Why God doesn't exist

If atheism is being engineered by some alien civilization, then what would be their purpose causing people not to believe in a creator of everything?
the same as engineering a belief in a creator of everything of course (namely bringing to suit a host of social behaviors in human society that play to their advantage)
Question, how does this relate to God's absence from beyond time or the lack of evidence of a God existing?
As much as the post of yours I was responding to.

I assume you understand the relevence or would not have pursued the tangent with me.
I can't agree Doreen. Predetermined or fate doesn‘t prove out. The randomness of events happening shown through quantum theory contradicts fate as the all elusive everything. At the quantum level particles are in chaos and “randomness” is the definitive word. One can’t get predetermining out of quantum foam chaos. Flip a coin a few times and each time the result of the coin flip happens by chance. Quantum theory is observable simply by flipping a coin.
Generally not considered relevent on the macro scale we deal with. But OK, you want to bring in QM. You say it is random. Random or determined, it has nothing to do with free will. You are not making choices if you are utterly determined. You are not making choices if it is random.

The belief in fate is a religious teaching and has it’s origins based in myth.
I never mentioned fate. You are using a straw man argument here. I referred to determinism.

The environment a person lives within during his/her lifetime determines the opportunities that person has from which to choose while going through life and fate doesn’t compute. Opportunities are man made and they're not picked off a tree, there and waiting, though fate believers think so.
That phrase 'man-made' is misleading. It implies that you are the agent or we are. But if men are absolutely determined they have no choices. If as you say there is randomness, this is not choices either.

The way you're interpreting life is when a person decides to buy a house and that person spends a few years saving for a down payment then that is his/her fate or predetermined. Not so because a decision was made first. You use an "after the fact" decision making process as an example and then call it fate. You can’t prove fate that way.
Fate is your word, not mine.

To think everything that exists was predetermined to happen in a precise way, preplanned by some unknown guide is fallacy. There would have to be some sort of a "guide" doing the planning in advance for fate to have a realistic chance of existing, you know.
There is no reason there would have to be a guide, there could simply be laws. I am not sure why you are trying to introduce a deity.

And then you go on abuot fate, your word not mine.

So, are your actions based on determinism or randomness?
As you can tell I'm flipping my coin..........
..........uncertainty is a property of reality

You think the results of flipping a coin involves quantum phenomena?
Do tell.

We often use probablity theory when we cannot track all the variables.
You weren't created in that sense and neither was the universe. No god = no "who" and no "created."
The extreme complexity of this universe would imply in my view a certain designer or designers . For instance water is a vital necessity for life and it can not just happens to exist for humans....etc by a simple nature accident....etc. We as humans follow logic. In maths for example we have : x2 + 1 = 0 and x is an imaginary number . These imaginary numbers are used in electronics and electric engineering ....etc .

The extreme complexity of this universe would imply in my view a certain designer or designers .
Why? Can you quote anything complex that was designed outside of an evolutionary process?

If I say there is no God then the question is : who created me and all this huge universe ?!.
Why assume anything can be created? We have no precedent for something from nothing.
For instance water is a vital necessity for life and it can not just happens to exist for humans....etc by a simple nature accident....etc.
You're looking at it the wrong way.
We use water for life because it's there and available: it's not that water's there because we need it.

Without water we die . So water existence is vital for us .
And if water did not exist then we would either not exist or life would have evolved a different way that had no dependence on water.

We were designed to have water for our survival..... .
Once again we have no evidence that we were designed by anything or indeed that anything complex has ever been designed outside of an evolutionary process.
You're a detractor of the Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle and one who believes in an "underlying determinism and realism". The film clip expressing the view of a coin traveling for 22 years to reach its target is just about right depicting your viewpoint. It's all been determined in advance, right? And if thats not right then I can't understand anything you're saying.

Albert Einstein believed that randomness is a reflection of our ignorance of some fundamental property of reality, while Niels Bohr believed that the probability distributions are fundamental and irreducible, and depend on which measurements we choose to perform. Einstein and Bohr debated the uncertainty principle for many years.

Einstein made the comment "God doesn't toss dice". He spent his later years trying to disprove his own theories but couldn't.

Quantum Mechanics examines the universe at the atomic level. Quantum Mechanics is still developing and a not-yet-completely-understood theory.

The whole point is science doesn’t find evidence of a God at the atomic level. Science hasn't found any organized intelligence or organized anything operating at the quantum level in reality. Only what is referred to as randomness or in other words chaos. Omnipresent intelligence permeating the universe simply doesn't exist, there isn't any structure for it.
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You think the results of flipping a coin involves quantum phenomena?
Do tell.

Are you disagreeing? Quantum mechanics explains why there is uncertainty in the result when flipping a coin. Coin flipping by nature typically has only two possible outcomes. The uncertainty is understood by asking the question after flipping the coin which one is it heads or tails. We recoginize a coin flip as resulting in uncertainty by observation. This observation is repeatable and is true, thereby meeting the scientific requirements to be a fact. Quantum mechanics is the theory used by scientists to explain the fact a normal coin flip has an uncertainty to the outcome. Uncertainty is a property of reality.
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Originally Posted by earth
The environment a person lives within during his/her lifetime determines the opportunities that person has from which to choose while going through life and fate doesn’t compute. Opportunities are man made and they're not picked off a tree, there and waiting, though fate believers think so.

Originally Posted by Doreen
That phrase 'man-made' is misleading. It implies that you are the agent or we are. But if men are absolutely determined they have no choices. If as you say there is randomness, this is not choices either.

If opportunities are not “man made” then where do they come from? Bartering is a good example of taking advantage of an opportunity. Governments are formed by men. Vaccines are developed by men. Technology is developed by men. Science is developed by men. We are tool makers and opportunist. Actually, we make our own opportunities. Our environment provides the materials in which we work. We grow our own food and make the things we need as humans, if anything our environment dictates the nature of our existence. Our environment dictates the limits of our available choices. Choices remain whether you acknowledge them or not.
Originally Posted by Doreen
So, are your actions based on determinism or randomness?

Please define determinism.

Uncertainty exists in reality and scientist explain this uncertainty as a consequence of randomness at the quantum level using quantum mechanics theory.

Things I can recognize at my level of existence, randomness is an opportunity to gamble.