Why does the government hide UFO's?

Well given all the sightings and given we have so many cameras world wide it should not be too long before we get some decent photos that will help us determine what the various people are seeing.


But the thing is how many IR capable cameras are out there ?
If not faked sure.
I guess that is another problem what is fake what is not.
I don't trust anyone so I guess to be honest I would need to see something for myself.. And even then I would have to convince myself I was not seeing stuff and getting it wrong.
I have been fooled by a brown paper bag so I am aware how ones mind can play tricks.

So are we , aware that the mind can play tricks ; seen this on many a video ; just look very carefully .
A few members have reported and as you can see if you look nothing outstanding.
One chap thought he saw something jumping around but after getting his binos and a mate confirmed it was a star.
Yes indeed. Here's a good rundown of some of the most notable ufo sightings in all of history.


I think that ancient and medieval ufo reports are fascinating.

To deny this is a real phenomenon at this point in time is really just intellectually dishonest.

I wish that everyone on Sciforums would stop accusing each other of being "intellectually dishonest" because the other person damnably continues to disagree and to argue his/her points. The only person on this board who writes intelligently and convincingly enough that everyone else should just accept whatever they say is me! :D

I fully accept that people say that they see extraordinary things in the sky. That's indisputable. They have done so throughout history. I accept that they have historically attached all kinds of interpretations to those sightings, typically religious and/or divinationary (predictive of future events).

What I'm less convinced about is whether any particular interpretation of their nature and meaning is the correct one. I'm not convinced that they are alien spaceships (an interpretation in tune with 1950's popular culture) any more than I'm convinced that they are revelations of the gods (an interpretation more in tune with ancient culture).

Right now, I'm inclined to say that there's a very low (but not zero) probability that ufos are alien spaceships or divine manifestations. There's probably a stronger likelihood that they are something currently unknown, something that each culture witnesses and tries to explain in terms of its own concepts. But I think that the strongest case can be made for the idea that there's no single physical phenomenon associated with ufos at all, and for the conclusion that they are modern folklore.
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Patient Alex , patient
It's actually "Patience Alex, patience.
Rather than go through the amount of nonsense posts you have made, let me just say in actual favour of MR, in fact: Even he has distanced himself quite firmly from yourself and the cranks that claim any sinister overtones to the supposed face on Mars, and of course even the more looney Nuclear war that you and your crazy author friend are claiming.

The thread is hottting up.
Some interesting posts.
I get the picture Alex. Our friend river will never concede to any of the many error ridden posts he has made, and will simply come back with his usual "one liners" replies, with absolutely no content or knowledge.
He claims to be a researcher: He isn't. :) He is simply a gullible believer.
He claims to be a deep thinker. Yet he frolics about in a wading pool of knowledge, based on fairy tales, myths and the paranormal, refusing scientific knowledge built up over the years.
He expects [as does MR] to be able to claim whatever he wishes, without any scientific scrutiny, and will act rather incoherently when it is applied to his beliefs and gullibility.
The following is an Interesting past exchange between him and I, illustrating what I say......
from posts 14 to 29, with particular attention to post 22. :)