Why is The Religion Catagory Most Popular

YOU sam are adding more "facts" than there are in the premise in the first place! YOU sam are the one assuming variables at all! Honestly sam! Geez!

Let me put it this way: The mathematical integer 1 when combined with a second mathematical integer 1 via a mathematical process called addition, will result in the mathematical integer 2. This concept, process and result will remain constistent and are independent of any other arena of academia or leisure. This is what mikenostic was telling you.

I'm very sure you know this, but are enjoying the game.

Enjoy statistics, maybe you can find the median value of Chief Bulla Bulla's many children. :p

Hmm so now you need to underline the fact that it is an integer? Why?

And if Bulla Bulla has 7 children with a median age of 12 what are the ages of his children?

Why are real numbers different from integers?:)
I don't understand, seems that everybody on here doesn't believe in god and yet the Religion category has the most activity.... why are there so many people actively participating in the religious threads when they so adamantly claim "there is no god"... just a curious observation
Because they want to disprove theists, a easy challange they thought, shouldn't be much of a problem, but then they (don't) realise that their atheism is based on a fantasy guy in the clouds, while theists have a much more real faith in God.
Because they want to disprove theists, a easy challange they thought, shouldn't be much of a problem, but then they (don't) realise that their atheism is based on a fantasy guy in the clouds, while theists have a much more real faith in God.

I personally am not trying to disprove any one thing. I'm just looking for the truth. Unless we get visited by an advanced race of extra terrestrials, to where the whole population finds out about it, athiests will have a hard time disproving theists.
I think instead of trying to disprove them, we just keep looking for scientific evidence of the truth; whether we were created by God, aliens or whatever.
We've pretty much proven life on Earth evolves and has went through hundreds of millions of years of evolution, which is a huge step, but has not disproved the theists. I just think trying to straight up disprove theists is like trying to ice skate uphill.
I personally am not trying to disprove any one thing. I'm just looking for the truth. Unless we get visited by an advanced race of extra terrestrials, to where the whole population finds out about it, athiests will have a hard time disproving theists.
I think instead of trying to disprove them, we just keep looking for scientific evidence of the truth; whether we were created by God, aliens or whatever.
We've pretty much proven life on Earth evolves and has went through hundreds of millions of years of evolution, which is a huge step, but has not disproved the theists. I just think trying to straight up disprove theists is like trying to ice skate uphill.

That makes no sense.
That makes no sense.
What part of it do you not understand?

Scientific evidence of the truth:
You can safely assume that we've proven evolution, right?
Well, for example, Christians still believe that the Earth is between 6 and 10 thousand years old, when scientific evidence has proven that the Earth is about 4 billion years old.
Make sense? I don't think it can be much more simpler than that.
What part of it do you not understand?

Scientific evidence of the truth:
You can safely assume that we've proven evolution, right?
Well, for example, Christians still believe that the Earth is between 6 and 10 thousand years old, when scientific evidence has proven that the Earth is about 4 billion years old.
Make sense? I don't think it can be much more simpler than that.

Truth is an abstract notion. Science is about drawing inferences based on assumptions.

And science does not prove, it only provides supporting evidence. This is limited by our knowledge of all variables that go into the equation and the tools available to measure the known variables.
Truth is an abstract notion. Science is about drawing inferences based on assumptions.

And science does not prove, it only provides supporting evidence. This is limited by our knowledge of all variables that go into the equation and the tools available to measure the known variables.
We can't prove that fire burns at 600+ degrees by using a thermometer(a scientific instrument)?
We can't prove the ocean is over five miles deep in places like the Mariana's trench by using sonar (a scientific device)?
We can't prove that dinosaurs existed by the fact that they left bones behind?
Fire will burn paper into black ashes. That is the truth. That is quite a real notion.
We can't prove that fire burns at 600+ degrees by using a thermometer(a scientific instrument)?
We can't prove the ocean is over five miles deep in places like the Mariana's trench by using sonar (a scientific device)?
We can't prove that dinosaurs existed by the fact that they left bones behind?
Fire will burn paper into black ashes. That is the truth. That is quite a real notion.

Inferences based on assumptions.:)
in·fer /ɪnˈfɜr/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[in-fur] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation verb, -ferred, -fer·ring.
–verb (used with object) 1. to derive by reasoning; conclude or judge from premises or evidence: They inferred his displeasure from his cool tone of voice.

There's no inference, or doubt in in the FACT that it has been proven that fire burns at a very high temperature. Granted, the temperature at which fire burns is a man made concept/measurement, but following those standards, the proof is there.
Inferring is speculating and assuming. you can still assume all you want (even though you already know) that fire burns at over 600 degrees.
Example: I can infer that, based on previous occurences, that an asteroid will hit the Earth again in the future. There is proof that they have hit the Earth before (not an inference or assumption there). We can, however, assume that one will again.
Another example; I can infer by your responses that you are trying to push my buttons and needlessly furthering this debate, but there is no proof, which means I could be wrong, but you get the idea. :)
Another example; I can infer by your responses that you are trying to push my buttons and needlessly furthering this debate, but there is no proof, which means I could be wrong, but you get the idea. :)

Actually this example shows me that you get the idea.:p
LOL I wouldn't dream of it Positron babycakes.

However, you would not be found guilty if 2 billion people said you committed a murder, unless there were three eye witnesses (or is it two?) present close enough to the crime scene to testify any facts relevant to the murder...and this must be accompanied by other physical evidence, motive, opportunity and a lack of alibi. Two billion people probably see murder once a day, but it's not proof...it's Hollywood.

The point of that diatribe? Testimony isn't as strong as you might think.

Was I gentle? :)

Touche good sir.
Not really LG, it's an assumption of yours that this subject is most popular, if we had a forum on sex in sciforums it be the most popular! ;)
despite whatever else you consider topical, the fact remains that you cannot stop talking about god - which at the very least places you at number 2 in terms of fame