Why Does God Exist?

Satyr - you can still make your points without the ad-hominem - Civility doesn't cost.
The E,

The original train of thought that first got me thinking there was a God was the complexity of the universe. The universe is so amazingly complex and fine tuned that the odds of it happening by chance are more astronomical (no pun intended) than the odds of it being created.
Sorry to burst your bubble but that is a wonderful classic fallacy.

This is like saying that the shape of the baking dish is miraculously precise because it exactly matches the shape of the pie. Do you see your error? You’ve got everything back to front.

Life and everything is a result of the universe not the other way around so naturally everything is a perfect fit. If the universe were different then all the results would be appropriately different.

And if we are talking odds then what are the odds that there is a super powerful being capable of creating entire universes. Now that goes way beyond astronomical.
The E

The world around us points to something greater than ourselves. It's "vain and presumptuous" of us to believe that we're all there is.
No it doesn’t. That’s your arrogance thinking we are so important that a creator of a universe is giving us special attention. We are insignificant compared to the vastness of the universe. We have existed for only a tiny fraction of time and our self-destruction if far from a low risk.
Cris said:
Satyr - you can still make your points without the ad-hominem - Civility doesn't cost.
And where would the fun in that be?

Wasting my time with lost cases and intellectual cripples isn’t my thaang.

Why would I want to enlighten an imbecile, even if I could, and what would I gain from it?

Now back to the mouse with connections up high:

The Evelyonian
The original train of thought that first got me thinking there was a God was the complexity of the universe. The universe is so amazingly complex and fine tuned that the odds of it happening by chance are more astronomical (no pun intended) than the odds of it being created.
What makes you think it’s “fine tuned” and against what standard?

Would it be plausible to think that if the universe wasn’t able to produce life, spontaneously, that there would be no mind there to consider it “fine tuned”?

If the universe is “complex” what makes you think you’ve solved its creation with such a simplistic hypohtesis?

But you avoid responding to my original question:

Maybe you can see it now.
I know your selective sight has trouble discerning the troubling.

I'm sure you could but a lot of these books say that you can live any old way you please and that God's got bigger fish to fry than you. There is no personal connection with God in these other books.
So, what makes the Bible attractive to you is that it offers a direct line to the Big guy.
It makes you feel important and central in His plans.
It makes you feel secure and protected and meaningful.

It’s a good thing you have no ulterior motives and no conflicts of interests trouble your precious little mind.

The world around us points to something greater than ourselves. It's "vain and presumptuous" of us to believe that we're all there is.
The world around us points to the world around us.
It’s your tiny mind which seeks something greater behind it.

This other, besides us, is necessarily “greater”?

God created you and you think He wouldn't know you better than you know yourself.
No God created me.
This is your hope, not mine.

But you make a lot of assertions without providing evidence.

You know me better than I now myself? Fine, what's my real name? A statement like that makes you the imbecile, not me

Is your name you?
I know my dog, yet I haven’t named it.

People have been saying that for centuries. God knows what will happen if you choose Him and He knows what will happen if you don't. He also does know what choice you will make, right or wrong, but he'll still try to get your attention. You are not seeded with your own destruction. The choice is still yours. Even if God knew you were going to make the wrong decision He would still try to get your attention if for no other reason than so on judgement day you could not say "I never had a chance"
And He already knows if I’ll heed Him and if His attention getting will work …or is He unsure?

It isn't a life of slavery. A follower of God doesn't live His or Her life in constant fear of a taskmaster in the sky. God is offering you freedom. Freedom from hell and freedom from death.
So, I’m not living in fear of Him, even though He threatens me with eternal damnation…..hmmmm, interesting.
Did you even get the metaphor?

Why do you feel that evil and hate are from God? Remember that the devil is playing his part in this too. Creation was tainted by man not by God. He could have wiped the slate clean and started over but then what would have been proven. That God was powerful? No one ever disputed God was powerful. What was disputed was God righteuosness. Is God good? God's goodness is proven in the fact that He has allowed things to progress this far. He could destroy all life on this planet with nothing more than a thought but because He's merciful He hasn't done it. See, we are in the middle of a war right now. It's a war between good and evil and God has let things go this long to give people as much time as is needed to make the choice as to which side their on.
You mean it’s us against them, right?
We’re the good guys, we wear white and help little old ladies across the street.
They wear black and are cruel and bad and wicked.

I get it.
Their the forces of Mordor and we are the armies of Men and Elves and Dwarves.

No, The Bible isn't some sort of heavenly cell phone that gives you a direct line to God. If you want to speak to God, pray
Ahh, more sophisticated technology.
I should have known.

You realize it. You don't need anyone to tell you
It’s spontaneous, it sort of wells up from within you. The truth is so powerful it is like a natural force, an undeniable spiritual wind.

I see.

The reason for Christ's death was to bridge the gulf between humanity and God. That gulf was not put there by God. It was put there by man.
Ergo his original sin.
I get it now, I’ve seen the light.

God gives man free-will.
Man uses it to create a rift between himself and the Creator. Man punishes man for it until Christ saves man from his past and offers him the choice of living outside God and in Hell or choose God and heaven.
And all this a Book has told us.

This is amazing.
I should have known.

My life deserves nothing. I'm in no way special and don't deserve special consideration. Heaven is the dwelling place of God
Of course…and you are his….guest.
God is there, His son and Mary, serving drinks.
The rest of us are invited guests if we promise to leave our muddy shoes at the door.
Otherwise we are ushered towards the naughty neighbor Satan.

What a beautiful story.

I can't. No one can
So, believing in something you cannot see, hear or describe is something that comes naturally to you?

And here I thought you knew me better than I knew myself. Silly me
Oh, I think I knew you from the moment I first read those starting posts.

You come in groups, you see. Carbon copies of one another, repeating the same words, with that same dull and vacant stare and that patronizing smile that says ‘You’re going to hell and I’m not’ plastered over their faces.

Why would I care about your name when your mind is so simple?
Does a shepherd name all his sheep or only the ones that stand out?

Sorry, you turned out to be less interesting than I had hoped you would be.
Nothing but a simpleton with an agenda and a lifetime of ‘education’ to account for.

Less spirit than I was expecting. No enough entertainment return for my efforts and attentions.

Next, you’ll start quoting scripture as argument.

Got better things to do.
I’m outa here.

I got one last thing to say:
Thank God for people like you.
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Life and everything is a result of the universe not the other way around so naturally everything is a perfect fit.

C'mon Cris everything must have been designed. Have you never seen how perfectly a puddle fits in a hole in the ground? It's indisputable that each hole was created specifically for each puddle, only a fool would think otherwise.. *end sarcasm*

Damn man, religious people really get on my tits.. I dunno why we bother :D
natural laws are the reason for the perfect design.
no one knows why natural laws are the way they are.
the only possible reason is that god controls natural laws.
the evolonian said:
The original train of thought that first got me thinking there was a God was the complexity of the universe. The universe is so amazingly complex and fine tuned that the odds of it happening by chance are more astronomical (no pun intended) than the odds of it being created.

So, a complex universe needs a creator for explanation? How about a necessarily complex God?

The anthropic principle explains your idea. If the universe were something other than suitable for life, no one would exist to discuss it. Furthermore, any life arising in a suitable universe would find itself in a very unlikely sitation.

Another point is that no one is suggesting that anything arose by "chance". That is a common misunderstanding. Evolution is not chance, it is the opposite of chance.
True. If you didn't believe in God, you would have to blame yourself for your own deficiencies.
I wouldn't really call being born black only to be lynched my own deficiency. I wouldn't really call cancer my own deficiency either.
I am trying really hard not to make a hilarious racist joke right now.

However, I shall instead point out that you haven't been lynched. Or if you have, wow, we're speaking to a ghost!
falcon22 said:
I wouldn't really call being born black only to be lynched my own deficiency. I wouldn't really call cancer my own deficiency either.
No, those are just convenient scapegoats for your misery -- which is actually entirely your responsibility, of course.


“ So, a complex universe needs a creator for explanation? How about a necessarily complex God? ”

thats why there are scriptures
What kind of a response is that? We're supposed to let this go? Some of the strongest arguments against the god hypothesis are

"then who created god?"


"If complexity requires a creator, what created the creator?"

You theists are just adding layer upon layer to cloud what is already a weak stance.

Why can't you answer spidegoat's question like you know what you're talking about instead of just passing it off?
No, those are just convenient scapegoats for your misery -- which is actually entirely your responsibility, of course.

Explain to me why being born a black woman would be my responsibility (I"m Asian by the way).

Explain to me how getting cancer is my fault. What the hell did I do to get that?

Explain to me how a hurricane storm is my responsibility.
I am trying really hard not to make a hilarious racist joke right now.

However, I shall instead point out that you haven't been lynched. Or if you have, wow, we're speaking to a ghost!

Obviously, blacks aren't being lynched anymore.
If you look at the stats though, more than 38% of those who are incarcerated in prison in U.S. are black youths. Look deeper and you'll find that the number of inmates has increased over 300%. In New York alone, in a course of 50 years, 60 new prisons have been built to accomodate the increase. New York currently has about 90 prisons total.
Explain to me why being born a black woman would be my responsibility (I"m Asian by the way).

Explain to me how getting cancer is my fault. What the hell did I do to get that?

Explain to me how a hurricane storm is my responsibility.

Your misery is your own responsibility, not the random shit that happens to you. If your life is really that horrible, you can always end it.