Why Is The Moon Not Spinning Then?

Where, in any of the quoted replies do you see agreement?
The one where he says "Well that is certainly a very coherent and plausible argument" of course. This new revelation good tip the balance towards the announcement to the world of a full and complete Theory of Everything, elusive to physicists and mathematicians so far. People who are saying that this thread should be closed are dumb to the fact that the prospect of a new energy source could halt the American military's plans for invading Iran for their 10% world oil and gas supplies. The Israelis are just itching for the go-ahead from the U.S military apparently: Israel needs green light from US to assault Iran – Chossudovsky (6 Aug 2010)
The one where he says "Well that is certainly a very coherent and plausible argument" of course.

But you ignore the bit where he says;

"I still don't see how dark matter is supposed to accumulate in planet/star cores, however."

Look, you email this guy, he isn't going to reply with 'fuck off you loon' in case that gets published and it gives him bad press. So he sends out a polite email, with a clue in it as to why your theory is wrong.

But you overlook the problem he highlighted, and concentrated on the polite fluff. He hasn't validated your theory, he's just humoured you.

You know, like the time you got told the orbit of the Ikonos satellite meant it couldn't take pictures at night, and you believed the guy that fobbed you off.
how the hell is this thread still alive?!? It's been on this forum for almost as long as I have.

How the hell is it still active, ITS COMMON SENSE!

Mayb because its interestin that no mater how clearly its esplaned... som very inteligent people can not understan that even tho the moon rotates on an internal axis... we always see the sam side of the moon from earf.!!!
Hi IamJoseph, you sound like an intelligent well informed human being and so I'd like your opinion on my alternative to Dark Matter May Be Building Up Inside the Sun
An exotic core within the Sun and Earth could result in extra tidal effects on Earth due to the exotic core being accelerated more strongly towards the Sun's plane of rotation. This would explain the ice ages. The Earth moves up and down in a 100,000 year orbital inclination cycle. Abyssal mixing of the cold bottom ocean with surface waters could be the mechanism for regular planetary cooling which triggers an ice age imo, Internal Tides and their importance to abyssal mixing and the meridional overturning circulation. What do you think?

I'm always learning. I want to know why the moon does not rotate, and if this is the case with all moons.

I see the sun being the main impacter of the planets, however I see the sun itself as being an intrument in a bigger picture. I see also the entire galaxy as being intruments which control this solar system - including the sun. If the earth oscilates to and fro to maintain its distance - too close and it gets sucked up, too far and it is flung into space - this requires a control factor exerted from a source outside the solar system as a maintaining factor: both the pull and run of the earth cannot be upto the sun - nor of the gravity derived from its revolutions. The number of end results, like rain, gas mix, food substances, etc, make a simple mechanical factor non-plausable.

If one decides there is a majestic engineering construct, as is evidenced by the equations we formulate, then this cannot be limited to this solar system. What keeps the sun in its position, even as the entire space is moving at an excellerating speed? Where does this impact begin and end? Dark matter is a counter balance only.
Israel needs green light from US to assault Iran – Chossudovsky (6 Aug 2010)[/B][/url]

That didn't happen with Iraq in '81. I see Iran a greater threat to the other Islamic states and to Europe - who are far more reliant on oil and weapons commerce here than is Israel.

How can a nuke assist Iran if it will destroy the Muslims in Palestine, Jordan, Syria and Egypt? This issue can only be resolved by restoring the Balfour, sending Jordan's monarch back to Saudi Arabia and facing the truth of the Balfour's corruption being the entire cause of today's terror. The blame in its entirety falls on Europe - but there is none to judge that set of nations and the crimes they keep perpetrating post-W.W.II.
No, it really doesn't.

The issue of intergration says it does and must. Nothing within our earth is not intergrated, in both the macro and micro levels. This is the nature of the universe proven by our own planet - by a ratio of being more so than not so. We can also see uniformity in the universe's galaxies - they all spiral out and contain moving sphears - which evidences the factor of intergration.

The reason we don't know what these intergrating factors are is strictly due to our own limitations at this time. It is guaranteed that we will find out more, and transcend the time-space shakles - else we are all doomed.
I'm always learning. I want to know why the moon does not rotate, and if this is the case with all moons.
I liked this part of what you said alright. The simple answer is that the standard model of gravity and supposed induced angular momentum from the Earth is unverified in the lab and can be deduced to be incorrect. See if you can comprehend this 'mindbender' which I've just given sepulchre, the physicist form the nice forum where people don't insult each other:
No, I totally disagree. It's the final succinct simulation model which is paramount and not the mathematical formulae involved imv. You seem to have slipped back into 'what you know' imo which is understandable. One thing which stands out is your apparent inability to comprehend that the inverse square law is a natural product of any type of particle radiation from a point source and has nothing to do with gravity per se. If the monarch of the time of Newton asked him:
"Mr Newton, they say you're the best scientist in the land, and I wish to know why it is that when I move away from my fire I get much more cold than I would expect and then if I move the same distance away again, it's as if I don't have a fire lit at all! Why is that?"Do you see that he would have still come up with the inverse square law, whether he was contemplating the king's fire pit or the motion of the planets? I apologise if you think I'm being petty or patronising, but it's this kind of lateral thinking which makes a scientist rather than a mathematical copyist imo.
Citation needed.
Since when did a soft porn site require a citation? The notion of space-time has been superceded Rethinking Einstein: The end of space-time
Physicists struggling to reconcile gravity with quantum mechanics have hailed a theory – inspired by pencil lead – that could make it all very simple

IT WAS a speech that changed the way we think of space and time. The year was 1908, and the German mathematician Hermann Minkowski had been trying to make sense of Albert Einstein's hot new idea - what we now know as special relativity - describing how things shrink as they move faster and time becomes distorted. "Henceforth space by itself and time by itself are doomed to fade into the mere shadows," Minkowski proclaimed, "and only a union of the two will preserve an independent reality."

And so space-time - the malleable fabric whose geometry can be changed by the gravity of stars, planets and matter - was born. It is a concept that has served us well, but if physicist Petr Horava is right, it may be no more than a mirage. Horava, who is at the University of California, Berkeley, wants to rip this fabric apart and set time and space free from one another in order to come up with a unified theory that reconciles the disparate worlds of quantum mechanics and gravity - one the most pressing challenges to modern physics.

Since Horava published his work in January 2009, it has received an astonishing amount of attention. Already, more than 250 papers have been written about it. Some researchers have started using it to explain away the twin cosmological mysteries of dark matter and dark energy. Others are finding that black holes might not behave as we thought. If Horava's idea is right, it could forever change our conception of space and time and lead us to a "theory of everything", applicable to all matter and the forces that act on it.

For decades now, physicists have been stymied in their efforts to reconcile Einstein's general theory of relativity, which describes gravity, and quantum mechanics, which describes particles and forces (except gravity) on the smallest scales. The stumbling block lies with their conflicting views of space and time. As seen by quantum theory, space and time are a static backdrop against which particles move. In Einstein's theories, by contrast, not only are space and time inextricably linked, but the resulting space-time is moulded by the bodies within it.

Part of the motivation behind the quest to marry relativity and quantum theory - to produce a theory of quantum gravity - is an aesthetic desire to unite all the forces of nature. But there is much more to it than that. We also need such a theory to understand what happened immediately after the big bang or what's going on near black holes, where the gravitational fields are immense.

One area where the conflict between quantum theory and relativity comes to the fore is in the gravitational constant, G, the quantity that describes the strength of gravity. On large scales - at the scale of the solar system or of the universe itself - the equations of general relativity yield a value of G that tallies with observed behaviour. But when you zoom in to very small distances, general relativity cannot ignore quantum fluctuations of space-time. Take them into account and any calculation of G gives ridiculous answers, making predictions impossible.
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That didn't justify what I asked you to justify. I asked you to provide a citation that the standard gravitational models have been unverified in a lab. There's plenty of experiments which verify the current models of gravity to as accurate a level as technologically possible, so the predictions of GR have stood up to plenty of tests. Hence your claim seems unjustified. And when I ask you to justify it you provide a link to someone putting forth a theoretical model, which doesn't have anywhere close to the experimental testing of GR. As it happens I'm not unfamiliar with Horava gravity, I'm well aware it was a hot topic in theoretical physics about 2 years ago. It got a lot of initial attention and then it died away when it failed to come up with all the goods people thought it might. Besides, I'm sure that if I tried the 'This topic has had a lot of papers written on it, therefore you should accept what I say' you'd not accept it. After all if you're going to accept arguments from authority or popularity then you must always accept the majority view of physicists and obviously you don't.

Can you provide a reference to a reputable experimental result which demonstrates general relativity is false or a reputable source saying that current gravity models lack any verification. That's what I asked for.
That didn't justify what I asked you to justify. I asked you to provide a citation that the standard gravitational models have been unverified in a lab. There's plenty of experiments which verify the current models of gravity to as accurate a level as technologically possible, so the predictions of GR have stood up to plenty of tests. Hence your claim seems unjustified. And when I ask you to justify it you provide a link to someone putting forth a theoretical model, which doesn't have anywhere close to the experimental testing of GR. As it happens I'm not unfamiliar with Horava gravity, I'm well aware it was a hot topic in theoretical physics about 2 years ago. It got a lot of initial attention and then it died away when it failed to come up with all the goods people thought it might. Besides, I'm sure that if I tried the 'This topic has had a lot of papers written on it, therefore you should accept what I say' you'd not accept it. After all if you're going to accept arguments from authority or popularity then you must always accept the majority view of physicists and obviously you don't.

Can you provide a reference to a reputable experimental result which demonstrates general relativity is false or a reputable source saying that current gravity models lack any verification. That's what I asked for.

This implies you can prove candidates for dark matter.

You see, there are observable issues not decided by GR.

So, we need dark matter or a new theory of gravity.

But, of course, dark energy is an additional problem.

Do you have any candidates for this?
This implies you can prove candidates for dark matter.
The motion of the Earth about the Sun was what CSS was talking about. Dark matter doesn't come into it, as we have viable models for the motion of the Earth. I'm asking him to justify his claims otherwise.

Besides, CSS accepts dark matter so he obviously wasn't talking about that.

You see, there are observable issues not decided by GR.
Are you using 'decided' in some logic context for no reason or was it just a poor choice of words?

So, we need dark matter or a new theory of gravity.

Do you have any candidates for this?
Where did I say I did?
This implies you can prove candidates for dark matter.
You see, there are observable issues not decided by GR.
So, we need dark matter or a new theory of gravity.
But, of course, dark energy is an additional problem.
Do you have any candidates for this?
Hey Jack, there's new evidence to support my pet hypothesis of an asymmetric dark matter core of the Sun, Is the Sun Emitting a Mystery Particle?
The sun link was made even stronger when Peter Sturrock, Stanford professor emeritus of applied physics, suggested that the Purdue scientists look for other recurring patterns in decay rates. As an expert of the inner workings of the sun, Sturrock had a hunch that solar neutrinos might hold the key to this mystery.
Sure enough, the researchers noticed the decay rates vary repeatedly every 33 days -- a period of time that matches the rotational period of the core of the sun. The solar core is the source of solar neutrinos.
It may all sound rather circumstantial, but these threads of evidence appear to lead to a common source of the radioactive decay rate variation. But there's a huge problem with speculation that solar neutrinos could impact decay rates on Earth: neutrinos aren't supposed to work like that.
Neutrinos, born from the nuclear processes in the core of the sun, are ghostly particles. They can literally pass through the Earth unhindered as they so weakly interact. How could such a quantum welterweight have any measurable impact on radioactive samples in the lab?
In short, nobody knows.
If neutrinos are the culprits, it means we are falling terribly short of understanding the true nature of these subatomic particles. But if (and this is a big if) neutrinos aren't to blame, is the sun generating an as-yet-to-be- discovered particle?

If either case is true, we'll have to go back and re-write those textbooks
They should also check the summer/winter data for a pattern which matches the Earth's yearly inclination cycle, which is currently 9 Jan and 9 July. I bet they do which would support the whole hypothesis an absolute treat.
Hey Jack, there's new evidence to support my pet hypothesis of an asymmetric dark matter core of the Sun, Is the Sun Emitting a Mystery Particle?
It doesn't, as you have made no predictions about particle emissions, nor do you have a model even capable of doing such quantitative things. Your logic seems to be "If something to do with the Sun can't be immediately explained then its evidence I'm right". Flawed logic, as usual.
Hey Jack, there's new evidence to support my pet hypothesis of an asymmetric dark matter core of the Sun, Is the Sun Emitting a Mystery Particle?

They should also check the summer/winter data for a pattern which matches the Earth's yearly inclination cycle, which is currently 9 Jan and 9 July. I bet they do which would support the whole hypothesis an absolute treat.
Oops, I meant to say "exotic matter innermost core of the Sun and Earth"..
Oops, I did it again, should I have said neutrino matter innermost core..?
No, because that does nothing to justify your position and I suspect that you're simply throwing out as many different buzzwords as you can possibly manage and then when anything is determined about the Sun by people who actually do science you'll then say "Look, I mentioned this ages ago!". Its confirmation bias, because you highlight your 'correct' claim and ignore it was one of fifty, none of which you provided justification for.
I asked you to provide a citation that the standard gravitational models have been unverified in a lab. There's plenty of experiments which verify the current models of gravity to as accurate a level as technologically possible, so the predictions of GR have stood up to plenty of tests. Hence your claim seems unjustified. And when I ask you to justify it you provide a link to someone putting forth a theoretical model, which doesn't have anywhere close to the experimental testing of GR. ..........Can you provide a reference to a reputable experimental result which demonstrates general relativity is false or a reputable source saying that current gravity models lack any verification. That's what I asked for.
Common Sense Seeker, entire families of impoverished school children in south Yorkshire are waiting patiently for you to respond to Alpha's request. If you are unable to do so the poor little mites will be forced to conclude that their hero is a charlatan. Will you destroy their faith, or will your put up?