Why is The Religion Catagory Most Popular

despite whatever else you consider topical, the fact remains that you cannot stop talking about god - which at the very least places you at number 2 in terms of fame

M*W: Why is it that atheists can't stop talking about god? Because it's all a lie.
so you mean to say you have positive evidence of god's non-existence?

M*W: Lack of evidence is evidence. You don't have any evidence, all you have are your beliefs in what you hope to be real. It's not, and 75% of the world knows that.
M*W: Lack of evidence is evidence. You don't have any evidence, all you have are your beliefs in what you hope to be real. It's not, and 75% of the world knows that.
actually since you have no evidence that god does not exist, all you have are your beliefs - unless you also see no problem advocating that over 75% of the contributers on sci forums have not seen your brain, therefore it is safe to assume that you don't have one
I guess when you are retarded and desperate the “prove a negative” argument seems like a good one.

Let us see how many things our imagination can come up with that nobody can disprove…and so we can safely continue believing in…

Over 75% see this imbecile’s thoughts and proof that he has a brain is still absent.
I guess when you are retarded and desperate the “prove a negative” argument seems like a good one.

Let us see how many things our imagination can come up with that nobody can disprove…and so we can safely continue believing in…

Over 75% see this imbecile’s thoughts and proof that he has a brain is still absent.
thus it seems that even you agree that it is not an acceptable means to determine an objects tangibility

and it also seems that you also can not stop talking about god, even if its in the form of incoherent arguments in the form of attacking character
"It isn't a matter of validating or invalidating arguments. It's about being able to see those same arguments from a different perspective. . . What I discovered was an intellectual riddle that couldn't be solved by the logical mind. It had to be solved by the intuitive heart."

~ A.S.A. Jones in The Unexpected Journey by Thom S. Rainer.
actually since you have no evidence that god does not exist, all you have are your beliefs - unless you also see no problem advocating that over 75% of the contributors on sci forums have not seen your brain, therefore it is safe to assume that you don't have one :D

M*W: Don't put your words in my mouth. I said 75% of the people in the world (not the members of sciforums, which is probably much more than 75% against the belief in your god) don't believe in your god. Several of us have posted the pie chart along with the statistics, so you know very well what I am talking about.

I searched for god and I found it for a time, but it proved to be a lie.
Of course, the intellectually dishonest and cowardly response will be to claim that his god is the same as everyone's god. Everyone just doesn't know it.
A god was a living breathing alien being from another star system who sought to control the human race by imposing monothestic ideologies of a non existant supreme entity in the universe.
When are you people gonna figure that out???
"It isn't a matter of validating or invalidating arguments. It's about being able to see those same arguments from a different perspective. . . What I discovered was an intellectual riddle that couldn't be solved by the logical mind. It had to be solved by the intuitive heart."

As far as I'm aware the heart only pumps blood, it certainly doesn't solve anything, it's not intuitive, since intuition is derived from the brain. And intuition is not very reliable!
thus it seems that even you agree that it is not an acceptable means to determine an objects tangibility

and it also seems that you also can not stop talking about god, even if its in the form of incoherent arguments in the form of attacking character

I admit it.
I’m obsessed with God, no less than you are, in the same way I’m obsessed with Gandalf from Lord of the Rings.
I remember as a child incessantly talking about orcs and Middle-Earth, which would, in accordance with your warped logic, make them tangible and relevant and not creations that point to a human condition.

When nerds can’t take their minds off of him - Gandalf that is - then he becomes a social and cultural phenomenon worth studying.
I’m not talking about no “God”, because to do so is to talk about nothing but a social and cultural – a human – phenomenon, but I’m talking about you, as a specimen of human degradation.

Here’s a novel way to determine “tangibility”, you midget of the mind: try using your eyes and ears; your senses in general.
I know the “epistemology” of “ontology” which is based on basing opinion on sensual awareness might be a little frightening to a coward, like you, and that living with uncertainty might cause stress, in a stunted psychology, like yours is, but try it anyways.
What you don’t see or hear…don’t believe in, and don’t invent things to explain what you see and hear or to shelter you from what you see and hear.

Here’s something to consider, you wilting weeping willow: Imagination is the projection of the known into the unknown and the exaggeration of the preferred over the not preferred.
Self-awareness inflated and simplified into an ideal or into a reaction.

You are governed by fear and need to such a degree that it consumes your every rational thought.
Fear is a human motivator, in all cases, but how one reacts to it or copes with it is a matter of individual traits and of a state of Becoming.

The absence of fear is due to ignorance or habituation; the overcoming of fear is due to courage; the submission to fear is cowardice.

You, my resident selective logician, are totally submissive to fear.
You just call it faith to escape the awareness of your own quality.
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Originally Posted by lightgigantic
actually since you have no evidence that god does not exist, all you have are your beliefs - unless you also see no problem advocating that over 75% of the contributors on sci forums have not seen your brain, therefore it is safe to assume that you don't have one

M*W: Don't put your words in my mouth. I said 75% of the people in the world (not the members of sciforums, which is probably much more than 75% against the belief in your god) don't believe in your god.
Several of us have posted the pie chart along with the statistics, so you know very well what I am talking about.

the general principle I was trying to establish is that it is absurd to try and determine the truth of something by taking a vote - all you indicate is that atheism is popular on sciforums - it says nothing about how substantial the case is for atheism
Just like nobody on sci forums has actually seen your brain, but to say that you don't have a brain is absurd, since there is something so irrevocable about a person perceiving themselves as alive that no amount of votes to the contrary can destabilize.

I searched for god and I found it for a time, but it proved to be a lie.
scientifically speaking, if a person reports a failure in the pursuit of a conclusion, there are two possibilities

1) The conclusion is false
2) The process utilized to determine the process was false

In regards to your case, an analysis of what your 'searching' involved is required - then it would be possible to determine which option is applicable to your circumstance

the general principle I was trying to establish is that it is absurd to try and determine the truth of something by taking a vote - all you indicate is that atheism is popular on sciforums - it says nothing about how substantial the case is for atheism
Just like nobody on sci forums has actually seen your brain, but to say that you don't have a brain is absurd, since there is something so irrevocable about a person perceiving themselves as alive that no amount of votes to the contrary can destabilize.[

M*W: I was not suggesting a literal vote. The statement was rhetorical. We've voted on this premise a few times already.

scientifically speaking, if a person reports a failure in the pursuit of a conclusion, there are two possibilities

1) The conclusion is false
2) The process utilized to determine the process was false

M*W: In my search, the conclusion was false.

In regards to your case, an analysis of what your 'searching' involved is required - then it would be possible to determine which option is applicable to your circumstance

M*W: I've stated clearly many times before of the purpose of search, my methods of search, my belief of search, my depth of search, and the ultimate conclusion of my search. Mind you, I went into my search with the belief that I had already found the conclusion that Jesus was the savior, he died for me, I would have everlasting life and would attain heaven. I was serious in my quest and the false conclusion never entered my mind. I taught christianity to children as well as adults, and I was an active member in my community. When the false conclusion appeared, I fought to prove it wrong for a number of years, but all roads led me back to its false conclusion. From there came the confirmations, one by one, until the picture was extremely clear that it was a false religion. That said, all religion is man-made, therefore, false. The best one could attain spiritually on this planet is a belief in the philosophy of altruism, but as far as worshipping god/s, there are none.
M*W: I was not suggesting a literal vote. The statement was rhetorical. We've voted on this premise a few times already.

M*W: In my search, the conclusion was false.

M*W: I've stated clearly many times before of the purpose of search, my methods of search, my belief of search, my depth of search, and the ultimate conclusion of my search. Mind you, I went into my search with the belief that I had already found the conclusion that Jesus was the savior, he died for me, I would have everlasting life and would attain heaven. I was serious in my quest and the false conclusion never entered my mind. I taught christianity to children as well as adults, and I was an active member in my community. When the false conclusion appeared, I fought to prove it wrong for a number of years, but all roads led me back to its false conclusion. From there came the confirmations, one by one, until the picture was extremely clear that it was a false religion. That said, all religion is man-made, therefore, false. The best one could attain spiritually on this planet is a belief in the philosophy of altruism, but as far as worshipping god/s, there are none.

all you are discussing here is the extent of your application and not an analysis of what you applied
mind you this is a common trend I have noticed amongst some branches of christianity - namely a focus on 'just believe in jesus' bereft of a philosophical or even applicative foundation