Watch this enlightened soul, above, do what he does best…ignore the competition.
He focuses where we senses weakness and potential for conversion.
The pothers conversion becomes a justification for his own continued loyalty in the face of contradiction and simple arguments.
A meme has an element of self-propagation in that it contains elements which force the infected mind to spread its belief.
He will, therefore, turn his gaze upon the shaky one, trying to tumble him over.
He/She says:
The point I was trying to make is an ant is no more capable of fully understanding us than we are of fully understanding God.
But then he would have us believe that he knows the mind of God and his rules and his nature and the correct manner in which to worship him.
Watch me prove Leprechauns.
I could offer arguments for the existence of Leprechauns but these creatures are so different than us, so bizarre and alien that they become incomprehensible to man.
Most you can say about them is that they exist and they are tricksters.
No, an agnostic doesn't know if God exists or not and in some cases doesn't care. I'm not an agnostic, I'm believe in the existence of God.
And I believe Leprechauns exist.
Now we can are sure that we can both live as if what we believed were true – that is a correct description of reality – and we are both destined to die assured that our beliefs were justified and we are both liable to live as if these entities do exist, making their existence or not a moot point, but one of us is willing to entertain the possibility that his presumption is wrong and is willing to take empirical evidence (experiential knowledge possessing a predictable consistency) as the decisive factor in determining the probability or improbability of things.
One more difference between us is that one of us has much more to gain from his belief which should make him more sceptical about his motives and reasoning.
I have no interest in imposing a moral code on anyone nor would I ever try. How you choose to live your life is your business, or to put it another way, that's between you and God.
It is you who will pay the price for your insolence and it is you who will face the consequences as will I receive the rewards for my loyalty and sacrifice.
As we can see the Christian has a convenient way of ignoring the dogma he aspires to live up to when it suits him.
His “salvation” is ensured - he’s reserved a place in paradise.
What does he care about the sinners who shall burn in hell under the merciful gaze of his Loving God?
The true-Christian makes sure he’s satisfied his vanity and has taken all the precautions to exit from suffering, under the guise of compassion and ‘love thy neighbor’ and then he makes half-hearted attempts to reinforce his promised entrance by ‘saving’ others … bit it isn’t necessary.
Also witness how this ‘open-mind’ pretends he’s come to his belief using reasoned analysis and skeptical inquiry.
He labels himself “The seeker of Truth”.
Here the truth has already been established as a given and all that needs to be sought is justification for it.
He does not seek A truth but The truth.
Games people play.
This buffoon promises to offer entertainment.
I would say that anyone who claims to be a thinker and to have thought his way to his convictions should have a grasp of his topic.
He could perhaps begin by offering us a definition of:
Then we can precede to the more difficult tasks later.