Why I must do good?


I am compelled to do good.

I desire to do good... I have a choice

It's not based on a religious book.

one could say the golden rule... do unto other as you would like them to do unto you.

No doubt that among a lot of other things was plagiarized from somewhere else.

Still a good outlook

I desire to do good... I have no choice.
I never decided to desire it. I never decided to be a good person.
It's what I am & I did not make me be this way.
Perhaps a better example is in order

I can maintain that a rapist knows he is not doing good even if I have never raped anyone.
I don't have to go to Japan to know it exists.

Again you miss my point: the rapist doesn't necessarily think he's wrong; he simply knows that EVERYONE ELSE thinks what he does is wrong. And he knows they will react, thus he must hide what he does. Similarly, Jews practicing their religion in Germany during the Nazi reign might not have felt that way they did was wrong at all. However they still had to hide, because everyone else did.
Good and bad are subjective, they are conditional, given an extreme example, is suicide or murder good or bad? "nomrmally", we would say bad, however, to a terminally ill person, he is suffering from the pain of his disease every day, but the country's law does not allow "voluntary death", and here come a murderer to kill him, I think, the patient would feel good to be killed.
Take your example of a rapist.

Now if a rapist think he is doing good wouldn't you think he would be letting everyone one know what a good boy he is?

the rapist knows he's not doing good , otherwise he wouldn't be trying to conceal it.

No, he conceals it because he knows that in the perception of others he is not doing good, and they will react in a negative manner toward him.

I didn't miss the point as there was really never one.

Maybe with the OP, but it strayed away and the thread was derailed

After quite some aggravating, frustrating, exasperating experience in derailed threads, I say this 1 was not.
The "idea" that someone's avoiding punishment is a sign they know they're doing wrong is just plain goofy.
it is way to easy to create choas and to destroy life, that is why we should be good....
After quite some aggravating, frustrating, exasperating experience in derailed threads, I say this 1 was not.
The "idea" that someone's avoiding punishment is a sign they know they're doing wrong is just plain goofy.

the example of a rapist is lame

I just don't think any rapist can feel they are doing something good

bet's me..or date rape is considered ok nowdays ..it's not quite rape :shrug:
the example of a rapist is lame

I just don't think any rapist can feel they are doing something good

bet's me..or date rape is considered ok nowdays ..it's not quite rape

They think it's good for them & that's the most important thing to them.
Some think it's good for the victim.

You & I thinking it isn't good doesn't mean he doesn't think it's good. No matter how incomprehensible it seems.
What is "good"? To smoe it could mean getting rid of people that annot them, or to others helping out as a volunteer in a hospital. So first we must try to understand the meaning to each of us what "good" actually means. Is it good to tear down trees to put up houses? Is it good to have cars that take us everywhere while polluting the air we breathe? So many values, so what is good to you might not mean the same to me.
Doing good is the basis of moral.
I do not believe in God, I do not believe in after-death.
If I think man just dies and ceases to exist, do I still need to do good?

Can you teach me, what is moral and immoral? Based on what to judge that?

Believing in god and the after life doesn't constrain believers to do good. In fact they tend to do bad more than those who don't believe.

There are various beliefs about why one does good, but there is no compulsion to do good or ill.

At what people generally consider the beginning there is fear of punishment and greed for some reward.

A lot of religion falls here with arbitrary rules about what to do and what not to do, and imaginary rewards and punisments as well as imaginary guards and judges.

The legal system falls here, but it lacks a reward system.

Next is having and emotional understanding via empathy and compassion. You do good because you feel the other's pain and understand how helping will alleviate their suffering. This can become proactive where you do things to see people happy.

Also there is an intellectual understanding about the consequences of actions and how virtues not only are conductive to helping alleviate suffering, they create a lifestyle which is enjoyable and fulfilling for oneself and those on associates with. Some one who has integrity is trusted and liked and just by being there the make life easier for every one.

Likewise a liar and thief is not trusted and they cause hardship and tension just by their presence.

Like wise there are many ideas about what is good. I like this one:

Find out and do what works well.
Avoid what you know doesn't work well.
Learn to do better.
Make amends as needed.
There is no such thing as objective good! Thus this debate is pointless. Why must you do good? You don't have to! So there's your answer. Do whatever you want.
There is no such thing as objective good! Thus this debate is pointless. Why must you do good? You don't have to! So there's your answer. Do whatever you want.

Your idealism is showing, Norsefire.

But I have to wonder ...do you have so little a grasp on reality that you can actually say that without giving even a simple note tempering those words?

I've noticed your penchant for overly idealistic posts ...especially the ones without a shred of reality to temper them. Idealism is ...well, ideal. Huh? :D

Baron Max
What is idealistic about what I said? There is no such thing as good...thus the only "good" you can do is what is good for you!
There's no objective good, but there is subjective good. Why should we do good? Because it's good to do good! Sometimes it's good to do bad, though. No rules can be drawn up to guide one's behavior in all situations.