Why does the government hide UFO's?

My reading suggests that

1. Aliens are telepathic
2. They have achieved interstellar travel
3. Their ships use 100% of the energy, nothing is lost
4. They have spread out to our planet rather than traveling to it purposefully (initially)
5. David Jacobs may be unreliable as the Emma Woods fiasco shows
6. Insectoids are the true aliens with the greys being some kind of hybrid attempts

Concerns are I've deduced only telepathic species can achieve interstellar travel because of the resources and knowledge pool required, it would need a cohesive society with no deviations from one part of the planet to another. They would need to work together for such an achievement. So naturally it makes sense these visitors are telepathic.

Also a plan of colonization would only make sense if you were bioforming your species, that would leave the environment intact and all the resources instead of terraforming which would destroy or alter them. Infact terraforming as we think of it may be impossible on a planetary scale. The idea they are attempting this is supportive they are real as it makes sense and falls in line with a reason.

Just a few thoughts
Or, educate yourself on a topic by reading up on it so you can credibly talk about that topic.

I know you will simply ignore it... as you are want to do... but for the sake of "doing my job", I am obligated to remind you:


Knowingly posting false or misleading information
15. The intentional posting of false or misleading information is unacceptable. This includes posting half-truths, i.e. leaving out relevant and known information to give a false impression

18. Trolling is the posting of inflammatory posts with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional (often angry) response. Trolls aim to disrupt normal on-topic discussion, often by raising tangential or irrelevant hot-button issues. Trolling posts are intended to incite controversy or conflict and/or to cause annoyance or offence.

Trolls are damaging to online communities because they attempt to pass as legitimate participants in discussions while actually seeking to disrupt normal conversation and debate. If permitted to remain, trolls tend to reduce the level of trust among members in an online community. One consequence may be that truly naive posts are rejected by sensitised members as just more examples of trolling.

Trolls tend to follow certain patterns of behaviour that may include:
  • Posting of similar responses and topics repeatedly.
  • Avoiding giving answers to direct questions put to them.
  • Never attempting to justify their position.
  • Demanding evidence from others while offering none in return.
  • Vanishing when their bluff is called, only to reappear in a different thread arguing the same point.
  • Deliberately derailing discussions onto tangential matters in order to try to control the flow of discussion.
Trolls are not tolerated on sciforums.
With all due respect:

is only true if the listed rules are enforced.

Believe me... the rules are slowly starting to be actually enforced after an odd period of being quite loose in several sub-forums for reasons I do not (and cannot) agree with.
BZZT! Web sites don't count. You said so yourself.

You promised us books. Full of irrefutably compelling evidence. Mounds and mounds of it. Great honkin' libraries.

Cough up.

To read about a subject throughly you need to read a book .

This is an object found .
our first evidence , physical , of a higher form of intelligence ? Sure looks that way .
Actually it's evidence of lower intelligence.
Namely: those who believe it's 250,000 years old.
"The wedge is simply a tooth from a modern day excavator bucket, the kind used by workers digging foundations for construction projects. The results of metallurgical tests made on the wedge are consistent with modern 2000 series duralumin..."
Actually it's evidence of lower intelligence.
Namely: those who believe it's 250,000 years old.
"The wedge is simply a tooth from a modern day excavator bucket, the kind used by workers digging foundations for construction projects. The results of metallurgical tests made on the wedge are consistent with modern 2000 series duralumin..."

So you agree that it's not 250,000 years old?
Then why bother referring to it at all?
Actually it's evidence of lower intelligence.
Namely: those who believe it's 250,000 years old.
"The wedge is simply a tooth from a modern day excavator bucket, the kind used by workers digging foundations for construction projects. The results of metallurgical tests made on the wedge are consistent with modern 2000 series duralumin..."
Heh! The moment I saw it, the first thing I thought was "that looks like a tooth from an excavator". But I thought that was to silly to say out loud.
. Interestingly though, manufacturers note that the most common applications for the 2000 series Aluminum alloys are aerospace, military vehicles and rocket fins.