Why I'm not a vegetarian

I think being a vegetarian rots your brain. Here's proof.

No. That's only "proof" that this one guy is a nut.

You haven't established the slightest link between his supposed vegetarianism and his shootings. But you knew that.

I mean...meat is just good.
Isn't that reason enough?

No. You might like rape, too, but that doesn't mean you should do it.

toolzombie said:
Not to mention the whole animal population spill, etc.

What "whole animal population spill"? Which large animal has 6 billion members on Earth?

I am a vegetarian, not a vegan. I eat fish, cheese, and drink milk.

You're not vegetarian if you eat fish. Fish is meat. Vegetarians don't eat meat.

Why isn't fish considered meat.

It is. And yes, so is chicken. In fact, you often hear chicken referred to as "white meat".
james your wrong about the fish and vegitarians thing

What we were taught at cooking school is that if a person says they are vegitarian ask them if they eat fish or chicken because alot of people who concider themselves vegatarians will still eat eggs, chicken, fish and milk. However if a person identifies themself as VEGAN then they dont consume ANY animal products including honey
I think being a vegetarian rots your brain. Here's proof.

:mad: PRINEVILLE, Ore. -- Oregon State Police arrested a man Friday for serial-type killing of wildlife, officers said.

Ronald A. Livermore, 60, of Prineville, was caught with a sawed-off .22-caliber rifle with a homemade silencer "spotlighting" in the area where more than a dozen deer have been found dead over the last several years.

Investigators said they believe Livermore, who said he is primarily a vegetarian, would drive around in the dark shining his spotlight until he saw the glimpse of eyes. At that point, he would shoot at the deer and continue on, looking for more.

The deer that had been killed had been left to waste beside forest service roads and many were pregnant or had recently given birth, police said.

Police said they found a special compartment in the trunk of Livermore's car used to conceal his custom-modified weapon.

A forensic examination by the OSP proved that Livermore's weapon was used in some of the killings, police said.

And this is an example of a post by an intelligent meat eater is it?

Well this seems to be the work of a man who may or may not be mentally ill. If the guy hadn't been, 'primarily a vegetarian', would anyone have batted an eye?

BTW a person who is 'primarily a vegetarian' isn't a vegetarian at all!!

Vegetarians do not knowingly eat the flesh of any animal: bird, fish, reptile, mammal, insect or amphibian; or derivatives of such. If you eat any of these things then you are not a vegetarian.

Vegans to not eat animal products including dairy; they will also avoid using products derived from the exploitation of animals, such as wool.

It's as simple as that.

Some other points whilst on the general subject and the waters around these issues are often muddied (deliberately so, I fear):

PETA is a campaigning organisation which is opposed to animal cruelty. Therefore, it is not surprising that such an organisation might come up with radical methods of highlighting and opposing animal cruelty.

It is so easy to turn a blind eye to cruelty and suffering; much harder to highlight it and attempt to do something about it, particularly in the face of ignorance and ridicule.

Just because a person is vegetarian it cannot be assumed that they will agree with PETA's methodology. There are many other organisations that highlight animal welfare issues which have different perspectives and campaigning styles. It's a spectrum and people appear at different places on that spectrum. Meat eaters also appear on this spectrum....

So you see, as with many issues, it's all about perspective.
......... Livermore, who said he is primarily a vegetarian, would drive around in the dark shining his spotlight until he saw the glimpse of eyes. At that point, he would shoot at the deer and continue on, looking for more.

A typical vegetarian. They're all the same.
And this is an example of a post by an intelligent meat eater is it?.....

I was trying to be facetious. Ever notice how one 1 incident occurs and everyone lumps all the others under that 1? Abuse at a slaughter house, so therefore they are all like that? An American soldier kills an Iraqi puppy, so they are all like that.

Well fair is fair. If a vegetarian is a bat shit crazy deer stalker, then they are all like that. :p
I think being a vegetarian rots your brain. Here's proof.

:mad: PRINEVILLE, Ore. -- Oregon State Police arrested a man Friday for serial-type killing of wildlife, officers said.

Ronald A. Livermore, 60, of Prineville, was caught with a sawed-off .22-caliber rifle with a homemade silencer "spotlighting" in the area where more than a dozen deer have been found dead over the last several years.

Investigators said they believe Livermore, who said he is primarily a vegetarian, would drive around in the dark shining his spotlight until he saw the glimpse of eyes. At that point, he would shoot at the deer and continue on, looking for more.

The deer that had been killed had been left to waste beside forest service roads and many were pregnant or had recently given birth, police said.

Police said they found a special compartment in the trunk of Livermore's car used to conceal his custom-modified weapon.

A forensic examination by the OSP proved that Livermore's weapon was used in some of the killings, police said.
Yeah, and Jeffrey Dahmer at meat before he ate human flesh. Can I now say that meat eating leads to cannibalism?

Orleander, you are smarter than the OP indicates. Please.
Yeah, and Jeffrey Dahmer at meat before he ate human flesh. Can I now say that meat eating leads to cannibalism?

Orleander, you are smarter than the OP indicates. Please.


because it doesnt millions upoen millions of people eat meat and don't go onto to eat other people
What if we could engineer a pig (or other livestock) without a brain or functional nervous system? Grow them on ventilators (or inserted diaphragm stimulating electrodes) and feeding tubes and waste pipes, like hunks of meat fruit growing off a metal tree?
Or we could just produce our meat organically. It might taste a bit better.

...and it still felt pain and suffering, be it though treated more humanly and perhaps allowed to see sunlight by what ever loophole was used to make it qualify as "organic". Personally I would like to see a double-blind test on the taste of "organic" meat verse "synthetic(?)" meat, I believe any taste difference comes from the taster thinking s/he self better off for buy meat the supposedly free of chemicals and cruelty.

because it doesnt millions upoen millions of people eat meat and don't go onto to eat other people
Um. I hate to tell you this, but millions of people don't eat meat and don't go on deer killing sprees. That was the point.

But it's good you can see the illogic of the Dahmer example, see if you can apply it to other single examples used as proof such as the OP.
Kremmen does however enjoy a good meaty red ( wine, you sickoes)

Hail Spudus!
I know you occasionally have a glass of wine.
It is well known that you enjoy sniffing the heady aroma of Jacob's Creek.
And Jacob's not complaining, so what's it got to do with anyone else?

Beef though, that's got to be vegetarian.
Cows eat nothing but grass for godsakes.
How can you get more vegetarian than that?
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