Why do you believe in Jesus?

Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Paula, save your breath. As many times as I have explained my position on Christianity, you all still say I hate Jesus! When have I ever said this? NEVER! I used to be a good Catholic and a good Christian. I believed with all my heart. At one time, I would have been the one arguing FOR Christianity. Then I learned the truth. It's not about Jesus at all! It's about Paul. It's about the evils of the Roman Catholic Church. I will say it again, Christianity has nothing to do with Jesus. I know you all don't have the capacity to understand this because you have been blinded by your religious programming. Jesus didn't become a "savior" until the early church fathers made him one in 325 AD. It's all a lie! Jesus may have lived, but he didn't die for any of you! It's a lie! It's just bizarre to me that you people believe in fairy tales. There were no prophecies fulfilled in the NT. It was all taken from earlier myths and rewritten by Paul. Paul was a prolific writer, but that's about it. He wasn't an honest man at all. Let me assure you that I've read more than one book on this subject. I lived Christianity until I found out the truth. Christianity, itself, is the Antichrist. There is no salvation through Christianity. Remember, you heard it here!
It's all about believing.

I don't know what made you take such a bitter tone, I'm sure you are a nice person.
Medicine Woman said:
I know you all don't have the capacity to understand this because you have been blinded by your religious programming. Jesus didn't become a "savior" until the early church fathers made him one in 325 AD. It's all a lie! Jesus may have lived, but he didn't die for any of you! It's a lie! It's just bizarre to me that you people believe in fairy tales.

How would she know? This, of course, is the same pathetic Medicine*Woman who, like so many week minded New Agers, could do no more than substitute the religious programming of the idiotic for the religious programming of the backward. She proudly proclaims Patrick H. Bellringer as her authority on Paul and freely quotes line after line of unsubstantiated drivil from his "PEOPLE OF THE LIE: SAUL OF TARSUS: PAUL", but she fails to inform us that her Bellringer also wrote:
5. Aliens Among Us!

Many UFO sightings are presently being reported around the world. Such sightings shall only increase. ... Contrary to U.S. government prattle, these starships are our secret allies of the Forces of Light, who are here to help us establish peace in our world at this time. Expect to see real aliens, ascended Masters and other Light Beings on your T.V. soon! And God said, “There shall be peace on earth and good-will toward men”---now! Aho!

- see http://www.fourwinds10.com/phb/update-11-13-02.html#5
One wonders whether Medicine*Woman, this exposer of the bizarre, this enemy of the fairy-tale, is likewise 'expect[ing] to see real aliens, ascended Masters and other Light Beings on [her] T.V. soon!'

Few demonstrate being blinded by programming so well as this sad yet pretentious new age nun of nonsense.

Medicine Woman said:
NEVER! You'll never get rid of me! There is no way you can re-convert me! I found the truth! You are the ones who are living a lie.
And so it goes, from one baseless revelation to the next, each increasingly inane, each leaving its heroine increasingly vapid and vitriolic. It really is rather sad.
ConsequentAtheist said:
How would she know? This, of course, is the same pathetic Medicine*Woman who, like so many week minded New Agers, could do no more than substitute the religious programming of the idiotic for the religious programming of the backward. She proudly proclaims Patrick H. Bellringer as her authority on Paul and freely quotes line after line of unsubstantiated drivil from his "PEOPLE OF THE LIE: SAUL OF TARSUS: PAUL", but she fails to inform us that her Bellringer also wrote:
5. Aliens Among Us!
M*W: First off, you can improve your spelling. Secondly, I indicated previously that I had not actually read most of those books on the list, including this one. I have never read anything by Bellringer, so you're totally out in left field, as usual.
Many UFO sightings are presently being reported around the world. Such sightings shall only increase. ... Contrary to U.S. government prattle, these starships are our secret allies of the Forces of Light, who are here to help us establish peace in our world at this time. Expect to see real aliens, ascended Masters and other Light Beings on your T.V. soon! And God said, “There shall be peace on earth and good-will toward men”---now! Aho!
- see http://www.fourwinds10.com/phb/update-11-13-02.html#5
One wonders whether Medicine*Woman, this exposer of the bizarre, this enemy of the fairy-tale, is likewise 'expect[ing] to see real aliens, ascended Masters and other Light Beings on [her] T.V. soon!'
M*W: I watch neither TV nor movies. I read... and write.
Few demonstrate being blinded by programming so well as this sad yet pretentious new age nun of nonsense.
M*W: If there's any 'programming' going on with me, it's what I've learned myself unlike you who believes everything she reads in BAR. Nothing is proven.
And so it goes, from one baseless revelation to the next, each increasingly inane, each leaving its heroine increasingly vapid and vitriolic. It really is rather sad.
M*W: Sad! Hah! You CONTINUE to read what I write, even though you discount everything I say! So be it! You're the laughing stock of the forum! If it bothers you as much as you claim, why do you continue to read my posts? You've made it quite obvious that my posts are entertaining to say the very least! You should get back to your TV. It's bubble gum on the brain.
Be a good girl and learn the proper use of the quoting mechanism. Your posts are beginning to take on an excessively neurotic look - it's almost self referential. Did you skip your meds again?
We know Nero persecuted Christians, correct? And we know that these persecutions were awful and horrible, correct? My question is, why would the apostles be subjected to indescribable torture if they knew that the entire thing was just a big hoax?
Because they had faith? There are people who gladly experience pain for their religion (not only christians). Others blow themself up for their beliefs. No matter if it is true or not, if you have faith, it is possible to endure.
Yes, of course they had faith. But take this example. just a few months after Jesus's acsention, the apostles, who had walked with Jesus, began preaching in Jerusalem. The Jewish leaders were not happy about it, and they did all sorts of nasty things to the apostles. The Jewish leaders KNEW Jesus had existed, because they had planned to have him killed! Obviously, the apostles would have ended up in something more like the 1 AD version of a straight-jacket than prison if they were claiming that Jesus had existed when he hadn't.
Further more, Although people today are blowing themselves up for their religion, they are simply taking someone else's word that their god existed. The apostles walked with Jesus first hand. They would not endure torture for someone that they knew was not true. Why would they make him up, I ask? They certainly didn't benefit from their religion, because they preached giving to the poor ect.
I believe in Jesus because of internal evidence, the worth of some of the sayings and parables that are attributed to him. However, I don't believe the dogma of the Christian church, which I think has distorted his teaching from the very beginning. Some of those distortions include his exclusive divinity, and probably a few of the miracles.
historian2be said:
Yes, of course they had faith. But take this example. just a few months after Jesus's acsention, the apostles, who had walked with Jesus, began preaching in Jerusalem. The Jewish leaders were not happy about it, and they did all sorts of nasty things to the apostles. The Jewish leaders KNEW Jesus had existed, because they had planned to have him killed! Obviously, the apostles would have ended up in something more like the 1 AD version of a straight-jacket than prison if they were claiming that Jesus had existed when he hadn't.
Further more, Although people today are blowing themselves up for their religion, they are simply taking someone else's word that their god existed. The apostles walked with Jesus first hand. They would not endure torture for someone that they knew was not true. Why would they make him up, I ask? They certainly didn't benefit from their religion, because they preached giving to the poor ect.

There are always people who are willing to sacrifice their lifes for friends or idols. It is still faith, those who followed Jesus had faith that he was the son of god. But was there evidence? Persumably not. But Jesus was nontheless a friend and idol for them. Hence they did not stray from their faith in him even if they were tortured. Those guys took his word that god existed.
Jesus might´ve just been the leader of a sect.
And I never said that Jesus did not exist.
TheERK said:
You're probably right about M*W's style. I don't agree with the way she 'debates', if it can even be called that.

However, you didn't present irrefutable evidence. In fact, you didn't present any evidence. You simply claimed that some of your prayers were answered. Big deal. Many Christians pray for things that never come true and accept it as God saying 'no.' What do you make of that? How come all of your prayers were answered? To an outsider, it simply seems like some people are getting lucky, and some aren't. Perhaps you're getting lucky.

Either way, that sure isn't evidence of any sort--it's just an anecdote.

Also, Paula, I can't think of one fulfilled prophecy that isn't vague or the result of post-occurance modification. Perhaps you could enlighten the skeptical.

I was referring to another thread where I hand typed (not copy-n-paste) a whole page of information concerning the reliability of the New Testament.

Not only did she fail to even acknowledge my reply to her question, she totally abandoned the thread altogether. This irritates me because it's not even the first time she has fled when someone refutes her inane ideology. :mad:
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Sad! Hah! You CONTINUE to read what I write, even though you discount everything I say! So be it! You're the laughing stock of the forum! If it bothers you as much as you claim, why do you continue to read my posts? You've made it quite obvious that my posts are entertaining to say the very least! You should get back to your TV. It's bubble gum on the brain.

You continue to remind me of Proud Muslim. Why don't you start using colorful text and giant font to prove your ignorance?

- Both you and PM have the same writing style, same ludicrous "sources", same habit of fleeing every conversation that proves too difficult, same obnoxious arrogance.
Dreamwalker said:
There are always people who are willing to sacrifice their lifes for friends or idols. It is still faith, those who followed Jesus had faith that he was the son of god. But was there evidence? Persumably not. But Jesus was nontheless a friend and idol for them. Hence they did not stray from their faith in him even if they were tortured. Those guys took his word that god existed.
Jesus might´ve just been the leader of a sect.
And I never said that Jesus did not exist.

Now if the resurrection didn't take place (i.e., was false) the disciples knew it. I find no way to demonstrate that they could have been deceived. Therefore these eleven men not only died for a lie - here is the catch - but they knew it was a lie. It would be hard to find eleven people in history who died for a lie, knowing it was a lie.

Unless you can prove your theory that somehow ALL eleven disciples were fooled...

I can trust the apostle's testimonies because, of those men, eleven died martyr's deaths on the basis of two things: the resurrection of Christ, and their believed in Him as God.

Again, how can ALL ELEVEN disciples be decieved concerning these things which would definitely have been very obvious.

Matthew-the sword
James, son of Alphaeus-crucified
Thaddaeus-killed by arrows
James, brother of Jesus-stoned
Thomas-spear thrust
James, son of Zebedee-the sword

ALL the apostles themselves had to be convinced that Jesus was raised from the dead. At first they hadn't believed. They went and hid (Mark 14:50). They didn't hesitate to express their doubts. There was Thomas, who said he wouldn't believe that Christ was raised from the dead until he had put his finger in the nail prints. Thomas later died a martyr's death for Christ (see above list). Whas he deceived? He bet his life he wasn't.

Information from McDowell's 'More than a Carpenter'
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: "...irrefutable evidence?" Please cite your "irrefutable evidence. Maybe you could convince me. Please try!

"...ABANDONS the entire conversation and the entire thread." NEVER! You'll never get rid of me! There is no way you can re-convert me! I found the truth! You are the ones who are living a lie. I don't need your prayers, I pray myself to the kingdom of God within. I know my prayers are always heard and answered. I don't need a mythological character to pray to, and I don't need a building full of blind believers. It's too bad that you all don't pay attention and learn the truth. Christianity is declining worldwide. Lies won't last forever.

Need I comment about the mental health of Medicine Woman?
Perhaps they thought up the resurrection? There is no historic proof for it.
You know that faith can make you blind? Perhaps they died for a friend in whom they believed and trusted and whom they wanted to engrandize, making him immortal in the minds of mankind. And because of that they themself lied and died for a lie and for their friend/idol.
Dreamwalker said:
Perhaps they thought up the resurrection? There is no historic proof for it.
You know that faith can make you blind? Perhaps they died for a friend in whom they believed and trusted and whom they wanted to engrandize, making him immortal in the minds of mankind. And because of that they themself lied and died for a lie and for their friend/idol.


Ok then. After seeing the list (here it is again):

Matthew-the sword
James, son of Alphaeus-crucified
Thaddaeus-killed by arrows
James, brother of Jesus-stoned
Thomas-spear thrust
James, son of Zebedee-the sword

You still think they "thought up" the resurrection?

ALL ELEVEN OF THEM thought up the resurrection and died for it?

erhaps they died for a friend in whom they believed and trusted and whom they wanted to engrandize, making him immortal in the minds of mankind. And because of that they themself lied and died for a lie and for their friend/idol.

Hopefully, not even you thinks that is at all plausible. :bugeye:
People have died for all kinds of stupid things. And many people died for their dreams. Others died for nothing at all.

Keep on copying your list, I don´t care, there are myriads of people who died for something, no matter if it existed in reality or only in their head. And plausible? Plausibility is hampered by subjective views, just like objectivity.
Of all the apostles, only Thomas knew for sure about Jesus' resurrection, since he was the only one who claimed to have touched him. Of the rest, there is something between a lie and the truth. Many people can see the same event and they will have all seen something different. There is the phenomenon of mass hysteria. Also, when people are very stressed out, like when your teacher who you have given up your whole life to follow is suddenly killed, they may hallucinate. Even in normal circumstances, our senses can not be trusted entirely. They could have all just assumed that Jesus died and was resurrected when in fact he may not have died in the first place, his twin could have been crucified in his place, or Jesus was crucified, but did not die. This is just hypothetical, but an example of how a story can be true, but still not be the whole truth.

Thousands have died for a lie, knowing it was a lie. How about Vietnam? I think few soldiers over there really believed they were saving the civilized world from the dangers of communism. The disciples could have promoted the myth of Christ's resurrection because they knew it would bring many converts to a cause they believed was noble.

If Jesus was resurrected, why did he not go on to live a long life? The myth of him being resurrected and then GOING TO HEAVEN (dying) ANYWAY, is the most unbelievable part, and I think discredits the whole story.

They would not endure torture for someone that they knew was not true. Why would they make him up, I ask? They certainly didn't benefit from their religion, because they preached giving to the poor ect.
Just like the Islamic suicide bombers if you are convinced there is an afterlife and that true rewards and paradise are waiting for you when you die then torture and dying are merely minor inconveniences on the way to eternal bliss.

The irrationality of blind absolute faith will drive people to do anything whether true or not. This is the evil that is religion.

I remember something like this from the bible: "you have seen so you believe, but blessed are those who have not seen but believe..."