Facial said:
The popping sounds - that's actually pretty interesting. Why would they plant explosives? Wouldn't toppling over maximize damage? And furthermore, how did they manage to plant them in the exact locations that the planes hit? Are the hijackers really that good at flying?
They plant explosives in critical locations to control and time the destruction of steel support members in the building and therefore control the collapse of the building.
Why are you second guessing the motives of those responbsible?
Why do you assume that any more damage than manifest was intended?
Figure out for youreself how someone can gain access and place charges of sufficent power to fracture support members.
The target of the airplanes and the target of those planting the explosions could easily be coordinated, especially with a sophisticated team of technical experts.
Your reference to "creep" does not negate the fact that the straight down motion of collapse requires a uniform and simultaneous failure over the entire floor area. I think you realize this. Are you truly conserned with the truth of the matter or do you just want to win an arguement, oor are you supporting one sode por another? Are you aiding anyone here?
The expertise of the flying skills of the skyjackers can best be handled with a reference to the Pentagon attack.
There the total absence of any Boeing 757 aircraft crash debris, including scattered alumninum all over the place, no 6 foot diameter fan jet engines, landing gear, tail or wing assemblies, body parts of crew, passengers or Islamic Fundamentalist Terroritsts (body parts and remains of civilian and military personnel woeking in the Pentagon, approiximately 100, were recovered), seats, luggage whatever -- nada, zip, none, nyet, zero, nil -- do you get the picture?.
Further the absence of a fire consistent with the burning of 8000 gallons of jet fuel (the fire would have lasted for days). Photographs of the Pentagon interior is totally inconsistent with burning jet fuel as was the penetration of three, two foot thick reinforced concrete walls, that had too snmall of holes to allow an entire Boeing 757 to sneak through.
All this means here is that a skyjacked airplane didn't strike the Pentagon Building nor did one impact the ground at Shankesville, Pa.
The same absence of crash debris and fire in the Shankesville, Pa crash is also indicative, persuavively so, that no aircraft of any size was involved in these incidents.
google(search) on 'pentagon 911' and you will be introduced to a plethora of information, visual media coverage, witness statements analysis and more.
The few reports of Arab looking men taking flying lesson in US flight simulator institutions were a sham con. Where one student laughingly stated that
they wouldn't need to take landing instructions would have been a major breach of security had it been valid. Other "lapses in security" were also planted to create the myth of the fundamental Islamic terrorist - overheard conversations of Arab looking persons, leaving incriminating flight manuals in taxis.
How to fly an aircraft into a target:
The US has developed the technology to "computer guide" any aircraft from take-off to landing and could easily direct the aircraft to impact at any desired floor. The persons in ground control of the aircraft (or even in anorther small plane) could easily have monitored the flight path of the impacting aircraft by television cameras on board the attacking aircraft and then make any fine tuned adjustements if required.
I know the technology is developed as I have worked with similar systems in remote piloted aircraft that have the capability to maintain a constant designated laser on moving ground targets from 4 to 5 kilometer distance, while flying in a programmed figure eight pattern with no human control required.
The success of the 911 attaqcks required the very tightest of coordination and precision, evgen if the atytacks were conducted by "Fundamental Islamic Terrorists".
Finally, you are aware of the "FBI agents" that confiscated a security videotape from a commercial gasoloine station nearby the Pentagon minutes after the Pentagon exploded, are you not? Would Islamic Terrorists go to such trouble? How did the anglo, that is, white male, supposedly FBI agents, even know the videotape was there, unless they had made a pre-attack search of the area in order to discover the existence of such "evidence" that coulkd be secured before it was reviewed by honest investigators?
Why would domestic governmen t employees conduct such heinous crimes? What you see as the aftermnath is what you getr- War, invasioon, Homeland Security -- the nation secret police- destruction of the US Cnstitution the installation and securing of a government that is unlimited in the exercise of power, all of which you probably consider as "fafetched", don't you? Tyranny probablyu iosnm't a matter that concerns you, or your family, your children, friends, country , your sense of decency and your sense of an obligation to protect your country from such insidous bastards that perpetrated such hideous evil against citizens of your country. Maybe you cannot fathom the mere possibility that evil could ever get elected to high office in your government.
Maybe this is just an exercise that keeps you occupied, free from boredom, liking the exchange of debate, entertainment?