Why do you believe in Jesus?

I don't understand your "40 days death row" post. Could you please explain?

Yes, I am definetly hooked.

I thought I saw someone say that the disciples could have been illusioned. This doesn't make sense, as it would be very hard for all of them to be hallucinating the same thing at the same time.
So §outh§tar, with Jesus being arrested, denied freedom by the people who chose a robber, and these being the fates of the others who preached the same message;

Matthew-the sword
James, son of Alphaeus-crucified
Thaddaeus-killed by arrows
James, brother of Jesus-stoned
Thomas-spear thrust
James, son of Zebedee-the sword

Do you not ever entertain the idea that as the bible was written some thirty years after Jesus' death, it was rather revisionist, and portrayed Jesus and followers in a far better light than he was percieved at the time? People who actually met him weren't convinced by him, so why is he credible 2000 years later, as described by a contradictory and flawed Bible?

I mean, well liked people do not suffer such deaths, do they?
I don't understand your "40 days death row" post. Could you please explain?

This is a reference to the idea that Jesus was brought back from the dead only for 40 days, why? Why give him life only to take it away again? This implies that God not only gave him life, but killed him, AGAIN!
according to the bible he wasnt givin life to live it but to save ours and thats about it.
This is a reference to the idea that Jesus was brought back from the dead only for 40 days, why? Why give him life only to take it away again? This implies that God not only gave him life, but killed him, AGAIN!

Jesus died once and that was one the cross. He was then raised on the third day. He then spent time with disciples, but never did he die. He was taken up to heaven, just as Elija was. When He rose, He conquered death. It now has no meaning. God could not kill Jesus again if he never killed him once. the Roman soldiers cruxified Him, and he CHOSE to stay on the cross and die.

grace be to you
E. has a point. God didnt kill him. He knew what he had to do and it was his choice no one elses.
well i belive in jesus because something amazeing had to happen to start a new religion(christiantity) and for that religion too take over most of the world .As for some of the laws of god i am not shore cause that's when stuff gets cloudy.I also think when it comes to prayers they go to god
anyone out there belive in angels? If so explain.
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everneo said:
I have no idea why Branch Davidians thought so, but can you tell why do you not think so.?

The Father - ________ - The Son : That makes some sense, man.

God is a spirit.

A spirit is not male.

Therefore God is not male.
You know, on a church in my hometown, someone once spraypainted: God is a black woman.

The church refrained from removing it...
ConsequentAtheist said:
What is your evidence of a resurrection?

I will go through this one by one since it is tedious to type it all out and you probably won't even read it:


The body of Jesus, in accordance with Jewish burial customs, was wrapped in a linen cloth. About 100 pounds of aromatic spices, mixed together to form a gummy substance, were applied to the wrappings of cloth about the body.

After the body was placed in a solid rock tomb, an extremely large stone (weighing approximately two tons) was rolled by means of levers against the entrance of the tomb.

A Roman guard of strictly disciplined men was stationed to guard the tomb. Fear of punishment "produced flawless attention to duty, especially in the night watches." This guard affixed on the tomb the Roman seal, a stamp of Roman power and authority. The seal was meant to prevent vandalizing. Anyone trying to move the stone from the tomb's entrance would have broken the seal and thus incurred the wrath of Roman law.

But the tomb was empty.

Information from McDowell's, 'More Than a Carpenter'.

Yes, a lot of people have died for a good cause, but the good cause of the apostles died on the cross. Only the resurrection and resultant contact with Christ convinced his followers he was the Messiah. To this they testified not only with their lips and lives, but with their deaths.

… the Apostles, if they knew the entire "Jesus is the Messiah" thing was a hoax, would NOT think that they were on their way to eternal bliss, because Jesus would not have been God, and therefore could not reward them!
I do not believe anyone is saying that the Apostles knew that the resurrection was a hoax since that would be inconsistent with Christian mythology. But you are on very weak ground trying to use probably mythological characters to prove an issue about another mythological character. We really don’t know much about the apostles, even whether they actually existed, and not much about their deaths. Likewise we have no historical evidence of a Jesus either. The arguments here become largely hypothetical.


I know I am probably making enemies really fast here on the forum, and it's only my first day. Let me just say, I am sure you guys and gals are all really great as people. I just don't agree with some of your ideas.
Being in disagreement with an argument is not the same as making enemies. Don’t worry about it.

E. has a point. God didnt kill him. He knew what he had to do and it was his choice no one elses.

How was it his choice? He got taken prisoner by the romans and killed through the choices of others. He had absolutely no say in the matter - and we can even see him pleading with god at the final moments trying to have his life saved. He didn't choose anything.

.. the good cause of the apostles died on the cross. Only the resurrection and resultant contact with Christ convinced his followers he was the Messiah. To this they testified not only with their lips and lives, but with their deaths.
That is of course the popular myth but there is no historical evidence for any of that.

So back to the thread topic - why do you believe this? Because of Christian indoctrination, right? You are just repeating what you have been told and have never done any serious independent research into the historicity or validity of any Christian assertions, right?

Food for thought.

How was it his choice? He got taken prisoner by the romans and killed through the choices of others. He had absolutely no say in the matter - and we can even see him pleading with god at the final moments trying to have his life saved. He didn't choose anything.
Yes but he allowed it to happen, he didn’t resist, he had the power to do miracles remember so could have easily escaped had he so wished.

But Christian mythology has Jesus Sacrificing himself, God didn’t kill him.

Katazia said:

That is of course the popular myth but there is no historical evidence for any of that.

So back to the thread topic - why do you believe this? Because of Christian indoctrination, right? You are just repeating what you have been told and have never done any serious independent research into the historicity or validity of any Christian assertions, right?

Food for thought.

I just presented one of the reasons the disciples could not have been "decieved", as some members maliciously posit, about the resurrection. :confused:

Knowing fully well that 1 out of 20 people would be interested in reading the whole thing, I only posted one of the reasons. :p
I believe in Jesus because nobody else has ever made better sense to me than he did.