Why is everyone signing off at Scxforums?

The people who have chosen to stay at sciforums all fit together personality-wise in some way. People who want out just don't fit. It's sad we have to have such a disturbance here, though. lol, funny midget pic!!!!:D
Originally posted by Brolly

are you really deaf

if you not you better be carefull


Brolly ,
I have observed that most of your posts are with absolutely no meaning or smthing.
You just talk trash- as now.
That isn't helping the quality of forums
What's that ya say, sonny ? Speak up... I ain't got my hearing aid turned on !

is that means anything to you

well i don't think so but i do.

i am hearing impaired myself and believe me that is not you called thrash
i think brolly contributes towards making this a well rounded forum
he brings a special point of view and as such is important
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let's look-
are you really deaf
if you not you better be carefull

why does Q has to be careful if he is able to hear?

where's the logic?
are you threatening him?
for what then?
not that treat for i don't even know where he lives for christ sake

i'm saying just becarefull of what he saying
Perhaps Brolly thought Sciforums.com is actually daycarecenter_for_mentallly_disabled.com

He is here to represent the point of the view of the mentally retarded, which is we are lacking. As long as he is here, you can't possibly call anyone else a retard. He sets the bar for what a retard should be.
Originally posted by Brolly

Shut the hell up

Shut the fuck up you stupid idiotic moronic fool. I am speaking for most people on this forum too.
don't go all being a Idiot, swearing at my montior

1. i'm not a retard
2. i'm just saying i'm deaf
3. no i don't think this a daycarecenter_for_mentally_disabled.com
4. there only two l in mentally
5. i'll stop the bloody kupo just to prove that i'm sane
6. i had a friggin hard time to try to speak english so stop taking a piss out of people who you think they mentally infeior just because they have hard time trying to speak english

so come on brolly, brush up (learn) on the english and then start posting
whats your native language anyway?
As far as I can tell the level of some of your English phrases is too high for the others to be so low.

I don't want to judge what you post. It is just what strikes me.

Yeah, what's your original language?
English is my native language. it is strange but it true.

I have diffculty speaking english as well as typing.

Unlike many people they learn their first word when they are baby. But me i say my first word when i was 5 year old as because i'm hearing impaired. But still when i tried learn english from primary school the school knew that i had a problem so they asked for a speech thearapy. I had speech thearapy up to the end of my secondary school never got a chance to learn my second langauage

to you people who is not deaf well you're okay, people understand you.
But me i had an tough time.
Bad language can be made up with good thoughts. You have demonstrated neither. If what you said is true, some of us might be willing to bend backwards and accommodate you if you are willing to improve. However, the bandwidth wasting childish behavior has to stop. Nobody here deserves to read that gibberish without meaningful content. Being hearing impaired is no excuse for bad grammar and spellings. My English is not that great either, but at least I make an effort to check my spellings if in doubt.

You need to think before you post, or otherwise don't post.
yeah you're right

sorry joeman, i'll just grow up and be a normal person