Why Don't Christians Preach To Animals?

Long, long, ago, I was of a mind that certain episodes I had experienced were somehow "spiritual" in nature. Then I learned that these "episodes" were in fact epileptic seizures.

What kind of experiences did you have ?
well, that's nothing like what i've gotten out of him and even his story. so i guess it's perspective. and according to mine, what you've said is completely idiotic.

well, when i read the bible, i do it when the spirit tells me to, and the spirit does the interpreting for me. many times, it's like it becomes the story of my life in a way. and most times, i receive an interpretation that is much different from the standard religious whooey. that whooey that atheists think they're so smart in contradicting. probably why no one really understands me much around here. lol...

but generally speaking, i don't read the bible like it's a book. the spirit uses the bible (among many other things) as a tool to teach me and develop me.

Therefore you can claim any word, phrase, sentence, verse or book means whatever you conclude & anyone who you believe is not being guided by the proper spirit cannot refute your claim & anyone who attempts to is obviously not being guided by the proper spirit.
You can read "Bob drove to the nearest store to buy some diapers & baby food" & claim it means Jesus was actually a lesbian & only good little lesbians go to heaven & of course, you are correct.

well, as i'm trying to discuss in my thread, i think that his story tells us how we will be perfected as a human race, and have restored communion, and live forever in peace and love and joy. that is why he is the christ.

We who???
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well god the father was his father remember. it's like god the father turned himself into a human by miraculously impregnating mary.

sounds like fun.

So God is male???

well i've read a lot of it, from time to time, over the years...
could have sworn it says he was born without sin.
don't recall ever thinking he was a sinner.
you can't be more specific?

You haven't read the entire Christian Bible???
How do you know ? Perhaps nothing else that you know about fits, but then, in order to establish that god fits, you have to know god first.
It doesn't add up, don't you see ?

Something unknown != God

Long, long, ago, I was of a mind that certain episodes I had experienced were somehow "spiritual" in nature. Then I learned that these "episodes" were in fact epileptic seizures.

Good point.
Another good point tho is even if there is some being interacting with her, it shouldn't be assumed it is God or that it is benevolent.
Therefore you can claim any word, phrase, sentence, verse or book means whatever you conclude & anyone who you believe is not being guided by the proper spirit cannot refute your claim & anyone who attempts to is obviously not being guided by the proper spirit.
You can read "Bob drove to the nearest store to buy some diapers & baby food" & claim it means Jesus was actually a lesbian & only good little lesbians go to heaven & of course, you are correct.

We who???

We humans.

I talk about my experience and my perceptions wtf is wrong with that? I don't expect everyone to see things the way I do. This is for my development. Its a discussion board stranger, I'm just sharing. At least I'm not out here spewing a bunch of ridiculous dogma I don't understand and claiming I'm right just because I read it somewhere or heard someone else say it.
So God is male???

You haven't read the entire Christian Bible???

I don't know wtf god is! How many goddamn times do I have to say that? But its not the only story of a spirit impregnating a human. Did you know that alexander the great claimed to be a demi god? There were actually facilities back then where people could go to have sexual experiences with spirits and he claimed that was where his mother conceived. There are also the nephilim which are mentioned in genesis.

And no I haven't read the entire bible, why would I?
What kind of experiences did you have ?
Still have actually--all the freakin' time--it's just that now I have some idea as to what's going on.

I've had countless experiences in which I'm in one place and seemingly "all of a sudden" I'm in a wholly different place! An example: I was hitchhiking about the Pacific Northwest and one moment I was in the midst of a forest (in the Cascades) and the next moment I was standing before Stonehenge! "Stonehenge" was in actuality this place, in Maryville, Washington: http://www.legendsofamerica.com/WA-Stonehenge.html


Nevertheless, I had absolutely no recollection as to how I got there. This sort of thing is not all that uncommon amongst people who experience complex partial seizures, although my example is certainly an extreme one. At the time, I believed that I was somehow "transported" to the location.

I also experience distressingly surreal temporal/spatial "disturbances" ala Through the Looking Glass: I'll seem either gigantic or lilliputian; everything I hear has a sort of phased or flanged quality to it; I'll feel as though gravitational pull has lessened or increased; things in my environment will "resonate" or exude grossly exaggerated qualities in all sensual respects (typically, not all of this at the same time).

Lots of other weird shit.
Still have actually--all the freakin' time--it's just that now I have some idea as to what's going on.

I've had countless experiences in which I'm in one place and seemingly "all of a sudden" I'm in a wholly different place! An example: I was hitchhiking about the Pacific Northwest and one moment I was in the midst of a forest (in the Cascades) and the next moment I was standing before Stonehenge! "Stonehenge" was in actuality this place, in Maryville, Washington: http://www.legendsofamerica.com/WA-Stonehenge.html


Nevertheless, I had absolutely no recollection as to how I got there. This sort of thing is not all that uncommon amongst people who experience complex partial seizures, although my example is certainly an extreme one. At the time, I believed that I was somehow "transported" to the location.

I also experience distressingly surreal temporal/spatial "disturbances" ala Through the Looking Glass: I'll seem either gigantic or lilliputian; everything I hear has a sort of phased or flanged quality to it; I'll feel as though gravitational pull has lessened or increased; things in my environment will "resonate" or exude grossly exaggerated qualities in all sensual respects (typically, not all of this at the same time).

Lots of other weird shit.

Wow.. how do you manage ?
And the Stonehenge thing, was that a so-called black-out ?
Wow.. how do you manage ?
Serendipity and friends. While I don't really feel that I have a lot of friends (nor do I spend much time with those I do have), people seem to go out of their way to do things for me for some reason and "take care" of me when I am otherwise incapable. I've gone through extended periods of going through jobs like they were potato chips because I have episodes in which I do really weird things that I'm not even conscious of or during, and consequently it's not feasible to keep me around. I'm also frequently unemployed for long periods of time because I cannot rely upon myself to be capable of performing adequately every single day; fortunately, I'm exceptionally "resourceful" and have found various ways of being self-employed. People who know me well (friends, employers, etc.) apparently find ways to work around my "idiosyncrasies" and keep me around. And with music, oddly, it hardly seems an issue: for an album I completed a few years ago, I have absolutely no recollection of recording a few of the basic tracks (pre-overdubs, that is)--I somehow managed to perform the necessary tasks on "automatic."

And the Stonehenge thing, was that a so-called black-out ?
Complex partial seizures--particularly those focused in the mesial temporal lobe, where many of my own EEG's have shown activity--can sometimes manifest as fugue states (http://neurophilosophy.wordpress.co...ive-fugue-state-forgetting-ones-own-identity/). One isn't necessarily seizing the whole time--status epilepticus--as one would likely be dead if it were to go on for hours, but some kind of weird neurological thing is going on. I don't believe that there are fully adequate explanations for fugue states at present.

Some of the other stuff can actually be sort of "fun," in a sense.
Serendipity and friends. While I don't really feel that I have a lot of friends (nor do I spend much time with those I do have), people seem to go out of their way to do things for me for some reason and "take care" of me when I am otherwise incapable. I've gone through extended periods of going through jobs like they were potato chips because I have episodes in which I do really weird things that I'm not even conscious of or during, and consequently it's not feasible to keep me around. I'm also frequently unemployed for long periods of time because I cannot rely upon myself to be capable of performing adequately every single day; fortunately, I'm exceptionally "resourceful" and have found various ways of being self-employed. People who know me well (friends, employers, etc.) apparently find ways to work around my "idiosyncrasies" and keep me around. And with music, oddly, it hardly seems an issue: for an album I completed a few years ago, I have absolutely no recollection of recording a few of the basic tracks (pre-overdubs, that is)--I somehow managed to perform the necessary tasks on "automatic."

Complex partial seizures--particularly those focused in the mesial temporal lobe, where many of my own EEG's have shown activity--can sometimes manifest as fugue states (http://neurophilosophy.wordpress.co...ive-fugue-state-forgetting-ones-own-identity/). One isn't necessarily seizing the whole time--status epilepticus--as one would likely be dead if it were to go on for hours, but some kind of weird neurological thing is going on. I don't believe that there are fully adequate explanations for fugue states at present.

Some of the other stuff can actually be sort of "fun," in a sense.

So, but.. you are functioning normally during the time you forgot then right ?
I mean, people that observed you during your 'missing time' would be non-the-wiser ? And you are conscious and talking to people ?
Looks like you get the seizures at the end of the 'missing time' and they cause you to forget some of the stuff that happened right before the seizures. They effectively erase some of your short term memory.
Is that correct ?
So, but.. you are functioning normally during the time you forgot then right ?
I mean, people that observed you during your 'missing time' would be non-the-wiser ? And you are conscious and talking to people ?
Yes, possibly, and no/yes. As to the possibly (second question), I sometimes act very strangely and it's apparent to many people that something is off, but not always; although, if it is not so much a prolonged fugue state and is more of an "ordinary" seizure, then it's usually pretty apparent to people because I act very, VERY strangely--I've been told that I on occasion "speak in tongues," so to speak, and talk as though I actually know what the hell I am talking about. And so the third question (no/yes): I'm partially conscious. Have you ever awoken in the middle of the night to find that you are "all there" but you can't open your eyes or move your limbs? It's often like that, except that my eyes are open and my limbs and mouth are moving, it's just that "I" am not controlling them (from "my" perspective). As for seizures and episodes which I do not remember (for the others, my memory is basically intact albeit fuzzy), I honestly do not know whether or not I am conscious in any way, because I simply don't remember.

Looks like you get the seizures at the end of the 'missing time' and they cause you to forget some of the stuff that happened right before the seizures. They effectively erase some of your short term memory.
Is that correct ?
I think it's something like that, but I honestly do not know what could account for memory loss of a period of hours--and for some people apparently, days or weeks. It seems like that has got to be beyond the scope of a seizure.

The seizures are caused by brain malfunction which could be causing the memory loss, regardless of the period. Or it could be a computer glitch in the simulation.
I talk to animals about god sometimes, but What exactly was the agenda and motive behind creating such A thread?. Are you assuming no christians preach to animals, or claiming the hundreds or however many you personaly know don't do it, or are you implying that it's stupid to preach to animals. If you wish to state something it is wiser and more efficient to get to the point without having a disshonest approach or being an instigator of some sort of fruitless debate.
