Why Don't Christians Preach To Animals?

Well put. The OP might as well have said:

"Hey, the Bible says to preach to animals. Who here is dumb enough to do that?"
Thats kind of how I saw it at a first glance, but I don't want to assume that has to be true because I might be wrong. In all honesty it looks like a basic insult to the bible.

Is it that or did you wish to engage in a debate about people who preach to animals about the gospels?.

It's a semantic argument.

Never liked those as they are virtually always intentional misinterpretations.
I talk to animals about god sometimes, but What exactly was the agenda and motive behind creating such A thread?. Are you assuming no christians preach to animals, or claiming the hundreds or however many you personaly know don't do it, or are you implying that it's stupid to preach to animals.


Somehow I missed the rules about motive & agenda. Perhaps you can point me to it.
It is the motives & agenda of theists which is suspect. They claim The Holy Babble is the infallible Word Of God, they follow it & live by it & say I should do so yet they do not follow it & live by it.
I shouldn't need to imply it's stupid to preach to animals. It's a given. It's a good example of the absurdity of The Holy Babble.

If you wish to state something it is wiser and more efficient to get to the point without having a disshonest approach or being an instigator of some sort of fruitless debate.


It is not wise to make stupid foolish assinine assumptions about motives & call someone dishonest because you can't see the point. Whether this is fruitless, we may know soon or late or never. It is likely to be more fruitful than cursing a fig tree or kneejerk calling a thread fruitless because you don't understand or agree or calling me disshonest.

Well put. The OP might as well have said:

"Hey, the Bible says to preach to animals. Who here is dumb enough to do that?"

They claim to believe it, follow it & live by it yet they don't. That is dishonest. They claim Jesus was wise. That is ignorant.

Thats kind of how I saw it at a first glance, but I don't want to assume that has to be true because I might be wrong. In all honesty it looks like a basic insult to the bible.

Is it that or did you wish to engage in a debate about people who preach to animals about the gospels?.


The Holy Babble is an insult to me.
That wouldn't be much of a debate.
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They claim to believe it, follow it & live by it yet they don't. That is dishonest. They claim Jesus was wise. That is ignorant.

He seems to have done all right. No one follows any precept perfectly. I draw a line at the usurpation of another's life or health or rights. If you would have me do otherwise, then you are creating a straw man.