Why do you believe in God?

If a person has no reason they can believe in anything, regardless of whether the object of belief is actually exists or not

I disagree. Tell a gorilla about God see what he believes.

Since gorillas can't reason, they don't believe in anything. They only care about eating, sleeping, reproducing, and playing around once in a while. Why is it that no animal worships a God?

It seems like we (or any form of life) only have the ability to believe in or worship something which we can imagine and comprehend.
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If a person has no reason they can believe in anything, regardless of whether the object of belief is actually exists or not

Precisely! those who believe in their unsupported assertions, and claim a god exist, are by the facto! as you pointed above! UNREASONABLE! This is obvious by the overwhelming multitude of gods, demi-gods, religions, etc.. Most theist are unreasonable, and basically deluded! ;)
If a person has no reason they can believe in anything, regardless of whether the object of belief is actually exists or not
It's uncanny how you get on the one end of the scale - NO REASON where you "can believe in anything" - and at the other end - REASON where "belief" should not exist, only probability.
I disagree. Tell a gorilla about God see what he believes.

Since gorillas can't reason, they don't believe in anything. They only care about eating, sleeping, reproducing, and playing around once in a while. Why is it that no animal worships a God?
regarding belief in general, there have been numerous experiments berformed by animal behaviourists who can train an animal to believe that by pressing a red button they will get a food pellet.
Regarding why animals don't actively worship god - thats the distinction between an animal and a human

It seems like we (or any form of life) only have the ability to believe in or worship something which we can imagine and comprehend.
Its not clear how this last statement of yours is supposed to help the cause of atheism

Precisely! those who believe in their unsupported assertions, and claim a god exist, are by the facto! as you pointed above! UNREASONABLE! This is obvious by the overwhelming multitude of gods, demi-gods, religions, etc.. Most theist are unreasonable, and basically deluded! ;)
sorry to dampen your passions there, but actually I was pointing out that belief is not the platform of verification - belief is the initial stage that one comes to before applying the process for verification - for instance a crazy person may believe that saddam hussein is dead and that kermit the frog is the president of the united states - until they come to the point of verifying their claims (ie applying processes) they will simply be stuck with their 'beliefs'

It's uncanny how you get on the one end of the scale - NO REASON where you "can believe in anything" - and at the other end - REASON where "belief" should not exist, only probability.
belief can be anything - verifying (ie applying processes to acquire knowledge) tends to narrow down the field considerably
regarding belief in general, there have been numerous experiments berformed by animal behaviourists who can train an animal to believe that by pressing a red button they will get a food pellet.

This isn't evidence of belief but conditioned response. Its like the child who flinches at a suddenly raised voice because they've been conditioned to expect physical abuse to accompany it. The child didn't think about the raised voice nor does the child necessarily have the ability to explain why she flinches -there is no "belief" involved.

Belief is a far more complex thought process and is both a virtue and a failing for humanity.

belief can be anything - verifying (ie applying processes to acquire knowledge) tends to narrow down the field considerably

Wow. Something we agree upon. Now, if you could just outline "the general principles" of the processes that you use to verify your alleged beliefs. I say "alleged" because I don't recall you actually stating your beliefs, but, admittedly, there are many of your posts that I simply can't be arsed to read.
Wow. Something we agree upon. Now, if you could just outline "the general principles" of the processes that you use to verify your alleged beliefs. I say "alleged" because I don't recall you actually stating your beliefs, but, admittedly, there are many of your posts that I simply can't be arsed to read.

then I won't wear out my fingers with a response
I thought as much. One would actually have something to say that can be reasoned in such principles. Its best that you didn't try.
I thought as much. One would actually have something to say that can be reasoned in such principles. Its best that you didn't try.

its not clear on what grounds one should endeavour to write detailed things to a person who freely admits to not being bothered to read them
Could you please quote the passage where I said I never read "all" of your posts or the one where I said I wouldn't read the pertinent one? Not only are my previous criticisms of you holding up, they are being defined by your continued intellectual dishonesty. :)

Can animals also create and run their own government or operate a firearm?

Can animals also create and run their own government?

ants do. http://english.pravda.ru/science/tech/1538-1/


as for weapons...they got army ants...