Why Don't Christians Preach To Animals?

Let me put this to bed....if you are a Christian then you probably follow the Bible's teachings like Matthew 7:6. Which in its literal and figurative meaning is exactly what we are talking about.

Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

Basically, don't preach to creatures who you know won't listen out of ignorance or ability to reason.

It's always fascinating to discover which parts of the Bible Christians choose to read literally and which parts they choose to read metaphorically. So who decides this? Jesus?
It's always fascinating to discover which parts of the bible people choose to read literally and which parts they choose to read metaphorically. So who decides this? Jesus?

no, you do.
Buts seriously: who determines which aspects to read literally and which to read metaphorically. At least the Jews have the Midrash and the Zoroastrians (who I am partial to, for obvious reasons) have the Zend-Avesta: in these traditions, subsequent readings and interpretations are a part of the canon. Yet the Christians simply had a council of murderous bastards back in the 5th century determine which books and passages were o.k. fodder for the ignorant masses (Gospel of Thomas, eh?), yet they didn't bother to make any precepts concerning hermeneutics. So what's the story?

Hören sie denn nicht das entsetzliche schreien
ringsum, das mas gewöhnlich die stille heiβt?

That's one way of reading that.
Buts seriously: who determines which aspects to read literally and which to read metaphorically. At least the Jews have the Midrash and the Zoroastrians (who I am partial to, for obvious reasons) have the Zend-Avesta: in these traditions, subsequent readings and interpretations are a part of the canon. Yet the Christians simply had a council of murderous bastards back in the 5th century determine which books and passages were o.k. fodder for the ignorant masses (Gospel of Thomas, eh?), yet they didn't bother to make any precepts concerning hermeneutics. So what's the story?

well, when i read the bible, i do it when the spirit tells me to, and the spirit does the interpreting for me. many times, it's like it becomes the story of my life in a way. and most times, i receive an interpretation that is much different from the standard religious whooey. that whooey that atheists think they're so smart in contradicting. probably why no one really understands me much around here. lol...

but generally speaking, i don't read the bible like it's a book. the spirit uses the bible (among many other things) as a tool to teach me and develop me.
well, when i read the bible, i do it when the spirit tells me to, and the spirit does the interpreting for me. many times, it's like it becomes the story of my life in a way. and most times, i receive an interpretation that is much different from the standard religious whooey. that whooey that atheists think they're so smart in contradicting. probably why no one really understands me much around here. lol...

but generally speaking, i don't read the bible like it's a book. the spirit uses the bible (among many other things) as a tool to teach me and develop me.
Actually, to be fair, in contemporary times the fundamentalist nonsense is mostly a product of America and the Vatican; Christians elsewhere in the world are generally more tolerant of varied readings. So I'm not really attacking you--or at least, I don't intend to--I'm just attacking those millions (or tens of millions) who adhere to such unfounded bullshit.
Actually, to be fair, in contemporary times the fundamentalist nonsense is mostly a product of America and the Vatican; Christians elsewhere in the world are generally more tolerant of varied readings. So I'm not really attacking you--or at least, I don't intend to--I'm just attacking those millions (or tens of millions) who adhere to such unfounded bullshit.

yes, me too. i'm blowing them to pieces with my life. ;)
Jesus is your future husband ? Sigh..
Come on, Lory. I'm asking a serious question. Please ?

i was referring to the whole communion thing enmos...the church...the bride of christ.

jesus is who is allowing me communion with god and eternal life in his kingdom.
i was referring to the whole communion thing enmos...the church...the bride of christ.

jesus is who is allowing me communion with god and eternal life in his kingdom.

But that is what he does, not who he is.
It's always fascinating to discover which parts of the Bible Christians choose to read literally and which parts they choose to read metaphorically. So who decides this? Jesus?

This is a key reason why I left Christianity. It was the beginning of the end. Everyone I talked to had their own interpretations, and had good reason for their perception of the verses in question. Instead of using debate and reason, just thinking for a minute that they might be wrong, Christians stand on their own interpretation claiming the Holy Spirit's guiding force in the interpretation. They do this because it says it in their Bible.

This fault in Chrisitianity is the reason for the post-modern movement in the religion...which is basically supposes that God is truth and nobody comes close to it, so don't be so sure that you are right.
Oh wait.. I remember.
I just wanted to know your answer because of the relationship with god you say you have.
In my experience there is somewhat of a discrepancy within Christianity regarding who Jesus actually is.
Was Jesus the son of god or was Jesus god himself ?
I figured you of all people would have to know that.