Why is everyone signing off at Scxforums?

I still don't know what passively agressive means and to whom it applies...

Have I done you no favours? Have I not been good? Yet you show no respect. You come in here, you don't call me don...

Jumping Jellyfish, has anyone noticed how many pages we've used up in the space of an hour
Passively agressive usually means you try to hurt someone else but you act innocently. All it means is you want to flame someone, discredit someone, or hurt someone in anyway, but you are too much of a pussy to do it blatantly.

It happens to me once here when someone is intending to defame my character, but he later said something equivalent of "oh, I am not trying to flame him. I don't get in flame wars"
I guess I'm sometimes guilty of that, but my insults are usualy only playful.

You'll see when I'm not joking.
Ye gods! Page 7 already? And still no resolution in sight. Aie.

Hmmm...seems like we'll have to congratulate A4ever soon on hitting the mighty 600, seeing as how he's posting like a maniac on pills. :D

(oohhh..:D is much better than :), you're right Joeman)
Well, first I gotta get my cane, hearing trumpet, and spectacles. Ya know how them youngsters are now-a-days, why they think they growed up!

To be truthful, I probably have one of the worst talents for speeling on the boards. (pats trusty spell checker) That there speel checker changes stuff fer me. And sometimes it gets crochety and changes things I didn't want changed, to worse than I started with!

Ah well...

Brolly, I'm goona whip some stuff on ya. (Nope, this ain't beat up time) You got a noggin for something besides a hat rack. Use it. It works. I don't care how you spell it as long as it can be figured out. (Like I said, I ain't gonna win no blue ribbons either.) You may be young but that's no handicap. The point is bring some stuff to the table to talk with. You have interests, everybody does. Even at your age there are things you can tell people that they don't know. Nobody can learn it all, so that leaves room for everybody. Now, I don't want to hear about you being deaf. No sympathy here for that. Just because it is difficult to hear didn't stop the input to your brain. It doesn't interfer with the connection between mind and hand either. So express yourself. Say what you mean and show you got it between the ears. (I know you do, but you gotta show it.) No one can do that for you but you. There are some things you got to do for yourself, this is one of them.

You have friends here sticking up for you. That says something about you. Your friends believe in you and are loyal to you else they would not come to bat for you. So we know you have good qualities; show 'em...
If you remember at some page 2 I did a repsponse that sounded a bit like poem (I didn't do that on purpose)
now I thought of the second verse:)
duno where all these words come from though:confused:

come then
show your might
fall on me and bite my flesh
strive for my blood and seek my veins
I'll toss you away like hyenas in a wind

I see your fear...sweat leaving marks on your faces
trechourous beasts, you attack me from behind
and hack your rotten teeth in my unprotected back
and though these may be my final drops of blood
I tear your throat and you fall with me
in the pool of red floating life
Last edited:

You said my insults didn't get anywhere. This might be getting somewhere don't you think?

If I didn't take the initiative and do something drastic, how much longer do you think it will take to get point across?

This is the first time I am called a bully. As I said, I am normally a puppy dog. Xev is a pussy cat.
couldn't we all just stop, take a deep breath and take a good book to read, or go out and watch the stars/sun/sky
couldn't we all just stop, take a deep breath and take a good book to read, or go out and watch the stars/sun/sky
I wouldn't suggest watching the Sun :D

Besides, I usually watch the sky at twilight, midnight, or 5 am. Or when it rains. Or when it snows. Maybe I watch the sky too much... :eek:
well, it's 3:48 AM here, so I might as well watch the stars- if there are no clouds

you can watch the sun

taken 3 months ago
That pic makes it all worthwile Avatar. :) ;) :) As does every pic of Nature. What's more, what is better than to go in Nature in stead of looking at a picture. You make me feel like taking a long, long walk in the Forest or on the beach, or name something else, as long as it is in the free Nature, without the everlasting trash people leave behind. Hell, without other people at all, as far as I'm concerned. No matter what weather it is or whether it are the stars, the sun, the moon, the rain, the wind. It may storm as hard as it can get. I do not care, I love it anyhow.

I prefer it at any time above the stormy weather at sciforums every so often, though...:p
Hmmm...seems like we'll have to congratulate A4ever soon on hitting the mighty 600, seeing as how he's posting like a maniac on pills.


You said my insults didn't get anywhere. This might be getting somewhere don't you think?

When you started to explain about different levels of intellect and how everyone should make an effort or something like that, that's when you were getting somewhere.

The shut the fuck up you moronic... only got you defensive reactions. Noone was gonna say: you're right Joeman.

Tune that thing about effort a little bit, and it is something I could have said, without the insult upfront.

Looking at it like this, the nice way seems shorter.

If I didn't take the initiative and do something drastic, how much longer do you think it will take to get point across?

You get a lot of credit for the initiative.

Although I still would prefer to let Brolly have his personal freedom of expression... but maybe you made him put more effort into posting... SEE!! THAT'S why I'm so interested in harshness: it makes me puke, but I can't deny the results and the respect :)

This is the first time I am called a bully.

That's because people fear you, Joeman. :) :)
Originally posted by A4Ever
The shut the fuck up you moronic... only got you defensive reactions. Noone was gonna say: you're right Joeman.

Tune that thing about effort a little bit, and it is something I could have said, without the insult upfront.

Looking at it like this, the nice way seems shorter.

You get a lot of credit for the initiative.

Although I still would prefer to let Brolly have his personal freedom of expression... but maybe you made him put more effort into posting... SEE!! THAT'S why I'm so interested in harshness: it makes me puke, but I can't deny the results and the respect :)

That's because people fear you, Joeman. :) :)

Actually, my insults were trying to bait him into a flame war and see what he is capable of. I did want him to raise his wall and get defensive.

My reasonable talking bits started after he was about to cry his mommy.

As I said, I make adjustments. He turns out to be a decent lad so I go at a different direction.

Yeah, don't make me puke. I don't think you are that much nicer than I am.
As I said, I make adjustments. He turns out to be a decent lad so I go at a different direction.

But what if it would have turned out that you were talking to a retarded person?

Don't you think the risk for damage is a bit too high?

I apreciate your ability to analyse data and switch direction.

Yeah, don't make me puke.

Well, 'to puke' was a wrong verb in this context. It was getting kind a late. The observation of harshness arouses my interest. There, that's better. :)

I don't think you are that much nicer than I am.

What makes you think so?

I'm gonna think about that one.

are you done now!

It's not YOUR thread, now is it? If you don't like it, don't read it.

(what the hell was that?? :eek: )

cos this getting boring

Don't you think it's interesting that there are many different types of people? Don't you want to understand them?

Isn't it fascinating that many different types of people take the time to write answers and questions on a forum?

If not, then I guess it is boring :)