Why Does God Exist?

Baum, Sam,

Which of these definitions for the word "subjective" are we to use? This is a broad sampling of definitions I could find. Which do you think applies to this discussion? I fail to see how we can continue without an agreed upon definition.


2. Especially, pertaining to, or derived from, one's own consciousness, in distinction from external observation; ralating to the mind, or intellectual world, in distinction from the outward or material excessively occupied with, or brooding over, one's own internal states.

Note: In the philosophy of the mind, subjective denotes what is to be referred to the thinking subject, the ego; objective, what belongs to the object of thought, the non-ego. See Objective, a., 2. --Sir W. Hamilton.

taking place within the mind and modified by individual bias; "a subjective judgment"
immanent: of a mental act performed entirely within the mind; "a cognition is an immanent act of mind"

influenced by personal opinion.

existing only in the perceiving mind; as existing in thought; in Spinoza, as the object of thought.

1. Relating to, proceeding from, or taking place within an individual’s mind, emotions, etc. 2. Originating from or influenced by one’s personal interests, prejudices, emotions, etc. 3. Of the mind or emotions only. (As opposed to objective).

as opposed to objective, full of personal emotions and feelings.

relating to experience or knowledge as conditioned by personal mental characteristics or states.

Based on personal feeling or interpretation; not objective.

Individual and internal. Having to do with one's own experience and interpretation of that experience. See also: objective.

Subjective: See objective.
dependent on personal taste or views, etc. (Oxford Minidictionary)

Produced by the mind and determined by the thoughts or temperament of the subject.

Relating to a sensory test in which bias is minimized.

Index information requiring in-depth knowledge of subject content. This type of service requires specialist knowledge.

a personal, individual outlook as distinct from an objective outlook.
Sheesh, even when the definitions are right in front of them, they still don't get it.