Why Homeopathy is getting more and more popular?

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The manner in which Malik lies is rather repetitive. Malik makes a numerical claim. Then Malik throws out a few numbers. The numbers never add up anywhere near what Malik claims.

Now Malik claims that there are 500 million saps that are being exploited by the likes of her. Then Malik tosses out numbers so small that there is no possibility that a 500 million total can be reached.

I can be thankful that I do not have to be treated by a person who can't do arithmetic an 8 year old can handle.
I just checked out that link to Jock Doubleday's website Ms./Mrs. Malik posted. Check out the additional terms and conditions linked to from the main page where the challenge is posted. It's pretty much configured so there's no way to win even if someone took the vaccine and remained healthy. The guy looks like yet another nut bred in the Kent Hovind mold. I'll pay him $100 million if he injects himself with an ebola-anthrax cocktail, gets sick with both viruses, and then cures himself with homeopathy so that he survives at least 10 more years.
That is one putrid website. I can't believe what an obvious liar the site owner is.

There is a video about half way down that long first page in which they discuss vaccines.

This guy says all he knows about vaccines is what he has researched. Says he read a lot of books on the subject. Then he states that NO vaccine has ever been effective and that the disappearance of diseases was a natural event not associated with the introduction of vaccines. Says that the vaccines are ALL introduced as the disease is coming to an end and that the vaccines were introduced in the waning days of the disease. He furthermore claims that sometimes the vaccines killed people as the disease was disappearing on its own.

He is asked why the doctor's give vaccines and answers "for the money."

He next says that as far back as the 1800s vaccines have been known to be a "huge huge fraud".

He says that vaccines cause autism and the very disease they are supposed to prevent.

He says that vaccines are dangerous and ineffective. Says the same thing for vaccines for pets.

I guess this nitwit never heard of polio. It's a fabulous example of the efficacy of vaccines. Polio has been exterminated from most of the world. The last cases of polio in the US from transmission of wild polio were in people that were NOT vaccinated.
Even today, there are Vodoo doctors in Africa. Why should India be far behind. Indians think Whites are Gods and hence when the white boy (Hahnemann) preached homeopathy - they take it hook line and sinker rather than sticking to their own development of Ayurvedic which is picked up by the Americans.

That is too bad.
Then Malik tosses out numbers so small that there is no possibility that a 500 million total can be reached.

1993, The New England Journal of Medicine reported that 2.5 million Americans used homeopathic remedies and 800,000 patients visited homeopaths in 1990, and it has continued to grow

thirty million people in Europe use homeopathic medicine

45% of GPs consider homeopathy useful. Sixty percent of the doctors who use homeopathy do so because of good experience of homeopathy as effective treatment and anxiety about hazards of conventional treatment (Dr Magazine)

A survey conducted by ICMR(Govt of India) in 2003, reveals that Homoeopathy was preferred by 1/3rd of the surveyed households in India for minor ailments and by about 18% in case of serious ailments. About 14% of the sick persons availed this system for treatment of their illnesses.

Now see the figures of a study by a leading industry chamber, ASSOCHAM:

In the year 2006-07, about 50 million people opted for homeopathy. This number would exceed 100 million by the end of 2010
2005: Homeopathy was a Rs 630-crore market in India, growing at 25 per cent.
2007: Homeopathy estimated to be worth $78 million.
2008: The market estimated around Rs.12.5 billion, would continue to grow at around 25-30 percent, against 13-15 percent for the pharmaceuticals industry.
2010: The Indian homeopathy market is expected to top Rs.26 billion ($650 million) and outpace the growth of pharmaceutical industry in the country
1993, The New England Journal of Medicine reported that 2.5 million Americans used homeopathic remedies and 800,000 patients visited homeopaths in 1990, and it has continued to grow
So what?
The number of people* doing anything is NOT indicative of its actual utility/ beneficial effects.
Otherwise we'd all be advocating cocaine and crack... :rolleyes:

* Edit: gullibility is not evidence of efficacy.
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More than 65 million Europeans are Catholic. More than 65 million are atheist. More than 65 million are other denominators. They can't all be right. Lots of people doing or believing somethign doesn't make it right, truth is not 'majority rule'.
Scary when Malik tosses out a set of numbers that are apples and oranges.

My statement which was correct:
Then Malik tosses out numbers so small that there is no possibility that a 500 million total can be reached.

The response is a collection of percentages, absolute people numbers, monetary values, and values spread over time.

Again, the numbers do not add up to 500 million. Even accepting the numbers as correct seems to still be 140 million shy of the mark.

Even then all it means is that there are 360 million people being given poor medical treatment, aka scammed.
1993, The New England Journal of Medicine reported that 2.5 million Americans used homeopathic remedies and 800,000 patients visited homeopaths in 1990, and it has continued to grow

I did a check with some of my friends that are into all sorts of things and it turns out that they have tried homeopathic products. They do not use them on a regular basis, because none of them thought it helped. So these folks fit the 1% of the US population that tried a product. This says nothing about whether or not they believe int he products nor why they took the products. What we do know is that all but 1 would NOT bother with it again.

Disclaimer: This unscientific survey tells us nothing. It was posted in a thread about unscientific methods.
People are selling and advertising Herbal Products as Homeopathy (technically that is OK as mother tincture can be sold that way). Herbal products and mother tinctures work (mostly poorly) as they contain the active ingredients. The trouble comes when it is sold under potency. This becomes Placebo. There is no known physics where these potentiating will work let alone they work beyond the Placebo effect.
Again, the numbers do not add up to 500 million. Even accepting the numbers as correct seems to still be 140 million shy of the mark.

Even then all it means is that there are 360 million people being given poor medical treatment, aka scammed.

I have listed use of homeopathy in selected countries and continents. If I would have a data for all of the countries, it would easily pass off 500 million mark. Here is some of the links depicting more than 500 million users

http://conservapedia.com/Homeopathy //this one is anti-homeopathy site, it lists users more than 500 million worldwide.
The theory of homeopathy was developed by the Saxon physician Samuel Hahnemann (1755–1843) and first published in 1796.

those were very good years for medical breakthroughs.........:confused:
People are selling and advertising Herbal Products as Homeopathy (technically that is OK as mother tincture can be sold that way). Herbal products and mother tinctures work (mostly poorly) as they contain the active ingredients. The trouble comes when it is sold under potency. This becomes Placebo. There is no known physics where these potentiating will work let alone they work beyond the Placebo effect.

Potencies below 12C have an active ingredient, so you acccept all potencies below 12C works, may be poorly by your standards
I have listed use of homeopathy in selected countries and continents. If I would have a data for all of the countries, it would easily pass off 500 million mark. Here is some of the links depicting more than 500 million users

You make a claim. I ask for evidence. You don't deliver or you deliver something you think might be mistaken for evidence. Now you state that you don't have the evidence. Thank you.
This is one of the source Malik provided to justify 500 million. It's from the Conservapedia.
Homeopathy is a quack theory of alternative medicine which tries to treat illnesses with infinitesimal doses of the drugs that cause the same symptom as the illness.

From another link:
Since the late '40's, double blind trials testing homeopathy on various medical conditions have led to mixed results. Some are claimed to support the use of homeopathy. In other cases, this method of evaluation proved itself incapable of documenting the success of homeopathic cures.

The numbers in these links appear to be without evidence. All 3 say 500 million, but they disagree on the number of practitioners. You'd think it would be easier to decide the number of practitioners. Is is 100k or 500k?
Interestingly the first link also states:
Since the late '40's, double blind trials testing homeopathy on various medical conditions have led to mixed results. Some are claimed to support the use of homeopathy. In other cases, this method of evaluation proved itself incapable of documenting the success of homeopathic cures.
Implying that there were NO trials that showed homoeopathy to be worthless.
Results either pro or invalid tests.
And the assumption that those tests would have shown positive if they'd been "done correctly".
How honest is that?
From a commentary by Dr Hall the author of Snake Oil Science,
A highly touted non-Cochrane review of homeopathy concluded that the clinical effects of homeopathy were not just due to placebo. But strangely they also concluded that there was insufficient evidence to show that any single homeopathic treatment was clearly effective in any one clinical condition. A re-analysis of the studies they had reviewed showed that when only the highest quality studies were considered, the alleged positive effect for homeopathy disappeared.

Another Hall commentary:
In homeopathy, any substance can be a remedy; even a non-substance. My favorite is “eclipsed moonlight.” I’ve been trying to find out how they collect it to prepare the remedy; no one’s talking. And then there was the homeopath who was selling homeopathic vaccines for smallpox and anthrax, which he said were made by diluting the real thing. I reported him to Homeland Security, because if he can get the real thing, so can terrorists. Jacques Benveniste is infamous for winning two IgNobel prizes for homeopathy studies: the first one couldn’t be replicated when proper blinding controls were used; in the second one, he claimed to have sent the electronic signature of the remedy over the Internet.

One last bit of humor from Louise McLean from her Presenting 50 Facts About Homeopathy:
Homeopaths treat genetic illness, tracing its origins to six main genetic causes: Tuberculosis, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Psora (scabies), Cancer, Leprosy.
The Conservapedia seems to have some interesting material posted in it. I've heard it called all sorts of interesting names.

I spent a bit of time in India. Loved it. I went to a Jain festival in the south of the country. Very impressive to watch. There were also booths handing all sorts of advice and literature including magnets for healing, homeopathic info, and a government booth on identifying leprosy. There was a lot, lot more, but these things stuck in my mind.
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