Why Homeopathy is getting more and more popular?

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Wow.. what if they were apes?

I edited my previous post.

no, not even if it worked. But I don't see bugs, cats, rats, etc and humans as being equal.
Its why I eat meat.

But that's not what this thread is about, is it?
no, not even if it worked. But I don't see bugs, cats, rats, etc and humans as being equal.
Its why I eat meat.

But that's not what this thread is about, is it?

You're right, that isn't what the thread is about. But still, why don't you look up what happens to the bees?
I've decided I'm going to get very drunk tonight.
I bought a bottle of really weak beer and I've diluted the alcohol so much it's probably not far off lethal by now.
But it's going to be a cheap method of staying drunk for a long time, that one bottle gave something like 500 gallons of water with what must be an incredibly effective alcohol content, it's just a pity about the flavour.

That makes me think, you could make a huge bundle selling homeopathic cannabis (tell them to sprinkle it on their rolling papers). Plus the cops can't bust you for possession if you're only caring around a few molecules of the stuff.
That makes me think, you could make a huge bundle selling homeopathic cannabis (tell them to sprinkle it on their rolling papers). Plus the cops can't bust you for possession if you're only caring around a few molecules of the stuff.
I wonder why the principle doesn't work with cash. :eek:
Or paint - I'm in the middle of redecorating the entire flat and it would certainly work out cheaper AND make cleaning the brushes easier.
Hmm, homoeopathic food, get your nutritious stew here!
I used one carrot, one potato, one etc. and made 20,000 litres. All the vitamins you need.
World hunger solved!
Wow - I'm so late to such a thread... shame on me!

It does seem that some are getting confused between mere "natural remedies" and homeopathy.
Natural remedies can work - and some are scientifically proven to be effective against certain ailments - and the medicine we take in pills etc are the same active ingredients but just lab-created rather than naturally found.

But then many of the so-called "natural remedies" are also untested and unverified as doing what they are promoted for.

This is different to homeopathy, though.

Homeopathy is the practice of creating and prescribing dilute mixtures of an active ingredient as medicine.
For example, take one centilitre of active ingredient and mixes it with 100 centilitres of water (or other inert solution). This gives a "1C" solution.
They then take 1cc of this "1C" solution and mix it with 100 ccs of pure water to get a "2C" solution.
Homeopathic medicines are often prescribed / used around the 20C or 30C mark, although some at 100C or higher.
And, bizarrely, the higher the C-rating, the greater the supposed potency of the homeopathic medicine apparently (the act of moving up the C-ratings is called "potentisation" - which is a horrible word in itself!)

Just to put this in perspective:
A 13C solution means that the original 1cc drop of active ingredient has been mixed with 3x as much water as exists on earth.
A common remedy... Oscillococcinum (a treatment for flu, with the active ingredient being duck liver) is sold in 200C solutions... is the equivalent dilution of having one active molecule out of all the molecules that make up roughly 10^320 universes or our size.
And this is sold as a medicine more effective than the base solution of which it is prepared?

Furthermore, metaanalysis of the various scientific tests that have been conducted show nothing more than that expected from placebo.

Homeopathy is a scam that plays on nothing more than the placebo effect - and charges people for convincing them that it is not their own body healing them.
so the misspelling of a word is more important than the point

so Dywyddyr did you look up the importance of essential oils , or did you sluff it off as not important ?
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