Why do you love God?

Is humanity better off today than in past (hundreds of years)?

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So you love God because you have to.

Love is by nature voluntarily, so that can't be a valid reason.
Not if we do not have free will.

This would mean, all of us are destined to have either, the nature of God, or His/Her's opposite... Satana Sofrasi.
lightgigantic said:
Reciprocation is what distinguishes love from compassion or empathy

I disagree.. obviously.

Goodwill, compassion, empathy, sympathy, sympathetic joy, equanimity, infatuation - one can feel these for other living beings even if one lived in a in a container that would allow you to see and hear what goes on outside of it while other living beings would not know that one even exists.
There would be no reciprocation between oneself and other living beings - no recognition of eachother, no exchange of material objects, words or bodily actions - yet, one could still feel goodwill, compassion, empathy, sympathy, sympathetic joy, equanimity, infatuation (and some others too, such as anger or hate). One can feel all these things for characters in a film or a book.

And then there are relationships where the beings involved seek to do beneficial things for eachother, and also do them in the form of thoughts, words and bodily actions.
No free will. Kind of like predestination? Interesting. I like to think I'm in control, not fate, but that's just me.

You may be right though, there's no way to know.

Niether. They play complimentary laws in my own eyes. Read up on ''The Principle,'' if one dares...

What if both were tortured and later killed if you failed to make a decision. What then? Would you tell the kidnapper, "sorry, I don't know what to decide," and let them both suffer and die?

By the way, while hypothetical and improbable, this scenario is definetly POSSIBLE. So what's your call Reiku?

You ready to let them both suffer and die?
I already told you that you don't seem to get the reciprocation nature provides.

Please describe the reciprocation between yourself and nature/life.
How exactly does nature benefit from what you give it or take from it?

I'm not sure... are you conveniently making up your own creation story ?

He was quoting scripture.

What about me kicking the shit out of someone that drives over a cat, that wasn't mine, on purpose ?

Would you do the same if someone deliberately drove over a rat, or a rabid dog, or a snake that just bit you?
Are you a vegetarian?

On top of that, people like you vastly outnumber people like me.

I'd love to believe that!

I have to agree. His approach to love - which is I think an appropriate and telling way to describe it - seems very mental and detached to me. It is almost as if love isn't good enough unless it is bowing down all the time. In shorthand. It sounds a lot like guilt.

'Oh, that's not love. You need to serve.'
service has wider applications than mere bowing (although for some it might be a humble beginning).
If you can talk of loving something without being inspired to "do" something for the beloved, that would seem absolutely detached and mental
So you love God because you have to.

It's important to note that in order to love someone, one first has to know them.
If one doesn't know that person - their name, what they do, what they are like, how they and we are related ... - then the whole issue of what it means to love that person becomes moot.

So it is my understanding that it is impossible to "love God" or to know anything practically applicable about loving God, without first having some understanding of who/what God is.
lightgigantic, reiku, and Saquist, and whoever else:

Think of someone who you really love on this earth. Anyone. Someone has kidnapped you, someone you really love, and a stranger. The kidnapper has a gun to your head and has various torturing equipment on hand. He says:

"You have two choices. Option A, I free your loved one and yourself, and I will never bother you both ever again. You can live happily ever after together, and continue to share your love with one another. However, if you choose Option A, I will torture the stranger for a while until they die. Or Option B, I shoot both your loved one and the stranger in the head and they both die without suffering, and I let you go free. Plain and simple."

lightgigantic, Saquist, Reiku, or whoever else, which option would you choose and why?
Option A of course
Love is the strongest form of attachment
Of course there is the issue of loving god which extends a type of attachment that cannot be broken at all.
In other words there is an aspect of transcendental knowledge where one becomes fearless of death, simply because they clearly see the body as temporary. For instance when socrates was to be poisoned by his captors in a jail, his closing remarks were "first you have to catch me" before he took the poison.

BG 2.23 The soul can never be cut to pieces by any weapon, nor burned by fire, nor moistened by water, nor withered by the wind.

From such a standpoint, what do you suppose such a person can actually do to the soul?
I thought you were more of an "eastern" person LG. In the east, it is taught to not worry about anything.
acting like a human punching bag is not an "eastern teaching"

Don't be like us Westerners, who suffer from constant anxiety about the material world around us. Aren't you taught to stop caring about the material universe which is just an illusion?
the material world is taught to be temporary, not an illusion (in the radical sense)
The idea is that it doesn't belong to us. Rather, our treatment of this world, this body and all the rest, determines our character, and that character plays a great role in our spiritual future.
(IOW acting like an asshole doesn't manifest great eternal rewards)

So not caring about world annhiliation, or anything else I can't control, seems like a good way to AVOID mental illness.
you are right in one sense
universal annihilation is beyond us
we can do heaps however to make our own lives and the lives of others unnecessarily unpleasant however

Sure, I desire that the world doesn't get annhiliated. But, unlike you, I won't sit around and go mentally insane worrying about it. Good luck with that one, LG.
meanwhile your drinking water becomes carcinogenic
Originally Posted by lightgigantic
You can talk of priorities in meeting the beloved’s needs, interests and concerns … and it’s the nature of belonging to the same species that one can see to that more efficiently. For instance, I wouldn’t sniff a dog’s butt, no matter how much they would really appreciate it …. I assume I am not alone in this regard ….

That's what I mean with different kinds of love.
You on the other hand maintain that all love is the same but that it differs in degrees.
Tell me, from your example, do you love your kids in the same way as you love your wife ? They are after all human..
Actually I was explaining how love primarily finds its expression in one of 4 relationships (servitorship, friendship, parental and conjugal) and that service plays a key part in all 4.
And as a further point, the higher you go up the scale, the more potential it has for greatness.

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
If it’s not practical it doesn’t persevere. For instance if you claim you have a loving relationship with a family in rural china how does that compare to a person who actually is involved in reciprocating with them and understanding their personal needs, interests and concerns? How would you know whether you have put a loving relationship “to the test” unless you have some practical issues to assess?

Are you denying that love can be completely unpractical, and even sometimes undesirable ? I mean really ?
I am denying that love can exist in a complete vacuum of knowledge about the beloved. I mean if I wrote a poem about how much I love people in rural china and you found out that I had lived my entire life in NYC, what would you think?

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
Maybe start here …..“I love nature because …..” and explain it in a way that wouldn’t be more efficiently explained as “I like nature because …”

I love nature because I need it to be alive, I am part of it.
Nature is awe inspiring and interesting. I really can't describe my feelings about it very well though. The words don't seem to do it justice.
notice how you refer to nature in reference to "I" ("I need it to stay alive" "I am part of it") ....
as for the awe inspiring and interesting, that is more an issue of wonder than love (and yes, wonder does play a part in love, but love is also more sublime)

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
No insult intended
Just indicating that you already have established norms in regard to what constitutes a loving relationship, and that trying to drive home that love is some sort of universal all encompassing verb that one can apply from anyone to anything in any way is not valid.

It is not valid !? Who are you say what and who I can and cannot love ?
as already mentioned, you already referred to a person who loves a chair as insane, so these ideas are obviously not alien to you
And nature isn't just anything, it encompasses all life.
yet you can't indicate it outside of "I"

In fact, when I speak of nature in this context I am talking about life in general.
and especially how it houses your life
Its quite clear.
The reason you "love" nature is because you "love" your own life.
thats ok
most (sane) people do
My point is however that nature is merely a stage or background for whatever you love, and not an object of love.
I'm sure it wouldn't take too much imagination to come up with a list of things that would make you exhilarated (or alternatively, manically depressed) while nature could be running along just perfectly in the background.

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
Actually my question is about reciprocation.
There are all sorts of reciprocation, and receiving love back is but one of them.
My point is that if there is absolutely no reciprocation, there is no means for a relationship. I mean in what ways would you explain that your loving relationship with nature has improved (or degenerated) over the past several years in a way that wouldn’t more aptly be framed as a “respectful relationship”. What did you do to nature (or nature do to you) that really made you two strike up a relationship or had a thing going?

I already told you that you don't seem to get the reciprocation nature provides. Your loss.
so how does nature reciprocate with you in a way that she doesn't reciprocate with others?

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
What is the relationship between god and nature?

I'm sorry ?
Didn't he create all life ?
but I am just curious about your views on the subject

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
I see creation as a contingent potency of god.
Sometimes it is explained that creation is like laws and god is the lawmaker.

(Invocation Isopanisad). The Personality of Godhead is perfect and complete, and because He is completely perfect, all emanations from Him, such as this phenomenal world, are perfectly equipped as complete wholes. Whatever is produced of the Complete Whole is also complete in itself. Because He is the Complete Whole, even though so many complete units emanate from Him, He remains the complete balance.

So the general idea is that by loving god, one develops the right perspective on all his contingent potencies, like creation.
Of course in western religious circles, there is a contemporary prominent idea that creation is somehow separate from god (which catalysed many developments in the way of colonialism, industrialism, capitalism etc … which are now dominant social norms the world over), so examining a historical treatment of this issue doesn’t reveal the right perspective.

I'm not sure... are you conveniently making up your own creation story ?
its a how the theme of nature has been treated in western culture for the past 500 years ... and it contrasts to views of nature in eastern theology, or even arguably western theology if you look at the roots. I think you would be hard pressed to frame that statement as controversial.
And if you love God as you claim, you MUST also love nature. Because nature is, in a way, God according to you.
yes, but god is the dynamic that makes that love work
for instance if my wife has brown eyes and I find them a lovable quality, I find them lovable because they are hers.... the value of brown eyes simply lies in the connection to her.

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
Even if you don’t love people, that can also be attributed to issues of reciprocation and service.

I never said I don't love people.
As for that last bit, I don't know what that means.
Maybe we could use the word "treats" instead of service.
If you want to kill/don't like/like/love a person, that tends to arise from how they treat you (and as a further detail, that may arise from how you treat them)

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
Even if you want to talk of loving all living entities, that is made practical by determining their needs of existence – for instance you seem to agree that keeping a chicken in a cage like that doesn’t indicate a good “service attitude”

What about me kicking the shit out of someone that drives over a cat, that wasn't mine, on purpose ?
Assuming that you were after the result of that person not doing such acts again, I guess you could analyze whether that was the best way to instigate such a state of being. Argumentum ad baculum tends to be the last recourse, although effective in particular time, places and circumstances.

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
If you can’t talk about the qualities of the beloved, you have no means to present an understanding.
For instance suppose I was madly in love with a rock star (let’s call him Gumpy Gazza)and this struck you as absurd since you never heard of them.
Then perhaps I could go and talk about how his snake tattoos were really cool and he was really cute the way he has no front teeth and just wait till you listen to the way he burps when he plays the guitar and smashes a beer bottle over the head of his road manager.
At this point you could either agree and say “yeah, Gumpy gazza is the topmost of lovable things” or “Just as I thought, gumpy is a loser and you are a nutcase” or anything in between. If I have nothing to say, you have no scope for making a value assessment.
Familiarity with the name, form, qualities and pastimes of a thing is what paves the way for all sorts of relationships .... My question to you (which you will hopefully address earlier in the piece) is in what ways are your declarations of “loving” nature distinct from “liking” nature.
My point is that nature (or even a dog) will never have the potential capacity to win your heart (or alternatively, piss you off) in a way that a person can, simply on this issue of reciprocation, service and knowledge of name, form, qualities, pastimes.
And as it relates to the OP, god is the topmost person, with all good qualities that we find in others finding their origin in him, ... so therein lies the value in loving him.
If you want to argue that nature offers more potential for great loving exchanges than people, it would seem to suggest that you have experienced something that hampered your love and understanding of people. Actually there has been a long standing dominant paradigm of seeing the purpose of creation simply as something we can just take from to get whatever we need to make us happy in whatever way we imagine. Just now we are perhaps beginning to see how this results in strife and entanglement, so a new sort of paradigm is starting to emerge. So when you talk of “loving nature” I see that as representative of a new way of assessing the purpose of creation. However even though love entails issues of obligational duty, dependence, etc, it is something more sublime than simply assessing issues of purpose (hence the word “love” distinguishes itself from the word “like” even though they might be frequently interchangeable)

You never answered the question. I think you have some major flaws in your mindset, but you will probably say the same about me. On top of that, people like you vastly outnumber people like me.
Atheists love God too. A creator god in some sense, for without Him I would not be an atheist. I'm thinking that the idea of God has done more for creating atheists than the other way around. It's at least something tangible, I can put my finger on it, figuratively speaking. I have no trouble with the idea of God, it is human ingenuity, maybe not our most crowning achievement but a product of our imaginative skills and our constant yearning for the truth. So ya, thanks God. Love the idea. Made me what I am today and I'm grateful.
Roman, how many democracies with checks and balances coupled with a central bank were there about 500 years ago.

Answer: 0

So ya, Roman, lightgigantic, Saquist sorry, the world is still really ****ing shitty. But guess what guys, IT HAS IMPROVED, A LOT. Holy Shit, lighten up and show a little optimism. The world is actually getting better as hard as that is to believe.

Parts of it are getting better. But did you know that a sixth of it are living in a single brutal authoritarian regime? That there's an entire continent of people where the average lifespan is only 30 years? Fucking a, get a clue kid. The world's nasty. It's debatable if it's any better.

In fact, in terms of proportions, I'd hazard that the world is just as bad now as it was in the 16th century. I mean, what, only 10% of the world enjoys our standard of living? Same deal back then.

Hey Roman, Iraq was a brutal dictatorship about 10 years ago. WHAT IS IT NOW?

An occupied country recovering from a civil war set up by the Colonials less than a century ago?
In the east, it is taught to not worry about anything.

This is not true. In the traditional "East", one is taught to be concerned about the karma one is making, what rebirth this might bring them, and to be concerned that whatever merit one has can run out any time so one ought to be busy making merit.
lightgigantic, reiku, and Saquist, and whoever else:

Think of someone who you really love on this earth. Anyone. Someone has kidnapped you, someone you really love, and a stranger. The kidnapper has a gun to your head and has various torturing equipment on hand. He says:

"You have two choices. Option A, I free your loved one and yourself, and I will never bother you both ever again. You can live happily ever after together, and continue to share your love with one another. However, if you choose Option A, I will torture the stranger for a while until they die. Or Option B, I shoot both your loved one and the stranger in the head and they both die without suffering, and I let you go free. Plain and simple."

lightgigantic, Saquist, Reiku, or whoever else, which option would you choose and why?
Option A of course.
It's the only righteous option..
Option A: you are defending your loved one.
Option B: you consciously opt for two people to be killed.