Why I'm not a vegetarian

so, how about that Vegetarian guy that went on a deer rampage. Please try and stay on topic Enmos or get out.
Statistically how many vegetarians go on a deer killing rampage? That's not up for debate really, it's not a valid point about vegetarianism. It's like saying John Wayne Gacy at chicken, look what eating meat does. It turns you into a child abusing serial killer. That is completely ridiculous to assert such extreme behaviour is due to a common dietary preference. The real topic here seemed to be debunking any myths about vegetarianism being unhealthy or unnatural. Eating meat or choosing not too really doesn't make people behave so extreme. Plenty of vegetarians and meat eaters are very compassionate, respectful and loving people. My dad eats meat and he is one of the best examples of a really good hearted person have ever met, and I meet a lot of those (I am Buddhist btw).
Statistically how many vegetarians go on a deer killing rampage? That's not up for debate really, it's not a valid point about vegetarianism. .....

Statistically how many American soldiers supposedly throws a puppy off a cliff? That then is not up for debate really, its not a valid point about American soldiers.
urm what????? Who said anything about throwing puppies off cliffs? Certainly not me. I suspect this is from another thread, or are you on LSD? :)
Hey booko I like your posts and reasons so don't die from soy or I will resurrect you and kill you again for it ;)

Heh, no worries, Creeptology, the most I get from soy is a headache for a few days.

Also what is the I can't eat vegetables or veggi things i eat meat argument about? Plenty of people in Japan eat tofu but are not vegetarian. I have a friend in Tokyo who said it's hard to avoid fish there, still they have many vegetarian foods but they are not considered vegetarian only.

Beats me. There are all sorts of inaccurate definitions of "vegetarian" including the one that cracks me up...oh I just don't eat red meat. Um... a chicken is an animal not a plant? The Japanese are more accurately called pescatarians.

If I started eating meat again today i still would eat paneer, seitan, tofu, lentil or other bean dishes. In fact my diet is more varied and tasty since I became Veggie scum. Before when I ate meat I wouldn't haved dreamed of so many flavours and foodsuffs.

Yes, I'm just discovering the joys of Indian cooking, though not enough to be good at it yet. Fortunately Indian grocers are easy to find here.

Middle Eastern is more my specialty anyway.

Me and my wife get stopped a lot when we shop at local supermarket whilst the person on the till (register clerk for US readers ;) ) asks us what the hell various veg is. They work there but never seen that or anyone buy it. If it's not busy they make us tell exactly what it taste like and how we recommend preparing it. They then get ideas and say they think about trying that. I am sure they never do but it's both amusing and embarrassing at the same time. So before the "yeah but isn't it boring not eating meat" starts most us veggies here can name ingredients we eat weekly that you never heard of.

I've had to give up so many things that are even remotely prepared I've gone bonkers with the diet. Plain meats are always safe and it seems like a monotonous pendulum with "chicken or beef?" I eat fish, but don't really care for it that much and my husband won't eat it at all, so I really have to find something else, and we all will eat Indian food so there it is!

Also, I can get the boys in the family to eat more veggies if I disguise them properly bwa ha ha

Lets take sides and have a war, yeahhhhhh. In your face meat eaters. Only joking, I don't care if you eat meat it's your choice.

Hey even for us meat eaters we eat too much. 3 oz is all you need for a meal. Good luck trying to find a restaurant with that small a serving and that serves actual veggies in quantity and variety to fill you up.

Thank God that South Beach diet became popular around here. Now you can actually find broccoli at restaurants at least. Everything else is pretty much meat and starch. Joy.
I do have a problem with the industry misleading it's customers though, thats not right.

Yeah, like in the US you can label a turkey "fresh" as long as you don't freeze it *too* much.

Or grass fed beef that ain't.

Ah yeah texas is probably exception as it's locally farmed essentially. Info I found is other places in states use frozen and fresh but not as much as here. Please don't eat brit sausages if you ever visit here though, they are horrid.

I've had them before, back in '80 when I was living in the UK for a spell. Yeah, they had filler, but I would like to know, what chemicals do they stick in them?

My daughter's on her way to the UK with a group trip in the summer and she has corn (maize) allergy and we can hardly find a sausage here she can eat, 'cause they're jammed full of chemicals that are derived from corn. Sodium lactate and erythrobate are two typical culprits.

Would that I could find an actual butcher here any more. I may have to start investigating the halal markets.
LOL, no I realize its mostly a healthier way to live. Most of the longest live people in America are Seventh Day Adventists.

Yeah, there's research that shows Mormons who follow their dietary recommendations about eating meat "sparingly" and fasting one day out of a month increases life span and preserves health as well.

Those vegans though...I mean come on. Not even eggs? :bugeye: And the way they are all judgmental about it. I suppose you can turn anything into a religion.

Yeah, my mother-in-law was invited to a Thanksgiving Day dinner where they served a tofurkey. I'm sorry, but if the rest of your family is NOT vegan...don't make them try to conform to their silly diet and ignore the traditions.

I've done a lot of big scale "volunteer" catering, and I always take care that the vegetarians have a decent meal (not just oh have some SALAD...argh), but the vegans? That's a lot harder to manage.

When I get good at chana masala maybe I'll serve some of that.