Why do you love God?

Is humanity better off today than in past (hundreds of years)?

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The first and most basic is He loved me first.

He made me what I am - and although not perfect, I'm something He can work with. I'm a better man than I was in the past, and not as good as I will be in the future.

I love God because the more I get to know Him, the more lovable, the more love worthy, He becomes.

Why should anyone else love God? Certainly because He loved that person first. God gives us all we are. (Someone made a comment about God not doing such a good job; perhaps if that someone didn't ignore God's directions for life, life might work better. At any rate, ignoring God's direction and then blaming Him when things go wrong is a true measure of hypocrisy.)

How do "get to know him" exactly? Do you guys hang out and have a few beers once in a while?

Have you ever even talked to God directly, with words? Then how do you know him. It's easy to create an imaginary friend, so how do I know if you really know him, or if you've simply convinced yourself that you know him?

Now, you say you love God because God loves you.

If God loves us as humans, then why does he allow us to suffer? He is all-powerful, isn't he?

Also, what kind of love can you really have with a God who does not talk to you directly, who rarely talks to you at all, who doesn't give you ANYTHING but instead leaves you to fend for yourself (survival of the fittest)?

Loving this God is the equivalent of loving a rock, which also does nothing for us. What kind of love is that?

Remember, God CANNOT bless people, or he will affect free will. If he chnages literally one thing on this earth that is affecting free will to a certain degree.
I love God, because He/She loves me. It's all relativity you see. What would a God be without something or someone there to relate to in such a way? I rest on the world, as it rests on me, as much as i rely on God, as much as he believes in me. It's a quintessential need.

Same thing. Give me some reasons why you think God loves you. 3 would suffice.

Also, throwing people into an eternal Lake of Fire is not the most loving thing to do. That is like saying, "Love me or I'll torture you." Wow, that's just great. Thanks God.

Does God have the abililty to prevent natural disasters which causes the people he loves to suffer greatly for no reason at all? If yes, then why doesn't he?
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He loves me, because i am here, and that i can love him back. Is that not relative?

And as for the Lake Analogy, did you also know that Hell was spoken about as actually dark dungeons where there was just quiteness? Hell where there was fire and brimstone, was an analogy that mean't cleansing the spirit.
He loves me, because i am here, and that i can love him back. Is that not relative?

And as for the Lake Analogy, did you also know that Hell was spoken about as actually dark dungeons where there was just quiteness? Hell where there was fire and brimstone, was an analogy that mean't cleansing the spirit.

Wait a minute. God loves you because you have the ability to love him?

Hitler had the ability to love. Would you have loved hitler?

Also, I'd like 3 solid reasons why God loves you. I'll even accept your first one, "Because we can love God." I know it's hard because it makes no sense, but please try.
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Would ''i have'', and ''do i'' are two different things. I do love God. God loves me.

Hitler loved his God, as much as his God loved him.
lightgigantic said:
So the question is not so much why you should love god (since that would be a bit ambitious for a person not rendering service) but rather why you should serve god.

LG, I forgot to ask you:

Why exactly should I serve God?
Would ''i have'', and ''do i'' are two different things. I do love God. God loves me.

Hitler loved his God, as much as his God loved him.

You're trying to evade my question. Forget the Hitler analogy:

Give me three reasons why you think God loves you.

I know it's tough, trust me. I can't find any reasons either. But please try.
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No. Unfortunetaly it's not. That's why Satan believes in those kind of people, more than what they will ever come to believe in themselves, never mind trying to discover the ultimate mysteries behind the love of a God... ....


You see, this is where you are retarded by like, a lot.

Let's talk about humans for a sec.

If I was halfway intelligent and I want to create a group that sustained itself over time... what are the options? Well, you could do just about anything to make that happen. The easy way though is to make not being a member of the group a very threatening alternative as to being in the group.

Humans bond through sharing their emotional attachments to ideas. Perhaps we're "all god's creatures" or, "live in the same neighborhood". We share a circumstance, even if it's 'merely' abstract in nature. That is the seed for bonding.

A strong belief is representative of emotional investment in a premise. If we 'share' a strong belief, our bond is strong. We're likely to pass it to our children. We're likely to pass it to our neihbors. We're likely to fight for it.

So to get a group together that will persist in time, I need strong belief.

If i have a strong belief and someone finds that belief in error, I'm likely to dehumanize them so as to encourage the opposite effect of bonding.. minimizing the threat posed to the stability of my psyche by a challenge to my beliefs. It's not an intentional reaction. It's just auto-defense to sustaining the emotional gratification of the aforementioned bond. Rather, above instead of "I'm" i mean "it's typical that humans"... blah blah.

So now I just need some abstract that can fit into pretty much any mind. God is a perfect idea for this task. Virtually everyone can relate to the idea. Satan is perfect for alienating threats to the group... or the idea around which the group bonds.

blah blah I don't feel like making this more readable, pardon.

basically, you are playing a role as a member of a group through your own faith in the abstract bonding point of that group. you see it matter of factly, as I see this.

for me, you're just being human.

for you, I'm the devil or at least - for having not participated in your group-think - in league or under the control of your devil. how christian.

"trying to discover the ultimate mysteries behind the love of a God..."

So long as you require a god's love, you will never be free jafaa.
Bah. It's harsh of me to call you retarded. I apologize.

It sounds when you say things like that, that you're judging.. see?

You put 'satan' in my world, not me.

I see no satan.

I see life, in it's glory and horror. I feel lucky to have a mind that allows me to appreciate the glory more than the horror, but see the necessity and function of both. to me they are facets of an abstract system that is part of the function of the universe. it's just 'what stuff does'. watching 'what stuff does' often induces a majestic reverence. sometimes though, disgust.

now I ask you... if i experience disgust or reverence, is 'what stuff does' wrong, or is it just the impression that stuff leaves on mind, the way I relate to it because of what I am, whatever that happens to be at a given moment?

Again, could you expand? I can't see how God giving you the gift of choice is a reason to love him.

I respect having the ability to choose. I also respect his unique position of being a person of love but also a person of justice and order. The two can co-exist. He could easily be premptive knowing all things. Instead he's allowing me to see him and what he has to offer and at the same time see what this world has to offer. I can easily see there is no comparison. But if these things weren't allowed to happen in some form, if he manipulated everything then how could trust that what I see on the Earth today is man at his best or worse? I can easily see that none of you are being forced to act or behavior as you do and that I too have a free range of choice.

If I'm truely to make a choice between your way or his way then his limited interference has allowed us to have that choice. It allows us to judge ourselves and compare that to what was being offered. Thats a true choice. And it takes kind consideration, love to recognize that we need the freedom to make that choice.

I think about how most mothers have a huge problem with staying out the lives of their children even after they're married. I'm reminded of my own mother, always telling me what I should do and where I've gone wrong and what kind of girl I should be looking for. She never realized that it takes more love to let me go and make my own decisions. It takes more love to let seek and find out the truth for myself. That the more you force something the more I resisted. So this I appreciate the most from him....

And after gong off and making a whole bunch of mistakes in the world I foundhe was right the whole time. So I came back to him more ready to listen, I'm glad that I had the time to figure it out.
So I came back to him more ready to listen, I'm glad that I had the time to figure it out.

Fair enough Saquist. You love God because he stays out of your way and allows basically everyone to do whatever they want. I like your God.

Of course, why did God create a world with tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, plagues, diseases, horrifying medical conditions, cancer, etc., etc.

God has the ability to create a world without all of this meaningless and pointless suffering. So why didn't he? Not too "loving" of him if you know what I mean.

In reference to the quote above, what exactly have you figured out?
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Reiku, still waiting on that list..... I'll give you a break because I know this list of 3 is extremely hard to imagine and put together.

Saquist, you have given me one very weak reason to love God. I would really appreciate if you could give me two more solid reasons to love Him/Her/It. Let me warn you, it is a daunting task. It will take some very hard thinking and imaginative ability. I think you have what it takes.
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“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
You can work at whatever job you want 24/7 but if it doesn’t rain or the sun doesn’t shine I can absolutely guarantee that sooner or later you won’t be eating bread ”

Oh, so God's the one who sends the sun and rain.

Who sends the famines?
Who sends the earthquakes?
Who sends the floods caused by that very rain?
Who sends the tsunamis?
God of course.
But just to interject, given this piece of information about the soul ….

BG 2.20 For the soul there is neither birth nor death at any time. He has not come into being, does not come into being, and will not come into being. He is unborn, eternal, ever-existing and primeval. He is not slain when the body is slain.

…. what do you think the happiness and distress on experiences in relation to one’s body is all about?

All of the above causes suffering, death, and starvation on a massive scale.
Given that the suffering is not absolute (meaning that it’s not like a person who dies, either in the bathtub or in a hurricane, is wiped out) what idea or purpose do you suppose suffering instigates?
Even in terms of everyday life, for what purposes do people in authority make others suffer (assuming that they are not just inherently malicious)?

Why does God send these things and/or allow them to occur if he, as you claim, is out for us and is always providing us with necessities?
The ultimate reality is that we have no capacity to provide our necessities – we are always in a state of dependence on god … either in our liberated or conditioned states. I mean , if god does not deliver the necessities for maintaining the body (like water and sunshine for example), where do you propose to go and get them?

Sounds to me like he takes necessities (and lives) away with natural disasters, not provides them.
There is an understanding that nature works in accordance with god’s desires. In other words it is but one of his subservient potencies. Generally we find this very difficult to understand since we have absolutely zero subservient potencies (for instance no one can guarantee that they will live to take their next breadth)

Could God have created a world with no natural disasters or famines? Yes. So why didn't he?
He did
It’s called the spiritual world.
He also manifests the material world, which offers the living entity the unique opportunity to think that they are in the possession of some sort of potency or other.
No prizes for guessing which environment we chose to socialize around ….

“ Actually human energy is more about making things difficult – why else do people work such ridiculous hours just to secure a little food and shelter? ”

Actually, human energy has brought us from a starving, hunting, dictatorship, communist, socialist based people to more of a free market, capitalist people where our standard of living as a whole is BETTER THAN EVER TODAY.

Think about all the war, suffering, starvation, and slavery of the past. Now think of the technology, medicine, immense food surplus, and standard of living today.
Previously you only lived with the dire threat of war if it was in your vicinity (unlike say the threats posed by nuclear warfare). As for suffering, I’m not sure how those who aren’t in the 10% of the world’s population utilizing 90% of the world’s resources are benefitted. And starvation, well, it doesn’t take too much imagination what a slight ripple in our highly centralized habits of production would cause (like say, the price of oil escalating in it’s said fashion for the next ten years) …. actually come to think of it, now might be a good time to try and slot in with the lifestyles of those who aren’t using 90% of the world’s resources.
Anyway my point is that material life generally endears one with a sense of “BETTER THAN EVER TODAY” but the fact is that it often falls short (or makes for unnecessary complications) in meeting the bare necessities of life.
I mean, working in some office from 9-5, 90 minutes of traffic on each side, stopping off somewhere to buy some frozen beans and grain that has been in storage for the past ten years, catching an elevator to the tenth floor and riding a bicycle with no wheels within the apartment just to stay healthy etc etc

What has brought about this positive change? HUMAN ENERGY.
More commonly known in the Vedas as the raja guna or the mode of passion

BG 18.38 That happiness which is derived from contact of the senses with their objects and which appears like nectar at first but poison at the end is said to be of the nature of passion.

BG 14.6 The result of pious action is pure and is said to be in the mode of goodness. But action done in the mode of passion results in misery, and action performed in the mode of ignorance results in foolishness.

BG 14.7 The mode of passion is born of unlimited desires and longings, O son of Kunti, and because of this the embodied living entity is bound to material fruitive actions.

SB 3.6.28 The demigods, qualified by the superexcellent quality of the mode of goodness, are situated in the heavenly planets, whereas the human beings, because of their nature in the mode of passion, live on the earth in company with their subordinates.

Sure there is war today, but religon is the cause of any war today (yes, even Iraq indirectly. The Muslims want to destroy us and Israel).
Did they decide that before or after they underwent at least 50 years of puppet regimes followed by an invasion?
(come to think of it, I find it difficult to recall a third world country that the USA literally hasn’t had strapped over a barrel in the bast 50 years)

Actually the cause of war is good old raja guna (mode of passion) - unlimited material desire

“ at the very least, not even an extremely selfish person can be happy unless they have friends so they can gloat) ”

True, but I don't have to serve my friends, nor they me. And that's fine.
So I take it laying down one’s life is not even on the horizon?

Also, Jessie made a good point on the last page. We have to first define love before we can debate about it.

So, LG, what is your definition of love?
Here’s a comprehensive excerpt from a commentary on the Bhaktirasamrta Sindhu
Every living entity, beginning from Brahma, the first-born living being within the material world, down to the insignificant ant, desires to relish some sort of taste derived from sense perceptions. These sensual pleasures are technically called rasas. Such rasas are of different varieties. In the revealed scriptures the following twelve varieties of rasas are enumerated: (1) raudra (anger), (2) adbhuta (wonder), (3) çåìgära (conjugal love), (4) hasya (comedy), (5) vira (chivalry), (6) daya (mercy), (7) dasya (servitorship), (8) sakhya (fraternity), (9) bhayanaka (horror), (10) bibhatsa (shock), (11) santa (neutrality), (12) vatsalya (parenthood).
The sum total of all these rasas is called affection or love. Primarily, such signs of love are manifested in adoration, service, friendship, paternal affection, and conjugal love. And when these five are absent, love is present indirectly in anger, wonder, comedy, chivalry, fear, shock and so on. For example, when a man is in love with a woman, the rasa is called conjugal love. But when such love affairs are disturbed there may be wonder, anger, shock, or even horror. Sometimes love affairs between two persons culminate in ghastly murder scenes. Such rasas are displayed between man and man and between animal and animal. There is no possibility of an exchange or rasa between a man and an animal or between a man and any other species of living beings within the material world. The rasas are exchanged between members of the same species. But as far as the spirit souls are concerned, they are one qualitatively with the Supreme Lord. Therefore, the rasas were originally exchanged between the spiritual living being and the spiritual whole, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The spiritual exchange or rasa is fully exhibited in spiritual existence between living beings and the Supreme Lord.

Here's mine off the top of my head:

Love - A strong attraction and appeal to someone or something in which the person who loves will sometimes make certain sacrifices for that person/thing

Jesus defined it well for me:

John 15:13
13 Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends.

So maybe we can quantify or measure love by the level of sacrifice one is willing to make for someone. Fair enough, LG?

So why should I make a sacrifice to a God who never talks me, who never gives me orders, and who seems non-existent? I guess that's my question.
Sometimes there is an idea, kind of similar to neo-platoism, that everything we experience in the material world has its original cause in the spiritual world. Kind of like a pond may reflect a fruit tree quite perfectly (if the lighting is right and the water is dead still), but nonetheless one cannot actually eat the fruit from a reflection. In the same way, the things that attract us in the material world, have their eternal counterparts in the spiritual world, and that counterpart does not house the inherent inebrieties that material life offers. Just like the surface of a pond frequently ripples and the reflection wavers, similarly material experiences of trying to render service to someone in this world or even being the recipient of service is wrought with difficulties – that is the reason why no one is capable of fully dedicating themselves to anyone and why no one is qualified to receive such dedication from anyone (yet we still have the habit of getting upset because people don’t “co-operate” with us or whatever).
So this is where god comes in.
What’s on offer is the opportunity to (re)enter a relationship with god which affords the opportunity to render such service of dedication . If for whatever reason we don’t take that offer, we simply remain in the material world, seeking out shadows of it, until we get sick of it.
So in short

BG 3.9 Work done as a sacrifice for Visnu has to be performed; otherwise work causes bondage in this material world. Therefore, O son of Kunti, perform your prescribed duties for His satisfaction, and in that way you will always remain free from bondage.

If you don’t perform sacrifice in love for god, you will perform sacrifice in love for something else, and the result of that is simply difficulty.

Yes, I understand the THEORY of God. He is some supernatural, spiritual being living in the "heavenly realm" which created the universe, created us, and threw us onto some planet called earth and has left us to fend for ourselves.

Now tell me, Why should I love this God? The ONLY reason you have given me so far is "because he gives us necessities." This is a horrible reason to love someone. "Wow, thanks for giving me what I need to survive. Awesome, I really love you."
Basically we came to this world to be socialized around principles of independence of god. The (apparent) absence of god in this world is simply god keeping up his half of the bargain until such time as we want to change.

What if a parent just gave their children the necessities to survive, but never talked to them or directed them on their life journey. Would those kids love their parents. NOPE. Therefore "providing necessities" is not a valid reason to genuinely love someone. You're gonna have to do better than that.
What if the children ran away and went insane and where convinced that there is no such thing as parents and started adopting self destructive habits?
How would you propose that they deal with that situation?

So I'm still waiting on a valid reason to love God. Hell, you've apparently "served God" for years, right? This service has probably led to love. So now that you've developed this love for God, please, tell me WHY you love God after serving him all these years. If you can answer that, then you'd really be helping me.
Sometimes it is explained that the key ingredient for love to god is humility.
There are all sorts of ways you can approach the notion of god – like philosophy (jnana) or good works (punya) or even sub-aspects of theistic discipline like sensual pleasure, learning, wealth, followers, etc that one can even extend to the next life (eg liberation, residence in celestial universes etc). But actually as one matures in spiritual life, they come to see that the love god has offered one is constant. It is not like there is something one can “do” to make god love one “more”. Rather, one is eternally valuable to god, along with every other living entity in the universe (from the ant to the elephant).
It’s kind of like suppose you were a poor university student, coming from a poor family, studying medicine, and you really struggled to pay the bills. Finally you manage to get the degree and live comfortably. But somehow later you find out that your parents paid for 50 % of your bills while you were studying without your knowledge, making severe sacrifices. Ordinarily this would install in one a deep sense of duty to one’s parents born out of love.
So it’s kind of like that as one matures in spiritual life.
The doubt now isn’t whether god exists or fulfills his promises, but the doubt is now whether one is capable of ever repaying the debt

There is the saying “action speaks louder than words”.
In regards to the word “love”, that action is service.
From the time place and circumstance we determine the intention of the service. For instance if you brought someone a glass of water they might ordinarily thank you and forget about it. But if you bring them a glass of water in the desert, sacrificing your own personal rations, they might very easily never forget you the rest of their life.

Seriously, I am not sure why many people are having difficulty with this subject. This general principle holds up in even ordinary dealings of love. A young couple who are in love are abuzz with ideas on how they can serve each other. Its easily observable.

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
an easy way is to examine the degree of reciprocation and service ”

So you establish degrees in love.. hmm..
I'd say you are disqualified to talk about love, obviously you don't know what it is if you are establishing degrees.
Tell me, what scale are you using ?
Maybe you can tell me
With your charge of me being “disqualified” it appears that I have violated some sort of degree or circumstance on the subject.

“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
because there is the opportunity for reciprocation and service ”

So ? Any human offers that opportunity. Why don't you love all humans ?
Generally we expect that everyone be involved in reciprocating with us in service but practically it doesn’t work out that way.
As for loving all beings or entities, that is kind of like watering a banyan tree by sprinkling water on every individual leaf. IOW it’s not practical. Rather, one waters the leaves by watering the root. So that’s what the opportunity of (actually) rendering service to god, the root of all living entities, affords

“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
well if you want to run with that, you could examine in what ways a pet gives one joy, which would boil down to issues of reciprocation and service. ”

So unconscious reciprocation is possible in your mind ? Then loving nature and math as you mention below IS possible.
I’m not sure where you are headed …
I mean if you practically ask a person what they love about their dog they might say something like the way they get all excited when one is about to feed them … So they are rendering some sort of service and seeing the reciprocation, some sense of love arises.
I’m not sure how maths fits into this ….

“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
I mentioned at the onset that love of god is not meant in the way of, say, "loving mathematics" or something ”

And who are you to decide how love is meant ?
When I say I love my pet or nature itself, who are you to say that isn't so ?
You labeled the suggestion of loving a chair as the activities of a crazy person so it’s obvious these ideas are not totally alien to you

“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
so how do you practically love something without approaching issues of reciprocation? ”

I don't know what you mean by 'practically', I guess you mean like in real life ?
If so, I don't know how. But I do.
Seriously, if you have no means to determine whether someone “really” loves another you are most unfortunate

“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
so i could say I love my chair since I take good care of it? ”

A chair isn't exactly alive LG.. but I don't see why a crazy person can't love a chair.
Let me put it in words you may be more familiar with: "I love creation".
The chair is somehow outside of creation?

“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
and its just a coincidence that living in rural china would also afford the opportunity to reciprocate and serve other rural chinese? ”

Maybe your definition is true for people, but I told yo before that there are different kinds of love.
So why charge me with being disqualified by indicating different degrees?
By the way, I do not love people as a group. But I guess that is obvious enough..
If you draw up a list of persons whom you love you will see that they all come from a group of people involved in issues of reciprocation and service

“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
but nonetheless you reciprocate ”

lol how ?
Look, I am not against your theory of reciprocation per see. It's your recognition of reciprocation that I disagree with.
Reciprocation is the means that people go on to develop substantial relationships. That’s generally how we choose to determine exactly who and to what degree we will sacrifice for another in a mood of love.

“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
technically no
that is why people don't bat an eyelid to needless slaughter in the meat industry.
There is a type of love (probably better called respect) that one can extend to all living entities, but that is brought into perspective by determining their needs for existence, which again is an issue of reciprocation. ”

I don't understand.. "their needs for existence" ?
Like a chicken probably has more substantial needs in its life than to be kept in a cage too small for it to turn around for its entire life just so I can eat it.
Maybe you are right, maybe the better word is respect, but what do you call extreme respect. In my opinion extreme respect is admiration bordering on worship, which in my book is a form of love.
Reciprocation is what distinguishes love from compassion or empathy

“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
not at the moment ”

But ? You grew up in a large city and lived many years there ?
Maybe you can tell me
With your charge of me being “disqualified” it appears that I have violated some sort of degree or circumstance on the subject.
Ok, what do you mean when you speak of 'degrees of love' ?
Can you say that your love for your pet is 40% of your love of your wife for example ?

Generally we expect that everyone be involved in reciprocating with us in service but practically it doesn’t work out that way.
As for loving all beings or entities, that is kind of like watering a banyan tree by sprinkling water on every individual leaf. IOW it’s not practical. Rather, one waters the leaves by watering the root. So that’s what the opportunity of (actually) rendering service to god, the root of all living entities, affords
Maybe it's not practical, but who said love has to be practical ?

I’m not sure where you are headed …
I mean if you practically ask a person what they love about their dog they might say something like the way they get all excited when one is about to feed them … So they are rendering some sort of service and seeing the reciprocation, some sense of love arises.
I’m not sure how maths fits into this ….
Ok fine, then how can you say nature can't be loved ?

You labeled the suggestion of loving a chair as the activities of a crazy person so it’s obvious these ideas are not totally alien to you
I don't know what you're getting at but I smell an insult..

Seriously, if you have no means to determine whether someone “really” loves another you are most unfortunate
You are twisting my answer.
You asked how I can love someone or something that doesn't love me back.
I answered that I don't know how I love someone or something like that, but that I do.

The chair is somehow outside of creation?
I don't recall God creating any chairs in the bible.. As far as I know he only created nature.
In case you are still clinging to the idea that chairs are part of creation, let me ask you this: Do you love creation ?

So why charge me with being disqualified by indicating different degrees?
Because 'degrees' implicate that you love some things at a fraction of how much you love other things.
I am talking about different colors.
You are talking about different shades of the same color. At least, that's what I gathered.

If you draw up a list of persons whom you love you will see that they all come from a group of people involved in issues of reciprocation and service
I don't love people much. So that's true for people.

Reciprocation is the means that people go on to develop substantial relationships. That’s generally how we choose to determine exactly who and to what degree we will sacrifice for another in a mood of love.
You arguments only hold for people, I've told you before.

Like a chicken probably has more substantial needs in its life than to be kept in a cage too small for it to turn around for its entire life just so I can eat it.
I agree, but what is your point ?

Reciprocation is what distinguishes love from compassion or empathy
I disagree.. obviously.

And might that be what hampered your love and understanding of nature ?
He chose to do it that way and it is a wonderful demonstration to both Angelic populations and Human populations. It gives both a chance to be won over to His will, not by His decree but by our choice.

It is indeed a wonderful demonstration of the nonsense some people are capable of believing.

See the scriptures tell me that the Gospel is foolishness to those who are perishing. So your response here confirms that to me.

No He loves those who love what is right, and hates those who take joy in unrighteousness. This unconditional love thing is a straw man construct set up long ago to be knocked down later. But God is who He has always been, not a straw man in a box.

And you, of course, know what is right while the rest of us wallow in sinful ignorance. You have an unfair advantage.

Yes being given understanding by the Holy Spirit is an advantage, but as the Holy Spirit is available to all mankind if they genuinely seek the will of God, it is by no means an unfair advantage. And once again we all wallow in sin but some are happy pigs wallowing in joy while others long to be cleaned.

God is Just to all, But his Love is only given to those who respond to His Justice.

So how does a baby born with no eyes respond to god's justice ?

Like everyone else. When Gods justice is offered to them to accept.

Faith is trust and there is no real service is trust. What you are mixing up and attempting to roll into one is faith and good works. My salvation is based on my faith in Jesus not in performance in Works. You have been told this on many occasions but alas you refuse to listen.

Sounds like a good deal. Do nothing for others and , as long as you believe, you will be saved. Paul said something different but I imagine you know better.

I never said do nothing for others, that’s what you have injected into the mix. What saves us is acknowledging and trusting in the Atonement made by the Messiah Jesus. As the Word says, our righteousness is as filthy rags to God. Therefore Good works are not the saving factor as some religions put forward. The saving factor is believing Jesus.

So why are you on here, trying to persuade us that your views are right ? It cannot be because you havethe need to do good works.

Giving the Gospel is a good work and i feel a yearning to do it. I have empathy for my fellow human beings and naturally want others to have the peace of mind that i have and also i do not want anyone to have eternity in the lake of fire. But once again my salvation is not won or lost on my doings here but on my trust in The Messiah Jesus.

Once again it is no works to trust another. It is the rejection of Gods will that leads one to the Eternal Lake of Fire. Not failing on ones service to God.

Do the angels roast chestnuts in the fire ?

Most people i know want to be taken seriously myles, do you?

God loves those who embrace the Love of the truth.

And you, you lucky devil, know what truth is.

I am Blessed indeed, beyond anything i deserve.

Yes all those who will go into the Lake of Fire are Hated by God.

He must be a sadistic bastard. I think your religion is based on fear rather than love. You simply want to avoid the lake and possibly even get a job as a stoker.

The lake of fire needs no stokers and as we see in this forum there are people who have had the fear of hell impressed upon them by fear based fire and brimstone preachers in their childhood. Yes i believe that they where genuinely terrified but alas they still ran away from God and became active anti-christs. So Faith is not perfected in fear of hell but perfected in Love. Fear does not hold people because fear is a burdensome emotion that cannot be sustained with sanity. So no, i do not believe what i believe out of fear of the Lake of Fire, it is the Love of God that has been revealed to me that holds me in His arms. Love is not burdensome but it is a lifting emotion one that sustains ones faith, a lite yoke indeed.

I hope i would be able to forgive them if they sought my forgiveness. And as God has demonstrated through the Love of the Truth that is Jesus, He will forgive those who come to Him seeking forgiveness.

Why does a neonate need forgivness ?

I probably have posted on more than 10 different threads that innocent babies do not need forgiveness. I have posted scripture time and time again confirming that with the Word of God, But you once again ask this question as if my stance is that a neonate needs the atonement of the Messiah Jesus. Just goes to show how supposedly uber intelligent people are near illiterate when it comes to reading the Word of God.

Nope not double standard but two standards. Very different things.

One standard proper for God who has total wisdom and total situational awareness.

Is he aware that people who proseltyze are a pain oin the arse ?

Only to those who are perishing.

But to others, conviction and the challenge to their conscience often leads to sorrow that is both hurtful but sweet at the same time. Being confronted with the truth can be an uncomfortable thing but it often leads to a better path.

And one proper standard for followers of God who do not have total wisdom and total situational awareness.

If we lack " total wisdom and situational awareness" it's because he made us that way. You are vain if you believe you are different.

I never said i had "total wisdom and situational awareness", And i cannot be vain if i know and aknowledge that the wisdom and awareness i do have has been given to me from Another. All Glory and Honour to The God of Abraham. Without the Holy Spirit i would be as blind as the next guy.

A double standard can only happen if the two standards appy to two equal parties. But God and Humans are not equal, God is an entire level above.

Is it not possible that he is below. We have already established that he is a sadistic bastard.

It take you and i to make a "we" and as we are not agreed on God being a sadistic bastard then a "we " does not apply to your conclusion. Indeed God is above us at a totally higher level in wisdom, knowledge and power.

We are in agreement on that point. The eternal suffering in the lake of fire is beyond imagining because it is both extreme and eternal.

You really enjoy that bit. Are you expecting a grandstand view of the Lake with sinners writhing in agony for all eternity. Don't you think you may get bored ?

No i really don't enjoy that bit. But it will be irrespective. And as for the rest of your emotive hyperbole comments i will say again:

Most people i know want to be taken seriously myles, do you?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Fair enough Saquist. You love God because he stays out of your way and allows basically everyone to do whatever they want. I like your God.

Of course, why did God create a world with tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, plagues, diseases, horrifying medical conditions, cancer, etc., etc.

God has the ability to create a world without all of this meaningless and pointless suffering. So why didn't he? Not too "loving" of him if you know what I mean.

The suffering...is how you know it's not his world.
Choice is the ultimate double edge sword. Excercise the wrong choices and the consequences are what you see today.

In reference to the quote above, what exactly have you figured out?

That's personal. I don't feel comfortable revealing it on a public forum.

Saquist, you have given me one very weak reason to love God. I would really appreciate if you could give me two more solid reasons to love Him/Her/It. Let me warn you, it is a daunting task. It will take some very hard thinking and imaginative ability. I think you have what it takes.

NDS, I have no idea what would satisfy you on this subject. I only know that I love him because I understand how difficult it must be to stand aside while billions of people make all the wrong choices. But at least they have choice. I see it as a very profound moment when I understood this. It was the most potent truth serum I could apply to myself.
Excercise the wrong choices and the consequences are what you see today.

I respectfully disagree. You used the word "TODAY" in the quote from above. I got news for you: Today, the world is WAY WAY WAY better than it was at any time in the past. We've come from a savage like, monarchy/dictatorship/socialist/horrible standard of living world to a predominanty free and democratic/capitalist based/successful/high standard of living world where freedom of thought and religion is paramount.

You claim to love freedom of choice. TODAY we have free choice. YEARS AGO free choice was almost nonexistant. So how the hell can you claim that our wrong choices have led to a much better and more free world than ever before?


NDS, I have no idea what would satisfy you on this subject. I only know that I love him because I understand how difficult it must be to stand aside while billions of people make all the wrong choices. But at least they have choice. I see it as a very profound moment when I understood this. It was the most potent truth serum I could apply to myself.

You're right. Nothing can probably satisfy on this subject because I can't find any reason to love God or for him to love me. And no one on this thread has given one valid reason proving either.

On a side not: Saquist, just curious, are you chinese? I'm just asking because of the Yao Ming pic. Thanks.
Originally Posted by lightgigantic
Maybe you can tell me
With your charge of me being “disqualified” it appears that I have violated some sort of degree or circumstance on the subject. ”
Ok, what do you mean when you speak of 'degrees of love' ?
Can you say that your love for your pet is 40% of your love of your wife for example ?
You can talk of priorities in meeting the beloved’s needs, interests and concerns … and it’s the nature of belonging to the same species that one can see to that more efficiently. For instance, I wouldn’t sniff a dog’s butt, no matter how much they would really appreciate it …. I assume I am not alone in this regard ….
Originally Posted by lightgigantic
Generally we expect that everyone be involved in reciprocating with us in service but practically it doesn’t work out that way.
As for loving all beings or entities, that is kind of like watering a banyan tree by sprinkling water on every individual leaf. IOW it’s not practical. Rather, one waters the leaves by watering the root. So that’s what the opportunity of (actually) rendering service to god, the root of all living entities, affords ”
Maybe it's not practical, but who said love has to be practical ?
If it’s not practical it doesn’t persevere. For instance if you claim you have a loving relationship with a family in rural china how does that compare to a person who actually is involved in reciprocating with them and understanding their personal needs, interests and concerns? How would you know whether you have put a loving relationship “to the test” unless you have some practical issues to assess?

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
I’m not sure where you are headed …
I mean if you practically ask a person what they love about their dog they might say something like the way they get all excited when one is about to feed them … So they are rendering some sort of service and seeing the reciprocation, some sense of love arises.
I’m not sure how maths fits into this …. ”
Ok fine, then how can you say nature can't be loved ?
Maybe start here …..“I love nature because …..” and explain it in a way that wouldn’t be more efficiently explained as “I like nature because …”
Originally Posted by lightgigantic
You labeled the suggestion of loving a chair as the activities of a crazy person so it’s obvious these ideas are not totally alien to you ”
I don't know what you're getting at but I smell an insult..
No insult intended
Just indicating that you already have established norms in regard to what constitutes a loving relationship, and that trying to drive home that love is some sort of universal all encompassing verb that one can apply from anyone to anything in any way is not valid.
Originally Posted by lightgigantic
Seriously, if you have no means to determine whether someone “really” loves another you are most unfortunate ”
You are twisting my answer.
You asked how I can love someone or something that doesn't love me back.
I answered that I don't know how I love someone or something like that, but that I do.
Actually my question is about reciprocation.
There are all sorts of reciprocation, and receiving love back is but one of them.
My point is that if there is absolutely no reciprocation, there is no means for a relationship. I mean in what ways would you explain that your loving relationship with nature has improved (or degenerated) over the past several years in a way that wouldn’t more aptly be framed as a “respectful relationship”. What did you do to nature (or nature do to you) that really made you two strike up a relationship or had a thing going?
Originally Posted by lightgigantic
The chair is somehow outside of creation? ”
I don't recall God creating any chairs in the bible..
What is the relationship between god and nature?

As far as I know he only created nature.
In case you are still clinging to the idea that chairs are part of creation, let me ask you this: Do you love creation ?
I see creation as a contingent potency of god.
Sometimes it is explained that creation is like laws and god is the lawmaker.

(Invocation Isopanisad). The Personality of Godhead is perfect and complete, and because He is completely perfect, all emanations from Him, such as this phenomenal world, are perfectly equipped as complete wholes. Whatever is produced of the Complete Whole is also complete in itself. Because He is the Complete Whole, even though so many complete units emanate from Him, He remains the complete balance.

So the general idea is that by loving god, one develops the right perspective on all his contingent potencies, like creation.
Of course in western religious circles, there is a contemporary prominent idea that creation is somehow separate from god (which catalysed many developments in the way of colonialism, industrialism, capitalism etc … which are now dominant social norms the world over), so examining a historical treatment of this issue doesn’t reveal the right perspective.

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
So why charge me with being disqualified by indicating different degrees? ”
Because 'degrees' implicate that you love some things at a fraction of how much you love other things.
I am talking about different colors.
You are talking about different shades of the same color. At least, that's what I gathered.
So if a person likes the colour blue, there is something faulty at hand when they start to talk about which shades of blue they like more than other shades?
Originally Posted by lightgigantic
If you draw up a list of persons whom you love you will see that they all come from a group of people involved in issues of reciprocation and service ”
I don't love people much. So that's true for people.
Even if you don’t love people, that can also be attributed to issues of reciprocation and service.

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
Like a chicken probably has more substantial needs in its life than to be kept in a cage too small for it to turn around for its entire life just so I can eat it. ”
I agree, but what is your point ?
Even if you want to talk of loving all living entities, that is made practical by determining their needs of existence – for instance you seem to agree that keeping a chicken in a cage like that doesn’t indicate a good “service attitude”
“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
sure ”
And might that be what hampered your love and understanding of nature ?
If you can’t talk about the qualities of the beloved, you have no means to present an understanding.
For instance suppose I was madly in love with a rock star (let’s call him Gumpy Gazza)and this struck you as absurd since you never heard of them.
Then perhaps I could go and talk about how his snake tattoos were really cool and he was really cute the way he has no front teeth and just wait till you listen to the way he burps when he plays the guitar and smashes a beer bottle over the head of his road manager.
At this point you could either agree and say “yeah, Gumpy gazza is the topmost of lovable things” or “Just as I thought, gumpy is a loser and you are a nutcase” or anything in between. If I have nothing to say, you have no scope for making a value assessment.
Familiarity with the name, form, qualities and pastimes of a thing is what paves the way for all sorts of relationships .... My question to you (which you will hopefully address earlier in the piece) is in what ways are your declarations of “loving” nature distinct from “liking” nature.
My point is that nature (or even a dog) will never have the potential capacity to win your heart (or alternatively, piss you off) in a way that a person can, simply on this issue of reciprocation, service and knowledge of name, form, qualities, pastimes.
And as it relates to the OP, god is the topmost person, with all good qualities that we find in others finding their origin in him, ... so therein lies the value in loving him.
If you want to argue that nature offers more potential for great loving exchanges than people, it would seem to suggest that you have experienced something that hampered your love and understanding of people. Actually there has been a long standing dominant paradigm of seeing the purpose of creation simply as something we can just take from to get whatever we need to make us happy in whatever way we imagine. Just now we are perhaps beginning to see how this results in strife and entanglement, so a new sort of paradigm is starting to emerge. So when you talk of “loving nature” I see that as representative of a new way of assessing the purpose of creation. However even though love entails issues of obligational duty, dependence, etc, it is something more sublime than simply assessing issues of purpose (hence the word “love” distinguishes itself from the word “like” even though they might be frequently interchangeable)
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I respectfully disagree. You used the word "TODAY" in the quote from above. I got news for you: Today, the world is WAY WAY WAY better than it was at any time in the past. We've come from a savage like, monarchy/dictatorship/socialist/horrible standard of living world to a predominanty free and democratic/capitalist based/successful/high standard of living world where freedom of thought and religion is paramount.

You claim to love freedom of choice. TODAY we have free choice. YEARS AGO free choice was almost nonexistant. So how the hell can you claim that our wrong choices have led to a much better and more free world than ever before?

All that has changed is the technology, not the business.
A dog does its business on four legs and just because we do the same sort of business on four wheels isn't such a radical accomplishment.
