Why does the government hide UFO's?

Well my thread at my astronomy forum (as in I am a member not an owner) has 330 views and many replies.
Generally members have nothing to report however there are a couple of interesting accounts.
One I thought particularly intetesting , in view of the many UFO reports of flying Vs, reported how at first the observer was bewildered by a strange flying V. However on using his binos was able to establish the V was a formation of birds.
Members who have been observing for 30 to 40 years say they have not seen any UFOs.
One member did point out the obvious.
Just because we have not seen a alien type UFO does not remove the possibility that such things could happen.
As to the latest bids from the guy in Melbourne..
One I would say is probably a meteor, I have seem them, and can be slow and oftenbbreak up.
Folk seeing such for the first time could easily presume they may be a craft with smaller craft leaving "the mother ship".
Also in the latest video with the lazer, and he asks could it be an insect?, and I think that is probably the most reasonable explanation.

One member recalled what a friend of his told him, said friend believes...and by his own admission said...you will never see a UFO unless you believe.

Maybe he was joking I don't know.

So after 330 views and growing not much to come from the astro community in Australia.

It is my belief that folk believe they see something however I see no reason to make up speculative stories to offer explanation and then scold anyone who fail to readily accept their belief.

My experience tells me eye witnesses can easily misinterprete what they see.

The flying V reports would seem to be birds and yet folk who think they saw a space craft probably do not like to admit they were easily fooled.

Anyway given the camera running all over if we get eyewitness reports there should be multiple photos better still multiple movies.

One of the disadvantages of looking for ufos in space is that they could be just about anything---satellites, meteorites, space debris,. At that distance pretty much everything looks like a tiny point of white light. Hence the rarity of anything that could be reasonably distinguished as a ufo.

Here's more infrared footage from Lou:

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One of the disadvantages of looking for ufos in space is that they could be just about anything---satellites, meteorites, space debris,. At that distance pretty much everything looks like a tiny point of white light. Hence the rarity of anything that could be reasonably distinguished as a ufo.
That is ... surprisingly big of you to acknowledge, after so many long, bitter debates.
One of the disadvantages of looking for ufos in space is that they could be just about anything---satellites, meteorites, space debris,. At that distance pretty much everything looks like a tiny point of white light. Hence the rarity of anything that could be reasonably distinguished as a ufo.

You certainly have a good point there.
However my contention, which I now specifically express, is that astronomers spend a great deal of time outside looking around and looking up and therefore must have a high probability of seeing anything.

What you say about satellites, meteorites and space junk is also correct but their presence my explain sightings that folk believe to be something else.

The other aspect that has come out of my "survey" is even astronomers can get confused and "see stuff". But the difference between them and the man in the street is the astronomers always has a pair of binos on hand and using same can determine the ordinary nature of the perceived UFO whereas the man in the street can only rely on his eye site.
Now another aspect of eye witness reports is many folk have poor eye sight and need glasses despite their denial in that regard.

Binos are a really good pair of eye glasses adjusted that very evening to suit and maximise the users seeing ability.

You recall the episode earlier where it was the young astronomer with a telescope that could resolve the UFO question and again it was interesting how the mob protested that he did not know what he was talking about.

I know I have admitted to being the ultimate sceptic but really when you look more closely at the pro UFO evidence it suggests firstly a lot of people are misinterpreting what they see and also that even when offered alternate explanation they won't review their position.

I mean even as a total sceptic I freely concede other possibility so to encounter someone who will not concede they could be mistaken suggests to me I am not dealing with a reasonable witness.

I know I have admitted to being the ultimate sceptic but really when you look more closely at the pro UFO evidence it suggests firstly a lot of people are misinterpreting what they see and also that even when offered alternate explanation they won't review their position.

That works both ways. Hence the compelling Tehran ufo incident being dismissed as faked or the planet Jupiter by debunkers already sure there's no such thing as flying saucers.
What is really going on.

Well clearly aliens visit.

They exchange advanced technology for their favorite food...humans.

Missing persons???
Where do they go?

The elite profit from the trade and as they control the government so any genuine reports are hidden in the countless reports of fake UFO s.

The elite encourage UFO journalism and see to it that hoaxers are well rewarded so as to increase the ocean of fake reports.

And so when a genuine observation is made the elite call upon their preowned scientists to discredit the otherwise valid account of visiting aliens.

And believe me that is the truth and if you are interested I am available for speaking engagements.

Do you want to buy a book.

Winky wink wink.
That works both ways. Hence the compelling Tehran ufo incident being dismissed as faked or the planet Jupiter by debunkers already sure there's no such thing as flying saucers.
I don't think it was faked or a mistaken Jupiter. I think it is quite interesting, but unexplained.
I just happen to think that there are causes many times more plausible than aliens or time-travellers.
What is really going on.

Well clearly aliens visit.

They exchange advanced technology for their favorite food...humans.

Missing persons???
Where do they go?

The elite profit from the trade and as they control the government so any genuine reports are hidden in the countless reports of fake UFO s.

The elite encourage UFO journalism and see to it that hoaxers are well rewarded so as to increase the ocean of fake reports.

And so when a genuine observation is made the elite call upon their preowned scientists to discredit the otherwise valid account of visiting aliens.

And believe me that is the truth and if you are interested I am available for speaking engagements.

Do you want to buy a book.

Winky wink wink.

Hey you're one positing sinister conspiracies to lie and fake evidence for ufos. Don't cast the first stone from your glass house..
Actually given we have sent a few items out there that have already left the solar system what is to prevent a more advanced species living in a nearby star system from sending robotic probes to check out their neighbouring solar system.

Hey you're one positing sinister conspiracies to lie and fake evidence
One cannot watch television, read a book, browse the internet or talk with friends without being aware that people lie and fake stuff if it serves their interest. Not "sinister conspiracies"; simply liars and fakers.

To somehow think this is not common is to be irresponsible.

Really, this should go without saying. Nothing is more damaging to someone's credibility than this sort of naivete.
One cannot watch television, read a book, browse the internet or talk with friends without being aware that people lie and fake stuff if it serves their interest. Not "sinister conspiracies"; simply liars and fakers.

To somehow think this is not common is to be irresponsible.

Uh no. People are not always lying and faking evidence. Most the time people honestly say exactly what they saw and tell the truth. Only paranoid nutcases think people are lying all the time. Think about that next time you stop and get directions, watch a news story, listen to people talk about their vacation, get a diagnosis from your doctor, read a biographical account, or learn history. Oh..and don't call me irresponsible. You don't decide my moral values for me.
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One of our members told how years ago they would put glow sticks in helium balloons which triggered UFO reports around Brisbane on the radio.

Ironically he was fooled years later seeing similar but was able to sort it out using binos.

I do think most people tell the truth but it is the folk who are not truethful that do stand out and they are around.

Some of them ring me.

There is a virus in your computer... er I don't have a computer.

There was someone at your address involved in a car accident ...er no

This is the tax office we are about to start legal proceedings...I am up to date you owe me money.

And all those law reports are not full of happy stories.
The fraud squad is not a play group.

Think what you like MR that is your right.

People are basically lazy. It's much easier to tell the truth than make up some elaborate lie just because you can.

That is my approach not so much lszy more that I am not smart enough to keep a lie from coming undone.

Even as a young man I would observe folk who made up stories and how convoluted their world's became.

They often would try and get me to back their lies..big mistake if asked I told the truth.

Sometimes it would be easy to make something up but I don't cause you are trying usually to save their feelings..well lieing is much worse.

If I don't want to go to a family do or a party I say so. Baptisms forget it. No way. Weddings no. I would not go to my best mates funeral..don't like them won't go.

Over the years that has been hard but heck its their problem I don't want to go so I don't go I am being honest.

Do they expect me to lie and say its OK when its not.

Wow! I can really tell I've rattled the gates when the debunkers gather round and start their "it's all fake" rallying chant.
All I have done so far is to ask you for some evidence. And as usual you have tried to dodge the issue rather than actually try to provide any. Can we assume you don't have any, then?

And so now we know the game here---ask for evidence, and when the evidence is given, claim it is all faked and made up by some sinister cabal of UFO researchers.
What evidence have you given? None. Do you intend to provide any? Apparently not.

Funny how even seasoned skeptics admit the Tehran incident actually happened.
Where's the evidence that these seasoned skeptics were given? Can we look at that rather than relying on more second-hand anecdotes about "seasoned skeptics" and your assurances that important people believe your anecdotes?
You know what I've noticed. That with all the accusations by scoffers of ufo evidence and eyewitness accounts and photos that none of them confess honestly that they can see how I would be so deceived to believe in all this.
Ironically, Yazata wrote quite a detailed post earlier in this very thread about why he thinks you are so deceived to believe in all this. And I replied briefly to that post.

In your case, it's fairly easy to see how you deceive yourself to believe in all the woo. The why is the more interesting question. To really get into that, we'd probably need to know quite a lot more about you as a person, your upbringing, your personal history, your education and so on and so forth. It would get pretty personal, and my guess is you wouldn't want to open yourself up in that way here.

One thing is clear: you consider it very important to your vision of yourself and your place in the universe that all the woo you believe be true, to the extent that you're completely closed to any suggestion that you consider the alternative. You're willing to lie to yourself lest giving truth a chance destroys your sense of your place in the world. You even call yourself "Magical Realist". This stuff is important to your self-image.

If it really is all fake reporting and fake documentaries and fake photos, then there certainly wouldn't be much sense in blaming me for falling for this elaborate conspiracy to make people believe in ufos.
It's one thing to believe nonsense because you know no better. But you have the advantage of having been carefully tutored here in the methods that you could use to really investigate this woo for yourself. And yet you show no interest in doing so - quite the reverse, in fact. You run a mile at the merest suggestion that you do so.

That's how I know skeptics aren't being genuous.
What would "genuous" skepticism look like, in your view?

Instead they demonize and attack me for presenting all this evidence as if I am the devil himself.
No. You're more often attacked, in my view, for the fundamental dishonesty in the way you discuss (or, rather, fail to discuss) the woo you present. Every time you are pressed on anything, you try to change the subject, or you disappear only to pop in with some new, unrelated, rubbish a short time later.

But you already know this is so.