Why does the government hide UFO's?

Unless you show it, I nor anyone else can say definitively. Simple concept lol.
but it has been shown to somebody, but not just shown to you. so far it only appears that if you do not know about it then anyone else cannot.
if this is so, then again,by your own admissions, your logic is illogical.
:) (shakes head)-- comical and pathetic.
but it has been shown to somebody, but not just shown to you. so far it only appears that if you do not know about it then anyone else cannot.
if this is so, then again,by your own admissions, your logic is illogical.
:) (shakes head)-- comical and pathetic.

If no evidence is shown, to anyone, then it cannot be said definitively until evidence is shown. Still a simple concept.
If no evidence is shown, to anyone, then it cannot be said definitively until evidence is shown. Still a simple concept.
but it has been shown to somebody--just not shown to you, so again, there is evidence you just do not know that it exist--so does that mean that because you do not know, that no one else cannot know?
yeah-- i had enough of your hand-waving circular logic. i have shown significantly enough of what a pathetic joke that you truly are.. :) carry on.
yeah-- i had enough of your hand-waving circular logic. i have shown significantly enough of what a pathetic joke that you truly are.. :) carry on.
Except you haven't lol. My statement stands true. Your lack of reasoning just doesn't hold up. Stay ez
I mean, think about it, Governments leak like a sieve.
And did everybody forget the Manhattan Project from WWII? A secret so huge that would have (and did) turn the tide of the war, setting the course of the world for the next century.

You know how long they were able to keep it secret?

Three weeks.
Oh the government hides it out in the open.

The 1952 account of several UFOs over Washington DC. . Over the White House . Yet it is ignored as a discussion point on UFOs. Proof of UFOS.
Oh the government hides it out in the open.

The 1952 account of several UFOs over Washington DC. . Over the White House . Yet it is ignored as a discussion point on UFOs. Proof of UFOS.
One cannot hide something by ignoring it.

If the rest of the world wishes to discuss these 1952 UFOs, why aren't tbey discussing it?
And if they are, then how is it any more hidden than any other account?
You can't have it both ways.

Oh the government hides it out in the open.

The 1952 account of several UFOs over Washington DC. . Over the White House . Yet it is ignored as a discussion point on UFOs. Proof of UFOS

One cannot hide something by ignoring it.

If the rest of the world wishes to discuss these 1952 UFOs, why aren't tbey discussing it?
And if they are, then how is it any more hidden than any other account?
You can't have it both ways.

The thing is ......are you discussing it and if not why not ?
The thing is ......are you discussing it and if not why not ?
What else is there to discuss? It has been hashed out by both sides, and no new evidence of that incident will come forth, so, unless you want to rehash the same arguments again... what are you proposing?
For you and many others ; there is .

See you did not know about the 1952 flap over Washington DC.

You should have .
If I told you I'd investigated it and found nothing fruitful, would you be satsified with my declaration?
Surely, if an investigation is going to yield fruit, it should be done by someone who thinks there's fruit there.
Why don't you do your investigation and bring back your findings?
If I told you I'd investigated it and found nothing fruitful, would you be satsified with my declaration?
Surely, if an investigation is going to yield fruit, it should be done by someone who thinks there's fruit there.
Why don't you do your investigation and bring back your findings?

Why would you think there is nothing " fruitful " in your investigation?
just to think about-- what about all of the worldly government officials whom have came out in the past-- the ones whom were briefed on such things?
For you and many others ; there is .

See you did not know about the 1952 flap over Washington DC.

You should have .
Generals John Samford, USAF Director of Intelligence, and Roger Ramey, USAF Director of Operations, held a well-attended press conference at the Pentagon on July 29, 1952.[21] It was the largest Pentagon press conference since World War II.[22] Press stories called Samford and Ramey the Air Force's two top UFO experts.[23]

Samford was heavily influenced by Capt. Roy James, who had discussed the sightings with him earlier in the day and who also spoke at the conference. Samford declared that the visual sightings over Washington could be explained as misidentified aerial phenomena (such as stars or meteors). Samford also stated that the unknown radar targets could be explained by temperature inversion, which was present in the air over Washington on both nights the radar returns were reported.

In addition, Samford argued that the radar contacts were not caused by solid material targets, and therefore posed no threat to national security. In response to a question as to whether the Air Force had recorded similar UFO radar contacts prior to the Washington incident, Samford admitted that there had been "hundreds" of such contacts where Air Force fighter interceptions had taken place, but stated they were all "fruitless." The conference proved to be successful "in getting the press off our backs", Ruppelt later wrote.[24]

Among the witnesses who supported Samford's explanation was the crew of a B-25 bomber, which had been flying over Washington during the sightings of July 26–27. The bomber was vectored several times by National Airport over unknown targets on the airport's radarscopes, yet the crew could see nothing unusual. Finally, as a crew member related, "the radar had a target which turned out to be the Wilson Lines steamboat trip to Mount Vernon...the radar was sure as hell picking up the steamboat."[25] Air Force Captain Harold May was in the radar center at Andrews AFB during the sightings of July 19–20. Upon hearing that National Airport's radar had picked up an unknown object heading in his direction, May stepped outside and saw "a light that was changing from red to orange to green to red again...at times it dipped suddenly and appeared to lose altitude." However, May eventually concluded that he was simply seeing a star that was distorted by the atmosphere, and that its "movement" was an illusion.[26] At 3 a.m. on July 27, an Eastern Airlines flight over Washington was told that an unknown object was in its vicinity; the crew could see nothing unusual. When they were told that the object had moved directly behind their plane, they began a sharp turn to try to see the object, but were told by National Airport's radar center that the object had "disappeared" when they began their turn. At the request of the Air Force, the CAA's Technical Development and Evaluation Center did an analysis of the radar sightings. Their conclusion was that "a temperature inversion had been indicated in almost every instance when the unidentified radar targets or visual objects had been reported."[27] Project Blue Book would eventually label the unknown Washington radar blips as false images caused by temperature inversion, and the visual sightings as misindentified meteors, stars, and city lights.[3][28] In later years two prominent UFO skeptics, Dr. Donald Menzel, an astronomer at Harvard University, and Philip Klass, a senior editor for Aviation Week magazine, would also argue in favor of the temperature inversion/mirage hypothesis.[29] In 2002 Klass told a reporter that "radar technology in 1952 wasn't sophisticated enough to filter out many ordinary objects, such as flocks of birds, weather balloons, or temperature inversions. UFO proponents argue that even then seasoned controllers could differentiate between spurious targets and solid, metallic objects. Klass disagrees. It may be that "we had two dumb controllers at National Airport on those nights"...[he] added that the introduction of digital filters in the 1970s led to a steep decline in UFO sightings on radar."[5]