
why is life preferable to death? do you love life then? do you fear losing it?

so why would one ever willingly accept the least preferable option?
i dont know cris, Why would one?
you say life is preferable to death, so answer your own question why would you choose death?

Sentence didn’t makes sense – sounds like meaningless psycho-babble – sorry but I don’t buy your defeatist conditioning, and rationalizing death as something acceptable is the result of such conditioning, which unfortunately leads so many to the irrationality of religion as a solution.
the sentence does make sense. i have no idea what it sounds like or means to you nor do i care, lots of your comments sound like paranoid materialistic conditioning to me, but i dont mind i can accomadate your irrational short sightedness and i can comfortably accept your criticisms. i wasnt selling any deafeatist conditioning, i dont need to your conditioning is self defeating.