Why is The Religion Catagory Most Popular

Well, it's controversial because religion is castiron false... we know this, even those who belong to X religion know it's false. They try to get around this by conceeding that it's just symbolic etc, and others blatantly ignore their common sense. But despite this, atheists are held with a view of contempt in most parts of the world, seen as immoral, unelectable as politicians below that of even homosexuals and Muslims (from the west's pov). The selfimposed stupidity of the theist majority becomes ever harder to bear, when their rules are as bullshit and meaningless as the horroscopes you read in the mornings paper. The only thing these people care about is not the good of society, but what you get up to in your bedroom or science that contradicts scripture.
Well, it's controversial because religion is castiron false... we know this, even those who belong to X religion know it's false. They try to get around this by conceeding that it's just symbolic etc, and others blatantly ignore their common sense. But despite this, atheists are held with a view of contempt in most parts of the world, seen as immoral, unelectable as politicians below that of even homosexuals and Muslims (from the west's pov). The selfimposed stupidity of the theist majority becomes ever harder to bear, when their rules are as bullshit and meaningless as the horroscopes you read in the mornings paper. The only thing these people care about is not the good of society, but what you get up to in your bedroom or science that contradicts scripture.

I think this forum is ample proof that stupidity is a universal phenomenon, not restricted to theism.:p
I don't understand, seems that everybody on here doesn't believe in god and yet the Religion category has the most activity.... why are there so many people actively participating in the religious threads when they so adamantly claim "there is no god"... just a curious observation

Closet Christians :D
I don't understand, seems that everybody on here doesn't believe in god and yet the Religion category has the most activity.... why are there so many people actively participating in the religious threads when they so adamantly claim "there is no god"... just a curious observation

because love him or hate him, god always comes out as number one (one of god's opulences is that he is the most famous)
Atheist neither love or hate god, we just don't accept nut cases making claims that they can't back up with EVIDENCE!
I'm guessing you don't work in science, nit-picking at precision in language is critical to a good paper. Please show me one peer-reviewed paper with language indicating a definite proof of a claim in science.

Not quite, I work in IT.

I'm not even going down that road. I only meant that the claimant should have some sort of logical, repeatable or physical evidence to back up the claim. Were we to operate in your universe, we'd all have to accept any insane and dunderheaded notion until someone proved it wrong.
Not quite, I work in IT.

I'm not even going down that road. I only meant that the claimant should have some sort of logical, repeatable or physical evidence to back up the claim. Were we to operate in your universe, we'd all have to accept any insane and dunderheaded notion until someone proved it wrong.

For it to be under the purview of science, it would need to be observable, testable and replicable.:)
For the topic on point, I think people find it easier to talk about something you don't need a Ph.D or any toher degree in to debate, like the physics forum mainly. As for politics, people are just sick and tired of it. It is also my belief that people see an inner need to explain things and as such come to this area, and after choosing their path they stay here and deabte. Well, I wish they would debate there are some here who just flame and yell and complain etc.

As for needing evidence for christianity, In a courtroom if you have 2 billion witnesses to testify that they know something exists and that something happened, would it not be all they[the jury] needed? It's like a character witness. I bet if 2 billion people said I committed a murder I would be tried guilty.

Don't maul me Captain Picard.
LOL I wouldn't dream of it Positron babycakes.

However, you would not be found guilty if 2 billion people said you committed a murder, unless there were three eye witnesses (or is it two?) present close enough to the crime scene to testify any facts relevant to the murder...and this must be accompanied by other physical evidence, motive, opportunity and a lack of alibi. Two billion people probably see murder once a day, but it's not proof...it's Hollywood.

The point of that diatribe? Testimony isn't as strong as you might think.

Was I gentle? :)
I agree and disagree.

Unfortantly there is not one human system that isn't corrupt. ... Science...a human system is corrupt aswell what we observe here on the sf forums is Science's intention to wipe out a threat to it's solidarity.

Not trying to split hairs but you forgot about mathematics. It is the only unflawed/uncorrupted science. 1+1=2 in any language and is not contestable by any means.

Sorry for the OT tangient. Back to our regularly scheduled thread.
Not trying to split hairs but you forgot about mathematics. It is the only unflawed/uncorrupted science. 1+1=2 in any language and is not contestable by any means.

Sorry for the OT tangient. Back to our regularly scheduled thread.

I believe you're right. I never thought of math as a system.
Not trying to split hairs but you forgot about mathematics. It is the only unflawed/uncorrupted science. 1+1=2 in any language and is not contestable by any means.

Sorry for the OT tangient. Back to our regularly scheduled thread.

Mathematical assumptions may not reflect biological reality.
In what cases...
I've been wondering if math can be used in physics and astronomy why the biology...what about the science of life makes it independeant from math?
Mathematical assumptions may not reflect biological reality.

I do agree with you but it wasn't the point I was trying to make. Mathematics IS a science and I was pointing out that it is not corrupt like other imperfect sciences can be.
And where in mathematics are there assumptions? How can you 'assume' that 1+1= anthing other than 2?
I do agree with you but it wasn't the point I was trying to make. Mathematics IS a science and I was pointing out that it is not corrupt like other imperfect sciences can be.
And where in mathematics are there assumptions? How can you 'assume' that 1+1= anthing other than 2?

But 1 is a learned concept, there have been cultures without mathematics.:p

In biology 1+1 can be sex = reproduction so it can equal 3 or if you look at sperm+oocyte, well it can equal a million.

In the case of a chimera, 1+1 can equal 1. :)
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You lost me now. I think we agree but we're hitting on different subjects.
Mathematics is technically a learned concept but it's still present even in mathless societies and cultures. If Chief Bulla Bulla of the Oobonga tribe out in the middle of the jungle has three spears, and he goes and makes another one, he then has 4. If his asst. chief asks him how many spears he has in his collection, the Chief will tell him that he used to have three but he made one more and now has 4 (in their language of course), even though he may have no concept of the Pythagoran Theory. <--I hope that was a decent analogy.
You lost me now. I think we agree but we're hitting on different subjects.
Mathematics is technically a learned concept but it's still present even in mathless societies and cultures. If Chief Bulla Bulla of the Oobonga tribe out in the middle of the jungle has three spears, and he goes and makes another one, he then has 4. If his asst. chief asks him how many spears he has in his collection, the Chief will tell him that he used to have three but he made one more and now has 4 (in their language of course), even though he may have no concept of the Pythagoran Theory. <--I hope that was a decent analogy.

Like I said, its an assumption that does not translate well into biological realities. Bulla bulla would be the first to point to his kids if he you told him 1+1=2 :D

And if they have no numbers, they are not going to count.

In their everyday lives, the Pirahãs appear to have no need for numbers. During the time he spent with them, Everett never once heard words like "all," "every," and "more" from the Pirahãs. There is one word, "hói," which does come close to the numeral 1. But it can also mean "small" or describe a relatively small amount -- like two small fish as opposed to one big fish, for example. And they don't even appear to count without language, on their fingers for example, in order to determine how many pieces of meat they have to grill for the villagers, how many days of meat they have left from the anteaters they've hunted or how much they demand from Brazilian traders for their six baskets of Brazil nuts.

The debate amongst linguists about the absence of all numbers in the Pirahã language broke out after Peter Gordon, a psycholinguist at New York's Columbia University, visited the Pirahãs and tested their mathematical abilities. For example, they were asked to repeat patterns created with between one and 10 small batteries. Or they were to remember whether Gordon had placed three or eight nuts in a can.

The results, published in Science magazine, were astonishing. The Pirahãs simply don't get the concept of numbers. His study, Gordon says, shows that "a people without terms for numbers doesn't develop the ability to determine exact numbers."


Interesting isn't it?:p