Why Homeopathy is getting more and more popular?

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There's nothing natural about homeopathy. It flies in the face of readily demonstrable natural science to the point of sheer stupidity. It's hardly any different from making a witch's brew, just swap the cloak and broom for a lab coat and the title "Doctor" (gotta love how these days anyone can call themselves a doctor of whatever they like).
"If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and puts itself in 100 parts water, it's likely a homoeopathic duck."
There's nothing natural about homeopathy. It flies in the face of readily demonstrable natural science to the point of sheer stupidity. It's hardly any different from making a witch's brew, just swap the cloak and broom for a lab coat and the title "Doctor" (gotta love how these days anyone can call themselves a doctor of whatever they like).

In this case, I think her username is about as meaningful as Dr. Lounatic's is.
Homeopathy better than placebo's

People that promote Homeopathic medicines are dangerous, mainly because their posed treatments do little more than Placebo's.

I totally agree with you that homeopathy treatments are more than placebo's
People that promote Homeopathic medicines are dangerous, mainly because their posed treatments do LITTLE more than Placebo's.

I think you missed out the slightly bolded-oversized and eye-rakingly pink word, now I could guess this was a genuine mistake perhaps related to your misunderstanding of language, however I think it's more related to you not wanting to see the truth.

We'll simplify it for our foreign members:

Homoeopathy = Horsepucky

(In quality, volume and smell)
InterScience in support of Homeopathy

Ah, so the homeopathic response is to make their political opponents look like weasels. You could have gone with independent, peer-reviewed, verifiable and reproducible scientific evidence instead, but of course taking this approach would require you to have something of actual substance to present.

I'm sure the hundreds of millions that were wasted on your profession are now saving lives even as I type. Who cares if vastly greater sums of money are being wasted in a medical system that actually delivers results? It's still not a legitimate excuse for wasting money on water shakers who do nothing for their patients. Not to say that medical spending can't be substantially streamlined, but getting rid of soothsayers like you was a good place to start.

You can call it sucussion, juke-and-jiving, or just plain shaking, it's all the same, what you get at the end is no different than the water you started with. Attempting to draw bogus connections to actual sciences like quantum mechanics won't make your water work any better.

Do you consider InterScience by Wiley an independent, peer-reviewed, verifiable and reproducible scientific evidence?

If yes, check this out http://www.mrw.interscience.wiley.com/cochrane/clsysrev/articles/CD000448/frame.html

What you called as simply a water is taken as medicine by millions and millions of people worldwide. Who is ignorant?

In succussion those substances that are soluble in Alcohol or Water are serially diluted with the media either alcohol or water and every dilution is followed by vigorous shaking which allows uniform mixing of substance in alcohol or water.
What you called as simply a water is taken as medicine by millions and millions of people worldwide. Who is ignorant?

Appeal to popularity (bandwagon) fallacy. "If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing." - Bertrand Russell

The ignorant are more likely to believe the nonsensical claims of homeopathy than the educated are.
Except that that link isn't about homoeopathy...

In succussion those substances that are soluble in Alcohol or Water are serially diluted with the media either alcohol or water and every dilution is followed by vigorous shaking which allows uniform mixing of substance in alcohol or water.
Yep and then it's mixed again and again until there's nothing of the original substance left.
Do you consider InterScience by Wiley an independent, peer-reviewed, verifiable and reproducible scientific evidence?

No, I checked the site and it just looks like a library/archive site to me, pointing both to actual science publications and also far less reputable publications. If I found a book about UFOs or leprechauns at the local public library, does that mean it's government-endorsed?

What you called as simply a water is taken as medicine by millions and millions of people worldwide. Who is ignorant?

Why, the millions of people taking water and alcohol to cure their various ailments and cancers, of course. Lucky for them conventional hospitals will still treat them while they're busy trying to cure themselves with holy water.

In succussion those substances that are soluble in Alcohol or Water are serially diluted with the media either alcohol or water and every dilution is followed by vigorous shaking which allows uniform mixing of substance in alcohol or water.

And? How is that supposed to give the water magic healing powers? Look, here's an insider secret from a scientist to a wannabe: if you want to make your profession sound relevant and scientific, you don't need to invent words like succussion. It would sound a whole lot cooler and more impressive if you just told customers you bombarded the medicine with beta radiation.

Or an even better way to impress the ignorant layman: the dedicated homeopath should be able to inject themselves with ebola, wait for the symptoms to begin, and should then proceed to cure themselves quickly and effectively. Any takers? No, didn't think so.
Natural Vs Synthetic Chemical


if people would take a little more time and effort to understand a Natural approach to medicine they would be pleasently surprised by what the Natural approach can do

I have a Naturopathic Doctor myself as well as " conventional doctor " ( only because for certain tests etc. I have to have one )

it is hard for most people who have grown up with pharmas to think out of the box

people don't relise that for the most part a Natural approach to solving a problem of your health is by understanding what your body needs , biochemically , without the contridiction of drugs ( you know people , take this drug for this condition , but take this drug to counter the affects of the previous drug and so on )

and of course pharmas love this ignorance , it makes them billions , not to prevent disease but to hold onto disease

Thinking natural is nothing but listening to your body and mind.

Yeah pharmas have ruled many doctors and have sometimes misled people

Drugs result in vicious cycle. You get addicted to it at the end. So how many times you have seen people getting out of this cycle. Very rarely. Once hooked to the drugs, mostly remain on that. So Solution is remedies (potentised) not drugs (crude)
The more you study homeopathy, the more you realize it is utter nonsense, and it's advocates ought to be embarrassed by falling for such complete claptrap. Completely unfettered by any need for objective evidence, they continue on, and spam up message boards. They are on the same level as young Earth creationists, holocaust deniers, moonlanding deniers, and abiotic oil advocates, just to name a few horrible examples.

What you have to say for conventional medicine which kills millions of people worldwide every year and years after years? Do you find it horrible?
Live naturally


there are essential oils one must take 3-6-9 of which the body needs , probiotics , for healthy gut

the knowledge of acid foods and alkaline foods and their affects on the body

liver , kidney , yeast cleansing programs and there positive affects on the body

once anybody gets into the Natural approach to the body there is no turning back , really

Homeopathy has offered probiotics much before discovered by conventional medicine. Homeopathy has medicine by the name "lactic acid" which is probiotic.

According to ayurveda, one must consume 80% alkali food and 20 % acidic, but actually it is the reverse.

According to naturopathy, detoxification/cleansing must first be carried out before ant medical treatment.
Anecdotal evidence is very near worthless when it comes to evaluating truth claims about things such as the effectiveness of "alternative" therapies.

If anecdotal evidence is not evidence, why it is called evidence then?

Homeopathy is the practice of creating and prescribing dilute mixtures of an active ingredient as medicine.
And, bizarrely, the higher the C-rating, the greater the supposed potency of the homeopathic medicine apparently (the act of moving up the C-ratings is called "potentisation" - which is a horrible word in itself!)

Just to put this in perspective:
A 13C solution means that the original 1cc drop of active ingredient has been mixed with 3x as much water as exists on earth.

http://www.hahnemannlabs.com/preparation.html //preparing a remedy

Potentising the medicine increases it collative powers and avoids unwanted side-effects.

If it would have required the whole water on earth, then probably you and I might not have been lived till now. Someone has rightly said, "Half Knowledge is dangerous"
Homeopathy is a scam that plays on nothing more than the placebo effect - and charges people for convincing them that it is not their own body healing them.

Someone told me that SCAM stands for Serious Conventional Allopathic Medicine?

When conventional medicine provides cure, it is due to their medicine, and when Homeopathic medicine provides cure, it is due to body's own healing system. Lovely
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