Why I must do good?


Valued Senior Member
Doing good is the basis of moral.
I do not believe in God, I do not believe in after-death.
If I think man just dies and ceases to exist, do I still need to do good?

Can you teach me, what is moral and immoral? Based on what to judge that?
Do what you must, if God and the repercussions of the after life were all that guide your morals then if you don't believe in them it's fair to not base your morals on that. If you don't believe in morals but you believe in humanity then that could guide your morals, in that humanity thinks all people have worth. if you're a scientist and you neither believe in humanity or God, and you're interested in a neutral way and see people as a fascinating tale of evolution then you may want to preserve your test subjects and perhaps find what drives morality. In seeking to you may see that it is either faith or humanity, or both. If you have no humanity, or faith or interest in the science of humans then you will have no need for morals. I think.
It seems to me it's better to live in a society where people do good and act nicely to each other, so it's better to do that.
But for what purpose Spidergoat? He's asking why must we be moral, what we base those morals on and who forms those bases? Better how, for whom?
What does enlightened self interest mean? I could speculate but I'd like to know what you mean personally, or objectively so I don't assume the wrong thing?
Doing good is the basis of moral.
I do not believe in God, I do not believe in after-death.
If I think man just dies and ceases to exist, do I still need to do good?

Can you teach me, what is moral and immoral? Based on what to judge that?
M*W: Yes, because it does matter what you do in this life even if there is no afterlife.
What does enlightened self interest mean? I could speculate but I'd like to know what you mean personally, or objectively so I don't assume the wrong thing?

It is in your interest, and the long term interests of society that people act morally towards each other. Enlightened means thinking more deeply than one's immediate benefit. Of course, this is by no means a clear guide as to what behavior is moral.
Can we explain doing good with logics?
I need to do good because I would like others to do good to me too, therefore I have to do good.
Maybe the law of cause-and-effect can rationalize doing good, if i do bad, most probably the consequences are bad too, since I do not desire bad, therefore i must do good.
Doing good is the basis of moral.
I do not believe in God, I do not believe in after-death.
If I think man just dies and ceases to exist, do I still need to do good?

Can you teach me, what is moral and immoral? Based on what to judge that?

Come brother, Let me talk to you of the great conspiracy.

Once the world was large and frightening, holding many dangers, it held only the promise of death.

A Lie was made to overcome this, a promise of life after death.

It helped unite some people...at least some of the time.

It helped make the world small, conquerable. The world has been conquered!

But some people cannot follow a lie no matter how useful and it is not useful any longer, perhaps it never was having only affected the simple and the feeble minded.

Our minds have grown strong, education pervades, advancement is nearly unchecked.

Those who followed the Lie, now ask...why now? Why must I do this thing? There is no consequence to do evil, at least to feel it in my heart to my fellow man and woman.

Wiser men than I have said these things thousands of years ago, it is so simple, it is THAT simple.

"I have gained this from philosophy. I do without being commanded what others do out of fear from the law" (Or gods)

There are countless reasons...but I will give you the reason even the most evil man would understand.

I would conspire with you brother. I don't know you, but you must be human...one better you are alive and on planet earth. The only planet we know for certain, has life that contemplates such things.

I ask you look up to the sky tonight, look up to the sky and view the wild vastness of stars. They are all dead. They would all burn you, uncaring. Even more so, the things you cannot see countless, mindless objects twirl nearby, many of them can snuff us all out, friend and foe alike.

So I ask you brother, would you like to pit your skill against me? You wish me evil? A decent to barbarism? To be either alive or dead, pitted in battle with whomever, or your decedents dying and killing over countless foolish "power" games fighting over whatever scraps left over and deigned a "worthwhile" cause. The earth eventually destroyed, with no one to even tell of it's rather pathetic deprivations.

Or, how well disposed are you to Conspire against this? Life against death, it IS that simple. I offer no power, nor glory, nor even memory of the toils ahead to this goal. Others will even take credit to it's beginnings, to it's workings, and your memory probably will be just as forgotten as pathetic thief. I offer NO reward, NOTHING. Someday perhaps, if we are successful you and I, life will conquer death.
So, nietzschefan , you mean life is just by chance, it has no ultimate meaning?
Life after death is just a lie to quench fear, the it becomes the tool of religions to conquer people's foolish minds?
So, we do not need to care about death, just try to live the life that pleases us.
do I still need to do good?

Every one of us is born into a society whether it be a native village with a few members or into a city containing millions of people. Within each of those societies there are laws that were established that we all must abide by or reap the punishment from those that are in charge.Those laws are made to ensure we try to keep ourselves from doing wrong and we do so by doing right. The laws of humans are made to help everyone have as best of a stay here while they are alive and that is a very good thing. The laws have throughout time been our guide as to how to act when we are living within each society. Without those laws of humans we wouldn't be very " civilized" and would be hurting each other or worse. So we all need to follow the laws that we are born into so that we all can become good citizens of wherever we might live.
Every one of us is born into a society whether it be a native village with a few members or into a city containing ....
I know that. Agree. What I ask is "morally good".
Do I need to sympathize people? Do I need to donate money to the poor? Do I need to care about people who are handicap?
If a friend was jobless and asked me to lend him some money for buying food for his children, they were in hunger. If I refused to lend him money while being able to do so, am I a bad guy for not doing "good"?
you could do what the cops and politicians tell you to. bah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! sorry...
If a friend was jobless and asked me to lend him some money for buying food for his children, they were in hunger. If I refused to lend him money while being able to do so, am I a bad guy for not doing "good"?

it depends on why you didn't lend him the money. what were your reasons? then again, i was going to say if you felt like you would have been an enabler then you probably did a good thing, but if you did it out of selfishness and a complete disregard for another (especially innocent children) suffering, then you did a bad thing. but people argue different things based on their beliefs. some people think it's good to be selfish. honestly, i don't get why it is that you're asking other people this question. this is your responsibility. it's your life. and honestly, you don't sound as if you're good or bad, you sound dumb.
If a friend was jobless and asked me to lend him some money for buying food for his children, they were in hunger. If I refused to lend him money while being able to do so, am I a bad guy for not doing "good"?

In my circle, we call this being a dick. Why wouldn't you want to help kids?
If a friend was jobless and asked me to lend him some money for buying food for his children, they were in hunger. If I refused to lend him money while being able to do so, am I a bad guy for not doing "good"?

I see what you mean. It's not always the best idea to do what is generally thought of as good. It's possible to give so much that you can't even take care of yourself. Sometimes the best intentions give bad results.
Doing good is the basis of moral.
I do not believe in God, I do not believe in after-death.
If I think man just dies and ceases to exist, do I still need to do good?

Can you teach me, what is moral and immoral? Based on what to judge that?

You can judge yourself. Choose one of two scenarios as the best possible choice for you to make and then ask yourself if everyone else on the planet choose the same one, what that would look like.

1) You steal, murder, rape and pillage your way through life.

2) You cooperate with your fellow man to benefit both him and you.