Why isn't faith embarrasing?

Oh, I see. I just got the indication that you have discussed such matters with scientists who were atheists from your earlier post.

I have heard Francis Collins speak of it.

I hope you're not one of them.
Nah. I can be pretty scary when I want to (see avatar and sig) :p
Given the common definition of faith, i.e. belief without the requirement for proof or evidence, why wouldn't anyone with even a rudimentary sense of intellectual integrity be ashamed to call themselves a "person of faith"?

Because they know it sounds stupid.
I seek purpose in my life because it is my belief that everything in the universe has a purpose. That nothing is random or baseless. That if ye seek, ye will find.

I doubt its the same as yours.
You'd be right.

I seek purpose in my life because it is my belief that helping humanity (in my small way) and discovering our place in the universe are some of the most noble and interesting goals a human can pursue. And while evrything is ultimately random (but certainly not baseless) the macroscale cosmos is full of wonder.

There. Do I get to be Miss Universe now?

Not that this has one damn thing to do with basing your life on the blind acceptance of things without even the hope of proof or evidence, and in the process engendering the kind of idiotic acceptance that breeds crusades, inquisitions, and self-immolating "believers".
You'd be right.

I seek purpose in my life because it is my belief that helping humanity (in my small way) and discovering our place in the universe are some of the most noble and interesting goals a human can pursue. And while evrything is ultimately random (but certainly not baseless) the macroscale cosmos is full of wonder.

There. Do I get to be Miss Universe now?

Not that this has one damn thing to do with basing your life on the blind acceptance of things without even the hope of proof or evidence, and in the process engendering the kind of idiotic acceptance that breeds crusades, inquisitions, and self-immolating "believers".

does it not? I'm not responsible for your assumptions about how you think I should think. This is my belief I am talking about and no, its not embarrassing to me in the least. I'm very comfortable in my skin.
does it not? I'm not responsible for your assumptions about how you think I should think. This is my belief I am talking about and no, its not embarrassing to me in the least. I'm very comfortable in my skin.
Of course you are. That's the whole point of this thread. Given the definition of faith, why, as a supposedly rational human being, aren't you embarresed by taking on the mantle of blind acceptance?
Of course you are. That's the whole point of this thread. Given the definition of faith, why, as a supposedly rational human being, aren't you embarresed by taking on the mantle of blind acceptance?

You must make life miserable for family, friends and colleagues since the basis of your existence is defined by evidence.

I tend to take a lot of things on faith including my ability to ascertain where I do not need to or where I should not. Makes my life simple and uncomplicated for me. I'm content with who and what I am. I see no desire or necessity to change. :shrug:
You must make life miserable for family, friends and colleagues since the basis of your existence is defined by evidence.
Now that's an interesting point of view. That making sure that what you do for family and friends and coworkers is based on your intellectual integrity and your best assesment of what's right. I'm sure a lack of integrity and guessing about things makes life a whole lot simpler. Oh, wiat...

I tend to take a lot of things on faith including my ability to ascertain where I do not need to or where I should not. Makes my life simple and uncomplicated for me. I'm content with who and what I am. I see no desire or necessity to change. :shrug:
Clearly. And that's just fine. Change is not for the faint of heart.
Now that's an interesting point of view. That making sure that what you do for family and friends and coworkers is based on your intellectual integrity and your best assesment of what's right. I'm sure a lack of integrity and guessing about things makes life a whole lot simpler. Oh, wiat...

Clearly. And that's just fine. Change is not for the faint of heart.

Neither is faith. ;)
Given the common definition of faith, i.e. belief without the requirement for proof or evidence, why wouldn't anyone with even a rudimentary sense of intellectual integrity be ashamed to call themselves a "person of faith"?
Herein lies the difference between religion and spirituality.

Religious people need faith because they are too lazy or uninspired to seek knowledge. In this sense 'faith' means not wanting to know.

Faith is merely a conception...whereas knowledge is based on perception.
The only answer can be that faith isn't embarrassing to theists because they have faith.. lol
You know.. blind faith ;)