Why I'm not a vegetarian

I still don't understand why fish isn't meat. My dumbass friend said that she became a vegetarian because she did not believe in hurting animals. So okay I understand that she didn't want to have anything to do with it, but she still eats fish and other types of seafood. I never understood this logic I mean don't they feel pain too? I think suffocating is a horrible way to die, but maybe thats just me. I think people like my friend should just come out and say that they don't like other types of meat you don't need false causes. Ok I'm done ranting now.
I think being a vegetarian rots your brain. Here's proof.

:mad: PRINEVILLE, Ore. -- Oregon State Police arrested a man Friday for serial-type killing of wildlife, officers said.

Ronald A. Livermore, 60, of Prineville, was caught with a sawed-off .22-caliber rifle with a homemade silencer "spotlighting" in the area where more than a dozen deer have been found dead over the last several years.

Investigators said they believe Livermore, who said he is primarily a vegetarian, would drive around in the dark shining his spotlight until he saw the glimpse of eyes. At that point, he would shoot at the deer and continue on, looking for more.

The deer that had been killed had been left to waste beside forest service roads and many were pregnant or had recently given birth, police said.

Police said they found a special compartment in the trunk of Livermore's car used to conceal his custom-modified weapon.

A forensic examination by the OSP proved that Livermore's weapon was used in some of the killings, police said.

Your friend Peta9 was a vegetarian.. :shrug:
I still don't understand why fish isn't meat. My dumbass friend said that she became a vegetarian because she did not believe in hurting animals. So okay I understand that she didn't want to have anything to do with it, but she still eats fish and other types of seafood. I never understood this logic I mean don't they feel pain too? I think suffocating is a horrible way to die, but maybe thats just me. I think people like my friend should just come out and say that they don't like other types of meat you don't need false causes. Ok I'm done ranting now.

Is it meat, it's just named differently for some obscure reason.
Like tomatoes are called vegetables, when they are really fruit.

You friend is lying to herself or she is stupid. Sorry.. ;)
I still don't understand why fish isn't meat. My dumbass friend said that she became a vegetarian because she did not believe in hurting animals. So okay I understand that she didn't want to have anything to do with it, but she still eats fish and other types of seafood. I never understood this logic I mean don't they feel pain too? I think suffocating is a horrible way to die, but maybe thats just me. I think people like my friend should just come out and say that they don't like other types of meat you don't need false causes. Ok I'm done ranting now.

See also post 24.
Only amongst (yeah, I put a t there, deal) meat eaters do you find that mentality of pride in killing. "Yeah, I munch on puy lentils, I'm all over them bad boys, if one comes near me I smash it to the ground and rip it's face off. Then I shit it out quite rapidly because they're so fackin' easy to digest!" I understand you have your far left activist types who have just as much hate and anger as those who inject monkeys with AIDS just to see what it does.

The best excuse for a Catholic eating fish on whatever festival they abstain from eating meat was, "They don't have blood, so they're not an animal". Here's the Rt Hon Sir Paul Macca talking about his first love, himself http://www.itv.com/Entertainment/celebrity/Articles/Paul-McCartneys-fish-decision.html

Sorry Mac-Daddy, I was only foolin'.
Only amongst (yeah, I put a t there, deal) meat eaters do you find that mentality of pride in killing. "Yeah, I munch on puy lentils, I'm all over them bad boys, if one comes near me I smash it to the ground and rip it's face off. Then I shit it out quite rapidly because they're so fackin' easy to digest!" I understand you have your far left activist types who have just as much hate and anger as those who inject monkeys with AIDS just to see what it does.

The best excuse for a Catholic eating fish on whatever festival they abstain from eating meat was, "They don't have blood, so they're not an animal". Here's the Rt Hon Sir Paul Macca talking about his first love, himself http://www.itv.com/Entertainment/celebrity/Articles/Paul-McCartneys-fish-decision.html

Sorry Mac-Daddy, I was only foolin'.

Fish don't have blood ?? LOL
james your wrong about the fish and vegitarians thing

What we were taught at cooking school is that if a person says they are vegitarian ask them if they eat fish or chicken because alot of people who concider themselves vegatarians will still eat eggs, chicken, fish and milk. However if a person identifies themself as VEGAN then they dont consume ANY animal products including honey

Yes, some people are fake vegetarians. They call themselves vegetarian, but they "cheat" and eat things like chicken and meat anyway. Ask them why they are vegetarian and they'll tell you they want to lose weight and "meat" makes them fat, or something like that. Or they call themselves vegetarian because they think it makes them look good, or something. But you can't really be vegetarian if you eat meat, and that includes fish and chicken. (Mind you, even cutting down on your meat consumption is morally superior to doing nothing at all, even if you're doing it for the wrong reasons.)

As for eggs and milk, vegetarians have no problem with them. They won't eat a fertilised egg, but nobody else does either. An unfertilised chicken egg is a waste product. Eating it doesn't hurt the hen who produced it. (Although, again, it is held by some that eating eggs encourages battery chicken farming, so they don't eat them for that reason.) Similarly, drinking milk doesn't hurt the cow (and again, some people won't drink milk because they don't believe that cows should be kept constantly pregnant and producing milk just for human consumption).

If you're a vegan, as you say it's a whole different ball game. In that case, ALL animal products are out. Vegans won't drink milk, eat honey, wear leather belts or shoes, etc.
Err james actually ALOT of people eat fertilised eggs. They only start to develop if you put them under a nesting hen.

I know this because my parents HAVE chickens and they dont seperate the rooster from the hens. They just collect all the eggs and if they want chicks they put some back under a hen when she becomes clucky.

As for the word vegitarian it means whatever people want it to mean. Its basically accepted that there are degrees of vegitarian ranging from those who wont eat just red meat to the vegans. Its a spectrum. Maybe thats not what the dictonary meaning is but then where does the dictoniary meaning COME from? The uses that people PUT to words.
I still don't see how people consider being a vegetarian morally superior to enjoying meat, but whatever floats their boat I guess. Just doesn't make them right.
i missed that orleander:p

James can i point you to the CSIRO diet if you want to know the health benifits of eating both lean red meat and LOTS of deep sea fish. Hell our brain is mostly made up of shell fish.

Not to parrot that stupid lamb add but it IS what we were designed to eat

At least if your going to be a vegatarian you shouldnt clean the bugs off your veg so you get SOME protine
Ole may be on to something. I'd first heard of this on Paul Harvey and found this article today.
It appears that very low fat/cholestoral diets (like that of some Veggieheads) can make people a bit loopy.


Dr. Beatrice Golomb, staff physician at San Diego Veterans Affairs Medical Center in California, said the findings suggest a link between low cholesterol and violent death. She said it is possible that low cholesterol is accompanied by a reduction in the brain chemical serotonin, which is believed to control violent behavior. ``We know that low-serotonin people are more likely to commit suicide, especially by violent means, and homicide,''

The investigators discovered that men with blood cholesterol levels of less than 160 milligrams per deciliter had a homicide, suicide or fatal accident rate 50 to 80 percent higher than those with the highest cholesterol levels. Women with low cholesterol levels were nearly 30 percent more prone to violent death.
if people with a low seratonin kill themselves or more likely to commit violent crimes isnt that people with ADHD/ADD?

Umm...no. But you can call them that if you wish. Of course that would undermine your ealier arguement that food is not a factor in ADD.

It's quite off topic anyway. The term is Attention Deficit disorder not Violent Death disorder.
Umm...no. But you can call them that if you wish. Of course that would undermine your ealier arguement that food is not a factor in ADD.

It's quite off topic anyway. The term is Attention Deficit disorder not Violent Death disorder.

yeah i know, but ADHD/ADD is said to be caused by low levels of seratonin, anyway back on topic:

i dont think that we're doing the animals any favours being vegeterians