Why is everyone signing off at Scxforums?

Yes, but now it is more about general behaviour towards people.

It is not about you anymore. Everyone said what they thought about your posts.

Now you can post your view on how to behave towards other posters.

Check the niceness thread under psychology.

Jump in and have fun!
I will reply a little later. I am still in shocking from a big news this morning. The facility I am located in my company is shutting down. That means everyone is going to lose their jobs. I am offered a position 75 miles away. That is too damn far away. I don't know if I will take it. I will probably just take the severance package and take a long vacation.
Sorry to hear abot that Joeman:(

That was a well paid job as well, wasn't it.
Nice pictures Avatar :)

And it freakin sucks about the shutdown, Joeman :( You don't happen to be working for Enron, do you? :D j/k
My sympathies, Joeman. I understand the shock and distress that causes. While so far lucky enough not to go through a layoff and actually lose a job, I was in the raffle, so to say, for 9 years straight and running, 10% layoff each year. The turmoil of such changes your life style to say the least. Companies are always glad when you buy something like a car. It means you're going to be there a while. It is not a consideration when it comes time to save money and lay people off. The bills don't go away, just the means to take care of them.

It is nice to have sellable skills, it is a pain in the backside to have to go and play salesman again to obtain another means of income. Ever consider being your own boss? Either through consultant or developing your own business. It might be something to consider at this time.

Good luck, Joeman.
So far only shock only. No big deal. It is just inconvenience to go thru interviews again. Last time I got laid off, I found a job within two weeks. This time the industry I am in (telecom) is so depressed. I have to look at another sector.

Originally posted by wet1
Ever consider being your own boss? Either through consultant or developing your own business. It might be something to consider at this time.

All the time. But I don't know how to come up with a business model, attract venture capitals, or to develop a decent product that would sell well. I have no idea where to start.