Why does the government hide UFO's?

Well all this brings us back to the op.
A good answer to "why do people believe in alien UFO's" come from the Washington Post:
. . .

But the enduring power of UFOs doesn’t seem like something we can explain away as delusion or demographic proclivity. It seems to spring from someplace deeper—the same place, psychologists like C.G. Jung have argued, that forced early humans to make up myths to explain the weather. These stories explain things we don’t, or can’t, understand. (“I was dealing with a phenomenon that I felt could not be explained psychiatrically,” the Harvard psychiatrist who believed in alien abduction once said.)

Without these stories, psychologist Stephen Diamond explains in an essay on UFOs and the “cry for meaning,” we have to accept the fact that some things mean nothing, and others are totally beyond us—a strange, frightening and ultimately deflating thought.

In fact, it’s arguably easier to believe the universe is full of life, even hostile life, than to believe the universe holds no meaning at all. In that respect, a belief in UFOs answers many of the same questions as a belief in God—explaining, perhaps, why the religious tend to not believe in them. Both things convince us, in Diamond’s words, that we are:

“… still capable of experiencing something that lifts us out of our everyday, mundane, ordinary, banal, often seemingly purposeless lives, and [they also remind us], if only momentarily, what it means to be fully, ecstatically alive in a universe filled with beauty, mystery, terror, danger and wonder.”

The alternate narrative isn’t very compelling, which explains why conferences and museums on existentialism, if they existed, would draw far smaller crowds than Myrtle Beach’s “UFO Experience” and D.C.’s recent UFO hearings. It also accounts for the flood of Hollywood features on UFOs—500 since 1947, according to IMDB—and the relative lack of movies on the vast, dark emptiness of the unfeeling universe. (Also worth noting: according to Irwin and others, more alien movies = more UFO sightings.)

Perhaps viewers want to feel what Roy Neary felt in the 1977 hit “Close Encounters of the Third Kind.”

“I know this sounds crazy, but ever since yesterday on the road, I’ve been seeing this shape,” Neary says after seeing a UFO. “Shaving cream, pillows… Dammit! I know this. I know what this is! This means something. This is important.”
A good answer to "why do people believe in alien UFO's" come from the Washington Post:
I have said in the past that very few people will ever say "I dont know".

I say it often and folk are always taken aback.

Ask anyone anything and you will get an opinion and that opinion is often offerred with confidence notwithstanding little knowledge of the subject matter.

My why question was to the op.
If there is so much evidence why is not something done?
Does the government know but does not care?
Has the government had folk look at the evidence and conclude there is nothing to worry about.

My "survey" has now had over 600 views and my presumption is from mostly astro folk and little to write home about.

Folk believe in all sorts of things and they generally claim they have proof but often all they have is their belief in a proposition.

When I see God or a ufo or a ghost I will make up my mind if I have seen something real or if my mind is playing tricks on me.

People already have a comforting myth. It's called religion. It's an all-powerful father figure who lives in the sky and grants them their wishes and eternal life. A flying saucer with alien beings inside isn't really a myth anyone would make up to comfort themselves. It doesn't provide solace on lonely dark nights or a sense of humans being the center of it all. In fact it is all a rather terrifying prospect. That alien beings could swoop down at any time and do whatever they want. One might even call it an anti-myth.
Well all this brings us back to the op.
I submit to you that the thread did not properly start with post 1; it started with post 11.

Post 1 - and thus the topic text - is a poorly-formed question.

'Why does the govrnment hide UFOs' makes the implicit supposition that the govrnement does hide UFOs.

It is a question of the form
'have you stopped beating your wife yet?' and
'why are ghosts always seen wearing the clothes they died in?'

They presuppose something that has yet to be granted. To answer these questions at all, is to implicitly grant the premise.

The only way to truthfully answer the question is to stop the queryer in his tracks and call out the malformed question.

So, the properly-formed question must be compound: Does the gov't hide UFO's - and if so - why?
I submit to you that the thread did not properly start with post 1; it started with post 11.

Post 1 - and thus the topic text - contain an assumption that results in a poorly-formed question.

'Why does the govrnment hide UFOs' makes the implicit supposition that the govrnement does hide UFOs.

It is a question of the form 'have you stopped beating your wife yet?' - questions which presuppose something that is not granted. To answer this question at all, is to implicitly accept the premise.

The only way to truthfully answer the question* is to stop the queryer in his tracks and call out the malformed question.

*assuming, that is, that you don't actually beat your wife.

So, the properly-formed question must be compound: Does the gov't hide UFO's - and if so - why?
You are correct.
But that still does not answer why the government are hiding ufos.
Are you always this difficult?
Sorry for some reason I am in a happy mood...
So many questions are presented incorrectly which would not be so hard to take if the person asking was being sneaky but so often they fail to grasp what you point to.

I know generalisations are of little value but I have noticed some wife bashing questions in the religious forum in support.
People already have a comforting myth. It's called religion.
Yep. For some, their comforting myth is religion. For others, that need for comfort is replaced by UFO's or ghosts. As the article calls out, there is an inverse relationship between religion and UFO belief, implying that one or the other fills the same need in people who have such a need.

UFO's, of course, may fulfill other needs, such as the need some people have for attention - especially when there is nothing of substance they can do to get similar levels of attention.
But that still does not answer why the government are hiding ufos.
If they're not hiding them, the question is meaningless. And it is by no means an accepted stance that they are.

Too many questions arise like this.

I alluded to another one: "Why" do ghosts appear in certain clothes?

It needs to first be established that ghosts appear in clothes at all.
The nature by which this is resolved (some supernatural explnation and mechanism by which dead people wander amoungst the living) will necessarily play into any question of why they might wear clothes.

That there are UFOS (and how this manifests), and that the goverment is hiding them (and how this manifests), will necessarily play a major role in why they might hide them.

Note, even if one accepts that UFOs and ghost do exist, the qustion remains problematic.

Let's say I grant both exist.
In order to understand anything about them, there must first be a theory of mechanism.

What if ghosts exist, but are simply magic by some wizard? Well, their clothes are at the whim of the wizard.
What if they are actually dead souls? Well, the clothes are... well, who knows. We still need a mechanism by which they intrude upon our living world.

What if UFOs exist but are actually military experiments?
What if the UFOS are faked by the goverment?

You see, the questiom of why something is the why it is requires at least the rudimentary theory as to what they are.
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For others, that need for comfort is replaced by UFO's or ghosts.

Nope..Scary unknown beings are not the stuff of comforting myths. Science on the other hand? Yeah..that's the new myth for lots of atheists. It provides comfort that all can be explained and that there is nothing out of the ordinary or irrational in one's life. There's even a revered priesthood of peer-reviewed scientists to bow before. Science the answer to all problems. Science the infallible font of all knowledge. Yeah...:rolleyes:
If they're not hiding them, the question is meaningless. And it is by no means an accepted stance that they are.
I was trying to be funny...
Your earlier post was not lost on me... I was trying to appear stupid... unfortunately I know when I am and when I am not may be difficult to tell.

I was trying to be funny...
Your earlier post was not lost on me... I was trying to appear stupid... unfortunately I know when I am and when I am not may be difficult to tell.
I suspected so. I know you well enough. ;) Probably should have gone with my first instinct.
What if they are actually dead souls? Well, the clothes are... well, who knows.
They get their clothes from companies that have gone into liquidation...

Yes mechanism.
How do tarot cards work?

I had a friend who was into tarot cards and other mystical stuff.
He did paid readings.
I confronted him one day that it was a scam.
What he told me was unexpected.
He said well I believe they work and folk who see me believe they work.
Often in the process of reading the cards they reveal a problem, say a business problem or a tax problem, and the cards often give them the courage to address something they have been avoiding.

Anyway he made me realise in his world tarot cards work, evil spirits are around and there will be a life after death.
It hit me that he really believed stuff that I just saw as nonsence.
And so I thought about the world and the different views... the realisation hits hard when you realise your rational approach probablt is not the norm.

A flying saucer with alien beings inside isn't really a myth anyone would make up to comfort themselves.

Maybe you have not had the pleasure of meeting someone who is not content unless there is drama in their life.
I have.
They are fighting with the neighbours their friends ...even seem happier if they have an illness or pain they can talk about.

These sort of people revel in drama and the prospect of doom and gloom.

You can not have lived and not come across the type I speak about.

They loved the prospect of the world ending in 2012, they think the world is on the brink of collapse, it goes on believe me.

In any event I could see that type happy to fantasise about alien invasion etc.

You seem like a good man who only sees the good in people but I suggest there are many different types of people both good and bad and you are fortunate that you seem to have not had your belief in humanity seriously damaged.

Probably should have gone with my first instinct.

Years ago I would get caught all the time using dry humour, mock stupidity and silly over statement.

So I took to using emos and things changed.

They are not easy to use on my phone but for the future its probably safe to say I am not trying to be too serious, I am not a puffed up personality and I don't seek to be offensive.

I enjoy all of your posts and happy to have you pull me up if I go off the rails, overstep the line or cross forbidden boundaries....just don't call in my licence.

Magical Realist:

Always making it personal aren't you? Ooo I'm so dishonest! Blah blah.. Why is it so hard not to insult me?
Actually, I just wish you'd be honest with yourself. I admit that it's possible that you're not being deliberately disingenous, and you actually have a mental blind spot such that you think that your approach to this stuff is how a reasonable, intelligent person would act.

Does the fact that an intelligent person like me believes in ufos disturb you that it may be true?
Not at all. To tell you the truth, I'd love it if aliens were visiting us. There would be so much we could learn from them. But no-one who has ever reported a "close encounter" has ever come back with any remotely interesting knowledge that we didn't already know. (Don't you find that strange?)

Does the compelling evidence I present anger you and so unleash your flaming tirades on me and the horrible person I must be?
Whenever you have been pressed to provide more than third-hand youtube clips, you have utterly failed. Your idea of what constitutes "compelling evidence" is laughable if this is the best you can do.

I think your own posts speak more about your own pathetic dishonesty and your inability to consider this topic objectively.
Interesting that you want to accuse me of being dishonest. What, specifically, do you accuse me of being dishonest about? My views, I would have thought, have been communicated quite clearly to you.

Hence the desperate "it's all fake" stance and the litany of tired ad homs about me and how deceitful I'm being.
I caught you out posting stuff that had obviously been faked. And when I did so, you continued to stick to your story that it was real, until eventually overwhelming evidence forced you to back down in that particular instance.

I have been very careful not to make claims about your videos that I cannot support. Thus, I have never said "That's definitely faked" (except in one or two instances where they have been definitely and provably faked). Mostly, I have just asked you sensible questions to test the supposed strength of your "compelling" evidences. And you have run away from even that basic level of scrutiny, every time.

Just discuss the points I raise. If you think the evidence is faked, then tell me why. What evidence can you present for that claim? You can't just raise suspicion about a documentary or a photo or an account and not say why.
I have always been careful to explain to you why I think particular footage might be unreliable or fake. You cannot honestly claim that I haven't told you why.

But ultimately it is not me who has the burden of chasing every spurious claim you make down some rabbit hole, especially given your penchant for spamming the forum with one spurious video after another. Rather, you must recognise that the burden lies on you to make your case for aliens/ghosts/Bigfoot or whatever other woo you're peddling.

You have a search engine. Use it..
See above. It is not my burden to set out to debunk the hundreds of spurious videos that you thoughtlessly serve up here. It is up to you to show that they are reliable evidence of what you claim.

No less than you consider it very important to your vision of yourself and your place in the universe that all your scientistic beliefs be true, to the extent that you're completely closed to any suggestion that you consider the alternative. Physician heal thyself..
Which particular scientistic beliefs are you referring to?

In fact, it is something of a hobby of mine to take an interest in bizarre claims of the kind that you peddle here. I do not dismiss them out of hand, but rather ask sensible questions to see whether they can withstand reasonable scrutiny. Apparently, they can't. Or you can't, at any rate.

No..neither you nor anyone else are tutoring shit.
Like I said, you're highly resistant to looking objectively at the woo and actually thinking about it.

You relentlessly ad hom and insult and infract me for presenting facts and evidence for phenomena you dogmatically deny, pretending to know more about a subject that I have been studying for around 15 years.
If you had really been "studying" this stuff for 15 years, properly, then one would reasonably expect that by now you would have a cache of really persuasive evidence to present. And yet, the best you can serve up is youtube clips that can be found in under a minute by any idiot who types "ufo sighting" into a search engine.

You are in no position to tutor anyone on this subject.
With all due respect, I don't think you're qualified to judge that. It's fine, Magical Realist. You don't have to learn. Nobody is going to force you to give up your fantasies.

On the contrary, you are the ones who have been tutored and educated on this topic. Your irrational and obstinate denial of it's validity as a real and distinct phenomena is the primary reason I move after so many pages of flames and ad homs. Noone one can educate someone who constantly screams "Fake!" with every presentation of the topic.
The fact that you are reduced to telling lies about those calls of "fake" speaks volumes about you, Magical Realist.
Farmington, New Mexico UFO Armada--- March 17, 1950....


Computer rendition:
Oh, well is there's a "computer rendition", it must be real!
One report that came in on the astronomy forum described how a group observed what appeared to be metal disk like objects flying over the ocean.
The group could not work it out until the objects came in closer.
Turned out to be seaguls.
They appeared silver and metalic because of the way the Sun lit them up.
Over 700 views nothing that suggest astronomers see ufos as suggested earlier.
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You must be posting to get a rise out of folk.
That video was pathetic and takes away from your propositions rather than to add to them.
However we are getting good traffic and I see that as a good thing for sustaining our small group on the one hand but a little sad that so many follow ufos.
The thread I openned on the astronomy forum has been helpful.
It seems many objects can appear very different due to Sun light and various angles.
Seaguls that appeared silvery and metalic. V formations of birds also taking on a look of a single object.
So far what has come out of the thread is some members have seen stuff which was at first a ufo but they were able to identify and often they could identify the object with binnnos.