Why does the government hide UFO's?

That's why I'm such a failure in life.
Well being totally honest I regard my success in life ( success by my definition which has little to do with money strangely) due to the principle Mark points to...

I have often used the saying " fake it until you make it " and that works at least in law and real estate.

Sadly many never move past faking it.

But if you are honest you stand out in both those professions...and being honest is easier than trying to remember lies.

And you all wonder why Donald will be your president...
The belief in either prospect, son of god or ufos etc is a worry .... So the majority seems to be in the UFO camp...time for a pause and reflect maybe.
It is easy to understand why polies have little concern in feeding the electorate bs .... Many will believe what they are told they should believe.

Hey you're the ones touting the status quo view that ufos are nonsense and believers in them are all nuts or hoaxers. You even just did that now. So don't preach to me about goin along with majority. That's basically your whole religion. Truth determined by majority rule. If you can't debunk it then scoff at it.
So don't preach to me about goin along with majority.
I would not think about preaching to you and certainly would not hint that you are part of a mob of nutters.
I have already said I thought you are an intelligent man.
Let's say you are truely in the minority if that makes you happy.
I would not think about preaching to you and certainly would not hint that you are part of a mob of nutters.
I have already said I thought you are an intelligent man.
Let's say you are truely in the minority if that makes you happy.

What are you after Alex ?
To state my position.
Generally I believe in nothing other than the fact humans find something that they believe in and then defend their belief and reject anything that may hint their belief could be wrong.

And that belief can be in religion, science, politics and of course,but not limited to, UFOs.

Now each will proclaim " but I have the facts" the theist has their bible, the scientist their models and maths, the political person their record of achievement and the UFO guy has what they consider good evidence.

But everything turns on belief.

I regard everything with suspicion and always open to the possibility that humans can be wrong despite their firm belief they are not.

To state my position.
Generally I believe in nothing other than the fact humans find something that they believe in and then defend their belief and reject anything that may hint their belief could be wrong.

And that belief can be in religion, science, politics and of course,but not limited to, UFOs.

Now each will proclaim " but I have the facts" the theist has their bible, the scientist their models and maths, the political person their record of achievement and the UFO guy has what they consider good evidence.

But everything turns on belief.

I regard everything with suspicion and always open to the possibility that humans can be wrong despite their firm belief they are not.



How do you define " belief " ? thats the thing . Define belief as you see it .
What are you after Alex ?
Someone to talk to River without getting married, without going to the pub, without going to church, without going to work, without out going to a sporting event.

Although I don't mix with humans I do like a chat.

How is the weather where you are...its dry here.

To state my position.
Generally I believe in nothing other than the fact humans find something that they believe in and then defend their belief and reject anything that may hint their belief could be wrong.

And that belief can be in religion, science, politics and of course,but not limited to, UFOs.

Now each will proclaim " but I have the facts" the theist has their bible, the scientist their models and maths, the political person their record of achievement and the UFO guy has what they consider good evidence.

But everything turns on belief.

I regard everything with suspicion and always open to the possibility that humans can be wrong despite their firm belief they are not.


So you believe all truth is relative? That there are no facts or absolute reality? That's pretty radical, and not a fringe position I am all that unfamiliar with.
Someone to talk to River without getting married, without going to the pub, without going to church, without going to work, without out going to a sporting event.

Although I don't mix with humans I do like a chat.

How is the weather where you are...its dry here.


Wet here .

How again do define belief ?
You know what I've noticed. That with all the accusations by scoffers of ufo evidence and eyewitness accounts and photos that none of them confess honestly that they can see how I would be so deceived to believe in all this. If it really is all fake reporting and fake documentaries and fake photos, then there certainly wouldn't be much sense in blaming me for falling for this elaborate conspiracy to make people believe in ufos. That's how I know skeptics aren't being genuous. Instead they demonize and attack me for presenting all this evidence as if I am the devil himself. It is the same as when they burned witches in Europe. Protect the sacred religion of the status quo! Punish all the heretics for daring to contradict the reigning world paradigm! Infract him! Censor him! Ban him before he sows dissension in the ranks.
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How do you define " belief " ? thats the thing . Define belief as you see it .

Belief...your personal view of how the world works I suppose.

If you are religious you see everything tied to God and regard anyone who does not see it the same way as wrong uninformed and lesser of a human.

Same with a scientist. They have all the answers and believe the world revolves around logic and reason.

And regard anyone not that way be a lesser human.

And so on...
Belief is how one personally sees the world and that which they consider the true reality.

I don't think there is any reality that is reliable for it can only be assessed via my mind.

I would be foolish to think I or anyone else has all the answers so I try to keep an open view.

My views on UFOs are open but I won't accept as evidence nonsence.

Nor will I accept the shotgun approach that some of it is true.

Show me something specific.

You know what I've noticed. That with all the accusations by scoffers of ufo evidence and eyewitness accounts and photos that none of them confess honestly that they can see how I would be so deceived to believe in all this. If it really is all fake reporting and fake documentaries and fake photos, then there certainly wouldn't be much sense in blaming me for falling for this elaborate conspiracy to make people believe in ufos. That's how I know skeptics aren't being genuous. Instead they demonize and attack me for presenting all this evidence as if I am the devil himself. It is the same as when they burned witches in Europe. Protect the sacred religion of the status quo! Punish all the heretics for daring to contradict the reigning scientistic paradigm! Infract him! Censor him! Ban him before he sows dissension in the ranks.

They can't handle the truth , MR. plain and simple .
Protect the sacred religion of the status quo! Punish all the heretics for daring t
Well what else do you expect.
And that is not wrong.
Status quo is good.
Change is good also.
Society needs to maintain the status quo and only move slowly from it.
Unfortunately much change that is required seems too long in coming but we need above everything stability... If there is no stability you can't grow crops.
Belief...your personal view of how the world works I suppose.

If you are religious you see everything tied to God and regard anyone who does not see it the same way as wrong uninformed and lesser of a human.

Same with a scientist. They have all the answers and believe the world revolves around logic and reason.

And regard anyone not that way be a lesser human.

And so on...
Belief is how one personally sees the world and that which they consider the true reality.

I don't think there is any reality that is reliable for it can only be assessed via my mind.

I would be foolish to think I or anyone else has all the answers so I try to keep an open view.

My views on UFOs are open but I won't accept as evidence nonsence.

Nor will I accept the shotgun approach that some of it is true.

Show me something specific.


You need to breath , drink water and eat . all of which is beyond , belief .

To get beyond any ology is to sift through all the so called facts , and to do that means you have to read .
Well what else do you expect.
And that is not wrong.
Status quo is good.
Change is good also.
Society needs to maintain the status quo and only move slowly from it.
Unfortunately much change that is required seems too long in coming but we need above everything stability... If there is no stability you can't grow crops.

Sometimes change is more important than stability .

Right now , we need change
Instead they demonize and attack me for presenting all this evidence as if I am the devil himself.
That is the way humans are...it is not wrong and without that approach civilization probably would not have happened.

To think the mob does not exist is unrealistic.

How would I be treated at a UFO forum or a religious forum...

Seeking pity is of no use.

Sometimes change is more important than stability .

Right now , we need change

We live in an era where change is the norm.
You have the tool of change before you.
If change is demanded change will come.
What change do you demand?
That is the way humans are...it is not wrong and without that approach civilization probably would not have happened.

To think the mob does not exist is unrealistic.

How would I be treated at a UFO forum or a religious forum...

Seeking pity is of no use.


They would have burned him at the stake Alex .