Why I must do good?

If I do good help the poor and the sick, yes, my "conscience" may feel nice, I feel the pleasure of doing something noble.
But, if I choose not to do it, though I have the capability and capacity to do it, can anyone justifiably judge me that "I am bad"? I do not commit any crime, I just choose to be ignorant of people's need, I do not owe them anything, they never did any mercy to me that I have to pay back, therefore I think, "it is not necessary for me to do good in this circumtance".
Doing good is the basis of moral.
I do not believe in God, I do not believe in after-death.
If I think man just dies and ceases to exist, do I still need to do good?

Can you teach me, what is moral and immoral? Based on what to judge that?

Survival. If you encourage people to fend for themselves, you'll find yourself in a "dominate or be dominated"-type of situation regarding nearly aspect of your life. If you aren't one of the physically superior, life's gonna be pretty rough.

When you encourage people to help each other, it gives intellectually superior/physically inferior people a bit more of an even playing ground by trimming some of the physical aggression out of everyday life.

Basically, morals were invented by computer nerds so they wouldn't get their asses kicked day in and day out. :D
I know that. Agree. What I ask is "morally good".
Do I need to sympathize people? Do I need to donate money to the poor?
you dont need to,
unless you want to,and have plenty of money to spread around.
after all if you give all your money away what will you eat? ;)
Doing good is the basis of moral.
I do not believe in God, I do not believe in after-death.
If I think man just dies and ceases to exist, do I still need to do good?

Can you teach me, what is moral and immoral? Based on what to judge that?

No you do not need to do "good" because there is no such thing. You determine what good is, so find for yourself what is good and do that....

...do what is pleasurable, what is in your own self interest, and that is good
Doing good is the basis of moral.
I do not believe in God, I do not believe in after-death.
If I think man just dies and ceases to exist, do I still need to do good?

Can you teach me, what is moral and immoral? Based on what to judge that?
morality is defined at one extreme by punishment and at the opposite end by philosophy.

Everyone learns it

The only question is if they are required to visit the school of hard knocks or not ....
One can be moral irrespective of religion. My ethics came before my religious beliefs; one of the reasons I am of the religious affiliation I have now, is because its ethics were nearly identical to my pre-existing ethical beliefs.

So, you don't have to have a religion to determine what your ethics will be.
So, nietzschefan , you mean life is just by chance, it has no ultimate meaning?
Life after death is just a lie to quench fear, the it becomes the tool of religions to conquer people's foolish minds?
So, we do not need to care about death, just try to live the life that pleases us.


Life has meaning, but it is up to us to create it. Fundamentally, pleasure is the poor cousin or offspring of power. I conspire for power. The goal of Life over Death.

I beacon you to come, but you will not come. You are enshrined in the Temple of the Self. I teach of the self +1, the path of now and forever. There is something always to add, that does not benefit you directly but will add to the power of life.
morality is a man-made lie, and selfishness is the opposite of communion. if each one of us existed entirely alone in a vacuum, what purpose would life serve? i love to give, and to me, giving of myself and loving gives life meaning, regardless of the consequences for me or for those i give to. i've experienced some pretty severe isolation in my days and i can attest to the fact that it was hell. being entirely alone is like being dead while alive.
It's clear we all have different opinions about what morals are, and so I suppose the only thing to do is define it for yourself.
Ok, what i learned here is:
I define what is good, out of my own interest, and I do it.
is that right?
i feel good to slap you, so i do it, is that ok?
Ok, what i learned here is:
I define what is good, out of my own interest, and I do it.
is that right?
i feel good to slap you, so i do it, is that ok?

How does that benefit him? Do you actually believe that if you go through life slapping people, you'll be a good person?
i've experienced some pretty severe isolation in my days and i can attest to the fact that it was hell. being entirely alone is like being dead while alive.

What? Were you on a uninhabited island for years? Or, just penned up in an apartment?
Ok, what i learned here is:
I define what is good, out of my own interest, and I do it.
is that right?
i feel good to slap you, so i do it, is that ok?

If you are strong enough.

All of us, we are free to do as we please......if only we are strong enough to do it. Might makes right. That is the reality, and through your might, your cunning, your intelligence, your strength of will, you achieve your wishes.
You are ultmately your own judge. You must be the person you want to be. Do you want to be selfish? Do you want to be kind? Do you want be loved? Do you wanted to be hated? You are the ultimate judge of your behaviors.
You are ultmately your own judge. You must be the person you want to be. Do you want to be selfish? Do you want to be kind? Do you want be loved? Do you wanted to be hated? You are the ultimate judge of your behaviors.

Quite agreeable to me,
my body and my mind belongs to me,
why shall I care about social norm? Of course, I can agree with some of the social norms and objective moral standards, however, essentially I just want ot be myself, a person acting out of own judgement and interest.

I just want to be myself, a free person to do anything free of "moral constraints imposed by third party".
Quite agreeable to me,
my body and my mind belongs to me,
why shall I care about social norm? Of course, I can agree with some of the social norms and objective moral standards, however, essentially I just want ot be myself, a person acting out of own judgement and interest.

I just want to be myself, a free person to do anything free of "moral constraints imposed by third party".

Amen brother, but all of our actions have consequences...be mindful of consequence.