Why isn't faith embarrasing?

Sure, I'm asking you what rigor you applied by your rules of reasoning to your conclusions.

I'd expect you to do the same for me. :)
Well, since I didn't make the claim, and I would never make an unsupporable claim, I guess you'll have to go after enmos. Oh enmos? Where are you...!
I would say that faith is embarrassing, and that is precisely why there is a prevailing notion that we shouldn't criticize it.
Religion is acceptable because so many people believe in it, the same way that astrology is acceptable, the same way it is acceptable to believe in other superstitions which make no sense either.

It is like drugs. Tobacco is worst than most illegal drugs. A known killer which kills half of all users if used properly. But it is acceptable because of the large number of people who use it.

Numbers dictate what is acceptable in our society.
Religion is acceptable because so many people believe in it, the same way that astrology is acceptable, the same way it is acceptable to believe in other superstitions which make no sense either.

It is like drugs. Tobacco is worst than most illegal drugs. A known killer which kills half of all users if used properly. But it is acceptable because of the large number of people who use it.

Numbers dictate what is acceptable in our society.

Prohibition should work wonders then.
I tend to take a lot of things on faith including my ability to ascertain where I do not need to or where I should not. Makes my life simple and uncomplicated for me. I'm content with who and what I am. I see no desire or necessity to change.

Faith is the key with cult indoctrination. The indoctrinated cultist is forced to accept the improbable and irrational entirely on faith, without question. The cultist is then under the impression that faith makes their life simple and uncomplicated, when in fact, it is the indoctrination that has removed the ability to reason, hence removed any need or desire to learn or understand concepts that are either beyond the scope of the indoctrination or conflict with it.

The cultist is content with this arrangement simply because they don't know any better.
Faith is the key with cult indoctrination. The indoctrinated cultist is forced to accept the improbable and irrational entirely on faith, without question. The cultist is then under the impression that faith makes their life simple and uncomplicated, when in fact, it is the indoctrination that has removed the ability to reason, hence removed any need or desire to learn or understand concepts that are either beyond the scope of the indoctrination or conflict with it.

The cultist is content with this arrangement simply because they don't know any better.

Boy you sure have issues, don't you? :eek:
Boy you sure have issues, don't you?

Personal insults are bastions of last resort triggered responses, when no other triggered response will suffice or is relevant, especially when attacking one of the single most dangerous aspects and primary drivers of indoctrination; acceptance on blind faith.
As they complain about you, too.

Yeah, you, buffy, shorty, counte.

the intellectual elite, so to say.:D

Any contribution to faith and atheism?

Do atheists lack faith in the fellow man?

Are they bigoted, cynical, disgruntled and dissatisfied?

Do they see all theists as inferior to them since they don't share their ideologies?

Oh wait...:D