Why God doesn't exist

I think God sending messages to individuals is actually an advanced style of having a cell phone in one’s head. An advanced ET civilization’s communications capabilities applied on a global scale through their technology similar to how cell phone technology is applied today. The difference is we still use the gizmos people hold in their hands and advanced ET civilizations don‘t need the gizmos to send messages to a brain for that mind to recognize.
Scientific America has an article acknowledging cell phones have an affect on brain waves. The article title is Mind control by cell phone“. An interesting concept when combining it with the more than likely advanced capabilities of alien technology. When thinking about it that way, it seems as though the alien computer has about 5 billion of us in it's grasp through religion or spiritualism.
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An advanced extraterrestrial civilization would have mind access to their internet, probably. Here is an article discussing a poll taken about "How likely would you be to implant a device into your brain that enabled you to use your mind to access the internet if it could be done safely?"

Advanced Alien technology would assuredly use wireless communiqués to individual’s just like it was said to have happened to people in the past and continuing today. The only place this message sending from an unknown is happening is in religion/spiritualism. People refer to it as hearing the voice of God or God speaking to them. I think God = Alien Technology.
earth said:
There are over 5 billion people on this planet believing God is real. Plenty of them claiming to have had an experience where this "God" is involved. The major of people on earth are saying yes to God compared to a little over 1 billion saying no. The consensus this time is against you.
And I will repeat: This is an argument from consensus - it is a logical fallacy. Look it up and then please stop repeating it.

earth said:
Okay there isn't any evidence and that has been acknowlegded time and again until the cows come home. What's next is the question? Do we block out any possibilties until some scientist says now we have evidence or conclusive proof?
We block out no possibilities - only ideas that are proven impossible.
What we do, rationally, in the absence of evidence, is say "I don't know".
Can you say that?
Repeat after me: "I... don't... know."

We can quite happily consider such things as possibilities, but to believe they are true with zero evidence is very different from considering them merely as possible.

When I roll a die it is possible that it will land on 1. Do I believe it will? No - at best I can make a guess and have a 1-in-6 chance. If I claim to "believe" it will land on 1 then this is quite clearly just wishful thinking - there is no evidence to support that it will land on 1, only that 1 is a possibility.

So - do you understand the difference stance: believing something to be true, and merely accepting it as a possibility?
The question then is why you seem to push it as truth when you admit there is no evidence, yet you reject other possibilities that have equal levels of evidence (i.e. nil) - and also reject possibilities for which evidence does exist (i.e. natural explanations).

The argument made since there isn't any evidence so forget about it doesn't satisify the 5 billion people thinking about it.
As spidergoat says - this is an argument from consensus - a logical fallacy - and irrelevant. Consensus opinion is irrelevant in determining truth in such matters.

earth, it seems to me you have latched on to a left-field idea and like the sound of it, and this clouds your judgement. Replace the theists' "God" with "alien tech" and there seems to be little difference in your positions.
I'm not willing to call so many people from the past and present mentally ill or liars. I tend to believe them because the consensus from 5 billion people or more say this God exists and also knowing that has been the same statement from generations in the past. Your one voice doesn't sound like much, comparatively.
Then you were not objective,here or elsewhere. Machine will produce, in this case thoughts, whatever they are compelled to produce.

Huh? We are admittedly sophisticated machines with a degree of fuzziness and chaos that allows our decisions to be unpredictible.
Do the analysis yourself if your interested.
I will say this,
Governments around the world work together to provide relief to during famine or disaster. They supply medicines and aid. When I think about it governments are working at managing resources and providing aid. Something tangible that can be measured vs prayer.
Now compare that to the expenditure of defense or even governments that don't work in such a fashion (or even contribute to the opposite) and draw a conclusion.

You don't have to be a PhD to recognize that global co-operation only becomes a player to the degree that it facilitates immediate national prosperity.
Next you'll be claiming governments couldn't function without prayer sustaining them.

there is no question of economic development without dharma, or social regulations (which just so happened to be lodged in religiosity)

Prayer is simple a means of supplicating god. (IOW its part of the "how" in religious goals)

Trying to hold prayer as the be all and end all of achievable spiritual or even material ends is kind of like holding grant applications as the be all and end all of achievable scientific advancement.

IOW it says absolutely nothing about what is being asked or even if it is achievable by dint of the qualities of the performer (if it was otherwise, they could throw research money in any direction at anything for an equal outcome)

Similar to the way Pat Robertson is claiming that it’s prayer keeping him alive instead of the skill and training of the surgeons and his doctors.
actually he's on to something, since death easily frustrates the skill of even the best surgeons.

What the issue is however is that he takes some aspect of religiosity and mixes in a few other elements to sell the whole package.

Any act of forgery requires some element of realness on some level in order to be sold.
I'm not willing to call so many people from the past and present mentally ill or liars. I tend to believe them because the consensus from 5 billion people or more say this God exists and also knowing that has been the same statement from generations in the past.
As mentioned again and again - this is an argument from consensus: "so many others believe it that it has to be true!"

It is a logical fallacy.
Yet you cling to it. :shrug:

Your one voice doesn't sound like much, comparatively.
I was not aware that discussions/debates were shouting matches?
Unless you can demonstrate how the volume of a voice affects the truth or falsity of the words spoken?
I thought I would start a new thread, 20 reasons why God doesn’t exist - by Dr. Mary Walker

Every reason listed by Dr. Walker are good ones.

I like reason Number 7,
It’s been suggested that God exists beyond time. However, if God changes in any way; for example, has a thought, then the elapse of time (old-thought to new-thought) can be distinguished from the absence of time (old-thought to new-thought), so any change, no matter how insignificant or what form it takes, inevitably results in time. Consequently, if God exists beyond time, then he would be reduced to an impotent statue, unable to create the earth, let alone think.

The impossibility of a creator of everything has become more evident with the ever increasing scientific accumulation of knowledge about our world and the universe.

You have a limited idea of what is 'beyond time'. In fact your definition still has a limit of time as you believe 'beyond time' to be just the absence of time. It would make more sense that 'beyond time' meant 'unconstrained by time' that to be 'beyond time' means you can go forward, back, freeze, move sideways or whatever else you wish to do in you continuum, yet it has no impact on the time in the next continuum.

A person cannot attempt to disprove the limitless by putting limitations on it. One of my favorites is a supposed paradox of God listed beloe

Can God create a rock that even God cannot lift......Yes, God merely creates and ever expanding one the same size and rate of expansion of the universe he created it in. God cannot lift it becuase it has nowhere to be lifted to.

I understand the basic scientific mindset is to establish limits, and God very well may have some in some odd way, but it will be in ways we cannot comprehend becuase we can barely comprehend our own mentalities let alone a being who creates a world for his chosen creation to play in.
My intent was to introduce the thinking and possibility that this God people continue speaking about could be advanced alien technology in reality. Scientists who think about the future of our galaxy predict an important probability when advocating advanced extraterrestrial civilizations most likely exists. By using that hypothesis scientists predict advanced ET civilizations, as a matter of evolving, are going to fill the galaxy with their machines. The current thinking coming from Seti is extraterrestrial civilizations are likely to be older then our own. Seti’s conclusion is telling me those ET civilizations are older and are going to fill the galaxy with their machines before we can. Maybe they did already. Advanced alien technology should be recognizable through the use of its advanced cell phone capabilities through the sending of data directly to a person’s brain for his/her mind to recognize. I can correlate by using something similar to cell phone technology implanted in a person’s head compared to God sending people messages. In this case the feature of wireless cell phone technology for us and an advanced form for ET civilizations seems reasonable. The place where I find people saying they’re receiving messages from out of the blue is in religion/spiritualism. When people say God speaks to them or they have had a vision it’s always contained within their thought mechanism. What could be happening is advanced alien technology is sending packets of data to individuals brains. Most of the recipients of the data sent are confident the messages originate from outside their head. Those people receiving the data sent directly into their brains are referring to the author of the data as God because for the most part they have no other worthy association to use when relating their experience. The mind control by cell phone aspect is a shocker to think about. In reality there is a possibility aspect where it could be advanced alien technology is in control of the religion/spiritualism situation and is the real source of past and present messaging to individual humans. I can picture advanced alien technology using religion in a similar way an anglerfish uses its fleshy growth on the top of its head as a baiting tool in the process of scooping up prey.

Science can explain many things about our environment but the persistence of spiritualism is a tough one. Using a reasonable approach it’s easy to conclude alien technology could be the reason why the myth about God doesn’t die.

My intent was to introduce the thinking and possibility that this God people continue speaking about could be advanced alien technology in reality. Scientists who think about the future of our galaxy predict an important probability when advocating advanced extraterrestrial civilizations most likely exists.
Even if you introduce the notion of higher or extraordinarily different races, it doesn't really offer a radical take on the nature of "reality". IOW the problem of wielding desire in a world that makes you work for it (and frequently frustrates it) in a medium that is constantly threatening to render you non-existent remains paramount.
By using that hypothesis scientists predict advanced ET civilizations, as a matter of evolving, are going to fill the galaxy with their machines. The current thinking coming from Seti is extraterrestrial civilizations are likely to be older then our own. Seti’s conclusion is telling me those ET civilizations are older and are going to fill the galaxy with their machines before we can.
given that SETI has drawn up a big fat zero, its not clear what you are using to draw concrete conclusions from
Maybe they did already. Advanced alien technology should be recognizable through the use of its advanced cell phone capabilities through the sending of data directly to a person’s brain for his/her mind to recognize. I can correlate by using something similar to cell phone technology implanted in a person’s head compared to God sending people messages.
fabulous means of communication (or even using carrier pigeons) doesn't really revolutionize the core issues of material existence.

Geez, how much of the www broadband is dedicated to porn?
In this case the feature of wireless cell phone technology for us and an advanced form for ET civilizations seems reasonable. The place where I find people saying they’re receiving messages from out of the blue is in religion/spiritualism.
what you appear to be failing to factor in is the quality of the communication.

IOW the big thing with religion is no so much about being telepathic, having wireless implants or relying on pigeons, but understanding a message that revolutionizes one's perspective on existence.

If, at the end of the day, one is still besieged by the issue of assigning eternal values to temporary objects, it doesn't really matter what technology they are sporting.

When people say God speaks to them or they have had a vision it’s always contained within their thought mechanism. What could be happening is advanced alien technology is sending packets of data to individuals brains. Most of the recipients of the data sent are confident the messages originate from outside their head. Those people receiving the data sent directly into their brains are referring to the author of the data as God because for the most part they have no other worthy association to use when relating their experience.
I think you mean "means achievable by me" when you use the phrase "worthy association".
The mind control by cell phone aspect is a shocker to think about. In reality there is a possibility aspect where it could be advanced alien technology is in control of the religion/spiritualism situation and is the real source of past and present messaging to individual humans.
yet your not plagued by the notion of atheism being engineered by a similar alien horde, I take it?

I can picture advanced alien technology using religion in a similar way an anglerfish uses its fleshy growth on the top of its head as a baiting tool in the process of scooping up prey.

Anything that bears any political sway is frequently used in a similar way an anglerfish uses its fleshy growth on the the top of its head as a baiting tool in the process of scooping up prey.

No need to introduce mysterious aliens to see this.

Science can explain many things about our environment but the persistence of spiritualism is a tough one. Using a reasonable approach it’s easy to conclude alien technology could be the reason why the myth about God doesn’t die.
calling upon one myth to explain another

sheesh and to think that I get labeled a postmodernist
You can't deny my references about ET civilizations are in line with thinking from some of the scientific community. As far as reailty goes, you can't accurately define reality or the nature of reality.
You can't deny my references about ET civilizations are in line with thinking from some of the scientific community.
since you also can not deny that it is not in line with many others, it says nothing about the credulity of the claim though.

My point however is that, leaving aside loaded terms like "myth", you are simply introducing one narrative to contextualize another.

Such a habit is the length and breadth of history, and, as history illustrates, it tends to be full of blind claims.

IOW, even from your own ideological basis, there is no essential difference between positing "perhaps there are aliens" over "perhaps there are gods" since the merit of both of them (according to your estimation of them any way) is lodged firmly in speculation.

As far as reailty goes, you can't accurately define reality or the nature of reality.

the problem of wielding desire in a world that makes you work for it (and frequently frustrates it) in a medium that is constantly threatening to render you non-existent remains paramount.

you think that stands outside of people's standard experience of reality?
Originally Posted by lightgigantic
you think that stands outside of people's standard experience of reality?

To talk to you on your level of understanding I need you to define reality and in keeping with your philosophy. Am I going to get a accurate definition or something less?