Why Is The Moon Not Spinning Then?

Melbourne University's Physics Department, Dr. Robert Foot's
You'll listen to physicists you've never met on subjects you know nothing about, on subjects which they haven't got passed peer review yet you'll ignore it when people with doctorates here tell you you're wrong.

There's no point in you saying "I think a PhD agrees with me" because when a PhD doesn't you just ignore them. You only listen to people who say what you want to hear, you have no interest in truth.
Shadowlands: quest for mirror matter in the universe
At last, a popular physics book that presents a bold far-reaching hypothesis that is actually experimentally testable. This makes a refreshing change from other books of this genre. Could mirror matter really be the "dark matter" whose existence is inferred from its gravitational effects on the visible Universe? We'll have to wait for further experimental and observational results before we know for sure.
... Shadowlands: quest for mirror matter in the universe
Your link to an imagined new form of matter (and light that can't be seen) is too limited. It forgot entirely about smoke matter.
The full story is there is a lot of smoke and mirror matter postulated, with no evidence.
..The full story is there is a lot of smoke and mirror matter postulated, with no evidence.
There is evidence though apparently. Dr Robert Foot kindly replied to my email to tell me so:
RE: Mirror Matter Universe Imploded To Become Smoke-Ring Universe?‏
yes..i agree that there might be evidence for dark matter inside the sun transporting energy...
seems to be a difficult problem to quantitatively predice the effects of this though...

my own personal view, at the moment, is that the best way to test dark matter candidate like
mirror dark matter is via direct detection experiments, which are very interesting right now...
given positive evidence from DAMA/Libra, cogent..and other experiments...
best regards, R. Foot
Titan Raises Tsunamis in Saturn Ring

Yet more circumstancial evidence which fits the exotic matter inner core (EMIC) hypothesis Titan Raises Tsunamis in Saturn Ring
A crack in one of Saturn’s rings could be held open by the planet’s largest moon, Titan. A new analysis of data from the Cassini orbiter shows that Titan’s gravity lifts part of the ring in a rotating tidal wave almost two miles high.
It's not precisely modelled, like the article says, so the orbital resonance effect is largely inferred, if I'm not mistaken. The inclination orbits of the moons is therefore most definitely not modelled then. The extra gravitational kick from a moon which is both close and at a high inclination equally fits the measured observations imv.
This and some other work suggests there might not be one explanation for gaps, there may be three or four or even more different dynamical circumstances that can give rise to these gaps.”
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Here's the latest surprise findings which fits the EMIC hypothesis Sun's activity flies in face of climate expectations
IF NEW satellite data can be trusted, changes in solar activity warmed the Earth when they should have cooled it.

Joanna Haigh of Imperial College London studied satellite measurements of solar radiation between 2004 and 2007, when overall solar activity was in decline. The sun puts out less energy when its activity is low, but different types of radiation vary to different degrees. Until now, this had been poorly studied.

Haigh's measurements showed that visible radiation increased between 2004 and 2007, when it was expected to decrease, and ultraviolet radiation dropped four times as much as predicted.

Haigh then plugged her data into an atmospheric model to calculate how the patterns affected energy filtering through the atmosphere. Previous studies have shown that Earth is normally cooler during solar minima.Yet the model suggested that more solar energy reached the planet's surface during the period, warming it by ...
My model says that exotic matter inner core (EMIC) tidal bulges can drastically alter the output of the sun and is a sign that we are entering the early stages of an ice age. The sun gets hotter but the oceans get colder.
My model says that exotic matter inner core (EMIC) tidal bulges can drastically alter the output of the sun and is a sign that we are entering the early stages of an ice age. The sun gets hotter but the oceans get colder.
which astronomical variable correlates with your continued descent into self indulgent stupidity?
Here's the latest surprise findings which fits the EMIC hypothesis Sun's activity flies in face of climate expectations
Being consistent with does not imply justification of.

No observation has ever contradicted the claim "Somewhere in the universe there is a moon made of cheese" but that doesn't mean our observations support such a claim.

Is this too subtle a point for you to grasp? Do you need to have it explained? Its just that you seem to continually fail to grasp why all your links don't support your claims.

My model says that exotic matter inner core (EMIC) tidal bulges can drastically alter the output of the sun and is a sign that we are entering the early stages of an ice age. The sun gets hotter but the oceans get colder.
Provide your 'model'. If you can't actually provide a model, something which makes quantitative predictions which can then be looked for, then it isn't a model. Models model. What you have is a vague random guess based on ignorance and self delusion. All you've said boils down to "I claim there's something going on in the Sun we don't yet fully understand". No one would deny there isn't still a hell of a lot we don't understand about stars and their interactions with one another and their solar systems. What you're doing is akin to a religious person using 'god of the gaps' arguments, where anything which we don't understand is automatically explained by 'god did it'. Anything which is said about the Sun which doesn't perfectly align with current understanding you say 'My model did it', ie your 'model' is the explanation.

And just like the religious people saying "God did it" your claims have no explanatory power at all.
Here's the latest findings which fits like a glove for the mirror matter build-up of structure before imploding into our smoke-ring universe, orientation, creating a "preferred direction", or axis, across the cosmos

They took ten year old observations using a visible light telescope looking north, and a radio telescope looking south, and found a difference of 10e-5. Now, if they can find the same results with an optical telescope looking south and a radio telescope looking north, I'll pay attention to it.
Here's something to think about and relates to our misunderstanding of the dark matter interior of the planets, comets and stars imo Massive dark object 'lurking on edge of solar system hurling comets at Earth'

Now new calculations suggest a large object that is up to four times as big as Jupiter could be responsible for sending them in our direction.
The scientists have analysed the comets in the Oort cloud and deduced that 25 per-cent of them would need a nudge by a body of at least Jupiter size before they changed orbit. Astrophysicists John Matese and Daniel Whitmire at the University of Louisiana came up with theory said that 'something smaller than a Jovian mass would not be strong enough to perform the task'.
They believe that our solar system has a hidden 'companion' that has so far remained undetected.
The scientists have been studying the cloud using WISE, Nasa's infra-red space telescope that is capable of detecting dark objects.
Matese said: 'I think this whole issue will be resolved in the next five to 10 years, because there’s surveys coming on line that will dwarf the comet sample we have today.
I bet the dark object is non-baryonic, a lot smaller than Jupiter yet still having around four times it's gravitational influence.

Congratulations to common_sense_seeker - finally a post that is interesting and informative (with little nonsense)

I published a book, called Dark Visitor several years ago mainly as I hoped to scare some bright students into becoming interested in the harder sciences (in stead of getting rich on walk street or in law firms). It told of an impending cosmic disaster that would kill all living in the Northern Hemisphere by a permanent new and different type of ice age there* and make life difficult for us who live in the Southern Hemisphere with torrential rains that wash away coastal cities like Rio.

I hoped they would check out the physic in book, which is really a physic book in disguise, and find the predictions of the approaching, dark visitor, which is only detectable by careful study of Pluto's orbit, was completely possible and rethink their career choices.

Although one chapter describes about five different object that might be the dark visitor, including a dense condensate of N & S, the very heavy magnetic monopoles, I suggested it was probable a small black hole. - Certainly that would not be detectable** by telescopes until it entered the solar wind and possibly made a faint "quasar." It did not occur to me prior to your post that perhaps "dark matter" (your "non-baryons", I assume) might also be able to make a small back hole. Perhaps most of it has made small black holes so only their collective gravity is evident?

* The impulse of it passing makes Earth's orbit slight more elliptic so in N.H. summers are cooler (earth 11% farther from sun) and winters warmer (earth nearer the sun) - which superficially seems like a blessing, but it is in mild winter weather that the greatest snow falls occur and that weather, after passage of the D.V., lasts for months. The following cooler summers of the N. H. do not melt all the accumulated snow so in N.H. the albeda is increasing so even less snow is melted, etc. In about a decade, most of US has permanent snow cover: in a few decades all the world's ports are useless with the lower sea levels and in 100 years it is impossible to remove thick ice sheet covering the N.H., North of the tropics.

Southern Hemisphere winters are colder but the damage is done by the greatly increased summer evaporation of the oceans covering most of the S.H. That evaporation is also the water source for the N.H.'s growing ices sheet as well as the torrential rains falling every summer eve in the S.H.

** larger black holes can be detected by stellar lens effects, but not if they are modest size and are close to earth as then the transit time, seen from earth, in front of the more distant is too short.
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Okay, thanks for the backhanded compliment Billy T. I get where you're coming from with the dynamics of the ice ages and appreciate that you finally acknowledge non-baryonic dark matter as a good alternative to a "mini-black hole" as our dark wanderer. I don't agree with the mini-black hole idea incidentally, it sounds like a deduction of someone who hasn't given the non-baryonic matter due consideration. The advantage of the non-baryonic matter hypothesis is that it can also explain why the moon appears to be moving away from the Earth at a measured 3.7 cm/yr. I propose that the Earth is moving closer to the Sun at a faster rate than the moon is, giving the illusion that the moon is gaining angular momentum via the Earth's rotation and gravity field. The reason why the Earth is moving more rapidly towards the sun is probably due to TWO factors
  1. The ratio of interior dark matter to outer baryonic is higher in the Earth
  2. The orbit of the moon takes it into a slightly weaker non-baryonic dark matter gravitational field of the sun
The second reason you will probably find confusing since it assumes that non-baryonic dark matter emits a gravitational field which is non-symetrical.
... The advantage of the non-baryonic matter hypothesis is that it can also explain why the moon appears to be moving away from the Earth at a measured 3.7 cm/yr. I propose that the Earth is moving closer to the Sun at a faster rate than the moon is, giving the illusion that the moon is gaining angular momentum via the Earth's rotation and gravity field. The reason why the Earth is moving more rapidly towards the sun is probably due to TWO factors
  1. The ratio of interior dark matter to outer baryonic is higher in the Earth
  2. The orbit of the moon takes it into a slightly weaker non-baryonic dark matter gravitational field of the sun
The second reason you will probably find confusing since it assumes that non-baryonic dark matter emits a gravitational field which is non-symetrical.
I see you have recovered from your brief bout of sanity.