Why Is The Moon Not Spinning Then?

The Good News: The current cold spell is just temporary and is an after-result of the last inferior conjunction with Venus 6 years ago. The time delay is due to the time taken for the extra mixing of cold bottom waters to reach the surface. This also implies that another cold spell can now be accurately predicted for 2018 with some confidence. All assuming that the above differential spin theory is verified by mainstream science of course.
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The Good News: The current cold spell is just temporary and is an after-result of the last inferior conjunction with Venus 6 years ago. The time delay is due to the time taken for the extra mixing of cold bottom waters to reach the surface. This also implies that another cold spell can now be accurately predicted for 2018 with some confidence. All assuming that the above differential spin theory is verified by mainstream science of course.

Word salad. Get psychiatric help.
Here's the latest evidence to suggest that the continents move twice as fast as thought Fossil links humans and monkeys
More nonsense / misunderstanding of what you read. There is NOTHING in your link even about the continents moving, much less anything stating that the rate is higher than previously believed.

If I am wrong and missed it, please quote that part of the link's text back to me.
Here's the latest evidence that dark matter tidal forces is a good contender: Heart of darkness could explain sun mysteries which states:
IS DARK matter lurking at the centre of our bright sun? Yes, say two research groups who believe the elusive stuff is cooling the solar core.
The DM tidal forcing effect, which isn't looked into by either research team can explain the big problem which they both currently have, namely:
Not everyone is convinced. Joyce Guzik, West's collaborator at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, points out that while there is a problem with current models of the sun, the difficulty is that these models already give a lower solar temperature than the one observed. Adding a chilling effect at the core only makes this discrepancy harder to resolve.
I've emailed Prof Sakar of Oxford University with this idea:
Brown dwarf dark matter tidal effects would solve low sun temperature problem‏
Hi again Prof Sakar, I've just read the New Scientist article and have realise how the dark matter tidal effects can explain the big problem to you own model and that of Royal Holloway. To quote the magazine:

Not everyone is convinced. Joyce Guzik, West's collaborator at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, points out that while there is a problem with current models of the sun, the difficulty is that these models already give a lower solar temperature than the one observed. Adding a chilling effect at the core only makes this discrepancy harder to resolve.

Please be aware that dark matter tidal effects can also explain the 100,000 year ice age mystery: the cycle of the Earth above and below the plane of angular mometum of the solar system (close to the orbit of Jupiter) is also 100,000 years. It implies that the Sun's dark matter core must be gravitationally stronger in the direction of the ecliptic.

Regards, Alan
This thread, “Why Is The Moon Not Spinning Then?” should be locked.

I, Alphanumeric & occasionally phlogistician still correct the stream of nonsense posted by common_sense_seeker in this thread, but I plan to stop doing so and probably I was correcting as much as the other two still posting combined.

This stream of nonsense got thread moved to Pseudoscience long ago, but it needs to be locked now to prevent common_sense_seeker from continuing to post uncorrected nonsense there as someone might be mislead by it.

I am inclined to agree with AlphaNumeric’s idea that common_sense_seeker need psychological help, mainly for his desperate efforts to appear intelligent and an important contributor to science.

His pattern is to reference something he has read, but poorly understood, and then invent a totally nonsensical theory with jargon words that usually are self contradictory (or just a "word salad" without any meaning). Always his theories are in conflict with observations but he posts them.
All assuming that the above differential spin theory is verified by mainstream science of course.
You don't have a 'theory', you have random wordy guesses which have absolutely no modelling ability.

I've emailed Prof Sakar of Oxford University with this idea:
Don't bother people who actually spent time learning physics with your ignorant delusional nonsense. You don't listen to the people on this forum with working knowledge in any area of physics and while emailing an Oxford professor might get a politer reply it'll amount to the same thing, "You're wrong. Go away".
But you don't deny that dark matter at the center of the Sun is a leading contender for cutting edge scientific research, do you?
But you don't deny that dark matter at the center of the Sun is a leading contender for cutting edge scientific research, do you?
not denying that could be researched, but it is of lower priority than dark matter at center of the earth, which is much lower priority than the search for unicorns.
If dark matter is confirmed to exist at the center of the Sun, then it's only a stone's throw from the experts speculating about dark matter at the center of out own planet, isn't it?
You mean revolving, not rotating.
Hi IamJoseph, you sound like an intelligent well informed human being and so I'd like your opinion on my alternative to Dark Matter May Be Building Up Inside the Sun
The amount of dark matter within the sun could be largely unchanging, but the orientation of the orbiting planets above and below the plane of the ecliptic could result in unseen tidal bulging of the innermost core. My dark matter innermost core hypothesis fits exactly with observations imo.
An exotic core within the Sun and Earth could result in extra tidal effects on Earth due to the exotic core being accelerated more strongly towards the Sun's plane of rotation. This would explain the ice ages. The Earth moves up and down in a 100,000 year orbital inclination cycle. Abyssal mixing of the cold bottom ocean with surface waters could be the mechanism for regular planetary cooling which triggers an ice age imo, Internal Tides and their importance to abyssal mixing and the meridional overturning circulation. What do you think?
from Prof Brian Cox, coordinator of the CERN particle accelerator
He works there, sometimes, he isn't the coordinator.

and check out this conversation with a physicist who's starting to agree with me Dark Matter May Be Building Up Inside the Sun
No one is agreeing with you, as they don't know anything about you or what you've randomly guessed. Physicists are using models of the Sun and dark matter and observations to construct physically viable models. You're just making stuff up on a subject you have no understanding of and have no experimental data on. You're deluding yourself if you think people are 'agreeing with you'.

An exotic core within the Sun and Earth could result in extra tidal effects on Earth due to the exotic core being accelerated more strongly towards the Sun's plane of rotation.
Demonstrate this with a quantitative model.

You don't have one and that's why your 'physicists are agreeing with me' is false, they are actually come up with quantitative models which could stand a chance of passing tests, you're just making stuff up randomly.

you sound like an intelligent well informed human being
And you don't.

What do you think?
That you need to learn what the scientific method is.
You mean revolving, not rotating.
Don't put words in Ophiolite's writings. He meant rotating. That's the point of this thread: The moon is rotating about its own axis and it is orbiting the Earth. The periods of these two motions are on average equal to one another due to tidal locking, but the instantaneous rates are not equal. That is why we can over time see more than half (59%) of the Moon's surface from the Earth.
The Earth and moon both orbit the sun. At times the moon is very slightly (less than 1%) closer to the sun than Earth (new moon condition) and 14 days later the moon is very slightly (as percentage) more distant (full moon condition).

When it is more distant both Earth and sun can see the same side, but 14 days later the moon has rotated 180 degrees about its axis so then the sun can see the other side - the one never turned towards the Earth.

If the Earth were to magically vanish, the moon would continue to orbit the sun and continue to spin on its own axis at the same rate (one full 360 turn about its axis in ~ 28 days)

That the moon does spin on it own axis is so clear (with the above) that anyone who cannot understand and accept this fact must be very stupid.

Please close this thread.
No one is agreeing with you..
Your wrong. Here's the synopsis of what I said:
An exotic core within the Sun and Earth could result in extra tidal effects on Earth due to the exotic core being accelerated more strongly towards the Sun's plane of rotation. This would explain the ice ages. The Earth moves up and down in a 100,000 year orbital inclination cycle. Abyssal mixing of the cold bottom ocean with surface waters could be the mechanism for regular planetary cooling which triggers an ice age imo, Internal Tides and their importance to abyssal mixing and the meridional overturning circulation. What do you think?
And this is a sample of his replies:
I am a physicist, I am happy to discuss this further
and later on, the confession:
Well that is certainly a very coherent and plausible argument. I still don't see how dark matter is supposed to accumulate in planet/star cores, however.
To which I replied:
Thank you very much sepulchrave, it's much appreciated..No, nor do I incidentally, that was Subir Sakar's idea of Oxford University. I propose that exotic matter has always been at the center of stars and planets, being created in the early universe. He also said something which relates to my visual analogy of the two opposing high energy spirals crashing into one another..
how the hell is this thread still alive?!? It's been on this forum for almost as long as I have.

How the hell is it still active, ITS COMMON SENSE!
Where, in any of the quoted replies do you see agreement?
The one where he says "Well that is certainly a very coherent and plausible argument" of course. This new revelation good tip the balance towards the announcement to the world of a full and complete Theory of Everything, elusive to physicists and mathematicians so far. People who are saying that this thread should be closed are dumb to the fact that the prospect of a new energy source could halt the American military's plans for invading Iran for their 10% world oil and gas supplies. The Israelis are just itching for the go-ahead from the U.S military apparently: Israel needs green light from US to assault Iran – Chossudovsky (6 Aug 2010)