Why do you believe in God?

No problem. Even though I write LG, I actually am hoping others will answer.

Dragon, why can humans imagine a God mentally, yet no animal can?

Do humans really imagine God at all? And those who say they see God...do they really? Just an image they choose to suit the characteristics...

same thing with me saying: that was some hot sexy lade.

what do you imagine? well...its different from what I imagine.

Perhaps imagination is another human only characteristic...but I do lean towards the idea that humans can have imagination because of their brain capacity.
Perhaps imagination is another human only characteristic...but I do lean towards the idea that humans can have imagination because of their brain capacity.

This sounds like a valid theory. The human brain is more developed than the animal brain, therefore the human brain has more capacity. It can do more.

I mean, there are different levels of brain capacity, right?

Take the worm for example. The worm has no emotion or desire to have fun. It just slides around and eats dirt its entire life.

Cats on the other hand display emotion. When they want to go outside and play, they cry and meow until someone opens the door. If someone doesn't open the door, they become frustrated and sad at the state of their life. Cats also have the ability to persuade humans to give them things and commincate somewhat with us. If they want to go outside, they will go to the door, look up at the doorknob, and hope a human opens it.

Worms don't display this type of advanced thinking and planning.

As far as being self-conscious, I thinks cats are. When my cat sees himself in a mirror, he doesn't attack the mirror as if what he is seeing is another cat.

Beta fish on the other hand do attack their reflections. So they are not self-conscious.
This sounds like a valid theory. The human brain is more developed than the animal brain, therefore the human brain has more capacity. It can do more.

I mean, there are different levels of brain capacity, right?

Take the worm for example. The worm has no emotion or desire to have fun. It just slides around and eats dirt its entire life.

Cats on the other hand display emotion. When they want to go outside and play, they cry and meow until someone opens the door. If someone doesn't open the door, they become frustrated and sad at the state of their life. Cats also have the ability to persuade humans to give them things and commincate somewhat with us. If they want to go outside, they will go to the door, look up at the doorknob, and hope a human opens it.

Worms don't display this type of advanced thinking and planning.

As far as being self-conscious, I thinks cats are. When my cat sees himself in a mirror, he doesn't attack the mirror as if what he is seeing is another cat.

Beta fish on the other hand do attack their reflections. So they are not self-conscious.

I wonder if the same thing applies to ants...
Anyways this self-conciousness is seen in species that utilize their large brain...
adult dogs and cats

I really suggest you go through this website about ants...to answer whether they are intelligent or not...
Read, scroll down, and press the blue arrows...
its really interesting...
I read though the site. Very interesting.

How is the small ant brain able to create a kingdom? It's almost as if they were born with preconceived knowledge of the other ants around them.

The ant kingdom has different chambers for different purposes. How the ants all work together and know what to do is beyond me.
I read though the site. Very interesting.

How is the small ant brain able to create a kingdom? It's almost as if they were born with preconceived knowledge of the other ants around them.

The ant kingdom has different chambers for different purposes. How the ants all work together and know what to do is beyond me.

exactly...this fascinates me...To have such coordinated work. They basically act as one entity. Sort of like a website that runs on a server thats made of many individual computers.

What separates human from animal?

animals have no scope for transcendence - in other words it is practically impossible for an animal to understand that it is different from its body (and to the credit of contemporary human civilization, such a notion is also becoming increasingly difficult for humans to understand as well)
Originally Posted by SkinWalker
Could you please quote the passage where I said I never read "all" of your posts or the one where I said I wouldn't read the pertinent one? Not only are my previous criticisms of you holding up, they are being defined by your continued intellectual dishonesty.
holding up in your esteemed opinion no doubt

I suppose I can assume that English may not be your first language and therefore forgive your lack of comprehension. In the link you provided, I most certainly did not say "all."
I suppose I can assume that English may not be your first language and therefore forgive your lack of comprehension. In the link you provided, I most certainly did not say "all."
instead you said " there are many of your posts that I simply can't be arsed to read." which amounts to the same q .... why should a person be bothered to write something to a person who cannot be bothered reading (of course engaging in a variety of other measures to disrupt the flow of a thread certainly gets your wpm's rolling)
which amounts to the same q .... why should a person be bothered to write something to a person who cannot be bothered reading

Because someone else might listen.

Why bother cry help when noone is seen around? Because someone might hear.

Hope...is the answer.
Because someone else might listen.

Why bother cry help when noone is seen around? Because someone might hear.

Hope...is the answer.
on the contrary strangers tend to turn off completely when they encounter threads that are made up of an endless stream of trolling, ad homs etc that talk about anything and everything except the posted title
on the contrary strangers tend to turn off completely when they encounter threads that are made up of an endless stream of trolling, ad homs etc that talk about anything and everything except the posted title

on the contrary I believe that this discussion does have to do with the question posed by this thread:
" Why do you believe in God? "

Now...I dont believe in God...but there is "hope"...that relevant word
for finding the answer to life and my purpose of existence. To have hope that my belief is true because through all the logic it holds true. To hope that if I am false in my atheist views...there will be time to change...
then why don't you identify as an agnostic (one who doesn't know if they know there is a god)?
then why don't you identify as an agnostic (one who doesn't know if they know there is a god)?

because I arrived to atheism through logic...however if proof is given to me of God than it is definitely be best for me to get down to believing in God, because if he exists and I dont believe in him...I fear not of smile on his face towards me.
because I arrived to atheism through logic...however if proof is given to me of God than it is definitely be best for me to get down to believing in God, because if he exists and I dont believe in him...I fear not of smile on his face towards me.

you have no proof that god doesn't exist either, so its not clear why you don't identify as an agnostic