Why is God so obsessed with sex?

you can fuck someone upside down and sideways, and what matters is what you're thinking about that person, and why you're fucking them. wake up. snap out of it.
now now now, a say now, wait just, just wait one minute there son.

here's the truth asguard and synth,

nobody's telling you what to do. i sure would hate it if you hurt yourself or someone else, but i can't control that.

what i have in mind is that parable about the wheat and the tares. some of us are wheat, and some of us are tares. you might make ok fertilizer, and i'll plant my seed on top of your graves.
really, so confirm this for me

a penis is ONLY ment to go into a vigina and nothing else (except the ovious purpose in urination) correct?
really, so confirm this for me

a penis is ONLY ment to go into a vigina and nothing else (except the ovious purpose in urination) correct?

what do you think? where is a penis supposed to go, and what is it supposed to do, and why? come on sherlock. you can figure this out...
so thats a yes then?

So how do you explaine the studies which show that if a women swollows semen then she is more likly to fall pregant when trying and less likly to have complications such as preclamsia?

What would you say to videos of male dolphines give blowjobs to other male dolphines?

You're right. Thanks.

Penises should only be used for going to the toilet and for sex for the purposes of procreation. And sex for pleasure is wrong. If you don't want to have a child, don't have sex. Ever.

Oh, and masterbation is naughty naughty naughty. And harmful. And God is offended by it. So never ever do that either!

Arranged marriages are the best for all concerned. Spouses should meet on their wedding day, and thereafter only have sex until a baby is conceived. After that, all sexual activities should stop except where other children need to be produced.

Is this the right thing, Lori?

You're right. Thanks.

Penises should only be used for going to the toilet and for sex for the purposes of procreation. And sex for pleasure is wrong. If you don't want to have a child, don't have sex. Ever.

Oh, and masterbation is naughty naughty naughty. And harmful. And God is offended by it. So never ever do that either!

Arranged marriages are the best for all concerned. Spouses should meet on their wedding day, and thereafter only have sex until a baby is conceived. After that, all sexual activities should stop except where other children need to be produced.

Is this the right thing, Lori?

Not to speak for Lori, but this guy makes a great case:

I'll never kill tiny angels again!

You're right. Thanks.

Penises should only be used for going to the toilet and for sex for the purposes of procreation. And sex for pleasure is wrong. If you don't want to have a child, don't have sex. Ever.

Oh, and masterbation is naughty naughty naughty. And harmful. And God is offended by it. So never ever do that either!

Arranged marriages are the best for all concerned. Spouses should meet on their wedding day, and thereafter only have sex until a baby is conceived. After that, all sexual activities should stop except where other children need to be produced.

Is this the right thing, Lori?

So you don't think the social context of sex has any further ramifications on the social context of raising children?

Like a child born of a one parent household has the same opportunities as one born with two?

If not, where do you draw the line?
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You're right. Thanks.

Penises should only be used for going to the toilet and for sex for the purposes of procreation. And sex for pleasure is wrong. If you don't want to have a child, don't have sex. Ever.

Oh, and masterbation is naughty naughty naughty. And harmful. And God is offended by it. So never ever do that either!

Arranged marriages are the best for all concerned. Spouses should meet on their wedding day, and thereafter only have sex until a baby is conceived. After that, all sexual activities should stop except where other children need to be produced.

Is this the right thing, Lori?

see post #34.
This is precisely my problem with Christianity. God placed us in a bind for no reason I have heard of.

Yes, those reasons are not often spoken about. This is simply the predicament of an imprecise engagement with a religion.

I can do what feels like pretending and say I am only these portions of myself over here, but it feels like being my own jailer, which is how the Judao-C rules strike.

Sure, this is what is sometimes called "popular Christianity".

But why the desire to understand this popular Christianity, or make oneself understood to them?

On more subtle levels I have the same problems with Hinduism/Buddhism.

Explain this, please.

No, I think I agree with that if these are the premises these are the consequences.

But you don't find them acceptable?

If I am a garden, then it is not dirt, but soil, out of which flowers grow. The very soil that feeds us and supports us as we walk and out of which tremendous beauty flows has come to be called dirt.

This is mixing metaphors. We can't expect communication to still make sense if we mix metaphors like this. I was operating out of the one of the "cleaning the house", not out of "I am a garden".
so thats a yes then?

So how do you explaine the studies which show that if a women swollows semen then she is more likly to fall pregant when trying and less likly to have complications such as preclamsia?

What would you say to videos of male dolphines give blowjobs to other male dolphines?

not much. it might be enlightening to see male dolphins giving head along side male humans giving head, and then when the recipient has an orgasm, they could both flap their arms and squeak.
so you dont have an answer as to why even in nature "just sex" for procreation alone doesnt exist or why there is an evolutionary advantage to oral sex then?