Why isn't faith embarrasing?

You should know by now that things are always differenmt for god. Satan has no Bible, which guarantees that he is an evil spirit. Must I tell you everything ?
You should know by now that things are always differenmt for god. Satan has no Bible, which guarantees that he is an evil spirit. Must I tell you everything ?

SAM's assertion is more than a little hypocritical, if she meant it that is.. you never know with her.. :shrug:
You should know by now that things are always differenmt for god. Satan has no Bible, which guarantees that he is an evil spirit. Must I tell you everything ?

Uh, Satan has no bible? Are you forgetting "The Satanic Bible" by Anton LaVey?
Sure, who or what is Satan, but someone's idea of morality?

Wow, just when I thought you couldn't dig the hole any deeper! If Satanism is "someone's idea of morality" then I suppose Islam/Christianity/Judaism are also "someone's idea of morality". Which also implies a man made morality! Which is precisely the point we are getting at isn't it?! Remember that "your idea of morality" (which is yours and not your fictitious god's) is something you have chosen from a variety of choices that were available to you. Where is the god in that?

The point we atheists make is that the theists' morality is generally found wanting (at least by atheistic standards). Yahweh/Allah is a monster, plain and simple. Don't take my word for it though, read the Bible/Koran. From such monsters can you derive true morality? I think not.

All one seems capable of is harsh judgment of one's peers. Theistic beliefs facilitate emotional separation of theists from their peers, this has the byproduct of making it easier to kill said peer without hesitation when one's "morality" has deemed it necessary.

Is the morality of Yahweh/Allah/Jesus superior to that of Satan/Lucifer? By your definition - "someone's idea of morality"(again implying both are human constructs) - the answer would have to be no. Perhaps the bias among theists against Satanism and its followers is the only basis for a yes?

Wow, just when I thought you couldn't dig the hole any deeper! If Satanism is "someone's idea of morality" then I suppose Islam/Christianity/Judaism are also "someone's idea of morality". Which also implies a man made morality! Which is precisely the point we are getting at isn't it?! Remember that "your idea of morality" (which is yours and not your fictitious god's) is something you have chosen from a variety of choices that were available to you. Where is the god in that?

The point we atheists make is that the theists' morality is generally found wanting (at least by atheistic standards). Yahweh/Allah is a monster, plain and simple. Don't take my word for it though, read the Bible/Koran. From such monsters can you derive true morality? I think not.

All one seems capable of is harsh judgment of one's peers. Theistic beliefs facilitate emotional separation of themselves from their peers, this has the byproduct of making it easier to kill said peer without hesitation when one's "morality" has deemed it necessary.

Is the morality of Yahweh/Allah/Jesus superior to that of Satan/Lucifer? By your definition - "someone's idea of morality"(again implying both are human constructs) - the answer would have to be no. Perhaps the bias among theists against Satanism and its followers is the only basis for a yes?


I see no problem with my belief.

What problem do you see here, exactly?
Religion has not changed morality. Morality has changed religion. This is why it is no longer acceptable to have human sacrifices. People got sick of it and changed the belief system accordingly.

Religion is dependent upon morality, not the other way around.
How many theistic satanists do you know?

You are missing the point. You said "Sure, who or what is Satan, but someone's idea of morality?"
Now substitute Satan for God.

Satan is the God of satanist, right.. ? So how are satanists not theistic ?

Also, do you care to explain why atheists are theistic according to you while satanists are not.. ? :bugeye:
You are missing the point. You said "Sure, who or what is Satan, but someone's idea of morality?"
Now substitute Satan for God.

Satan is the God of satanist, right.. ? So how are satanists not theistic ?

Also, do you care to explain why atheists are theistic according to you while satanists are not.. ? :bugeye:

Where do satanists get their idea of right or wrong? Where do atheists? Faith has no morality itself, it just acts as a basis for creating morals.
Wow, just when I thought you couldn't dig the hole any deeper! If Satanism is "someone's idea of morality" then I suppose Islam/Christianity/Judaism are also "someone's idea of morality". Which also implies a man made morality! Which is precisely the point we are getting at isn't it?! Remember that "your idea of morality" (which is yours and not your fictitious god's) is something you have chosen from a variety of choices that were available to you. Where is the god in that?

The point we atheists make is that the theists' morality is generally found wanting (at least by atheistic standards). Yahweh/Allah is a monster, plain and simple. Don't take my word for it though, read the Bible/Koran. From such monsters can you derive true morality? I think not.

All one seems capable of is harsh judgment of one's peers. Theistic beliefs facilitate emotional separation of theists from their peers, this has the byproduct of making it easier to kill said peer without hesitation when one's "morality" has deemed it necessary.

Is the morality of Yahweh/Allah/Jesus superior to that of Satan/Lucifer? By your definition - "someone's idea of morality"(again implying both are human constructs) - the answer would have to be no. Perhaps the bias among theists against Satanism and its followers is the only basis for a yes?

Good post.