why do some theists believe in Darwinian evolution?

And now another evasion.

What question? The "And so?"?
Okay: evolution is a scientific process, not a philosophical one. Hence using it in a philosophical sense is a misuse.

Scripture claims we were created ab initio as fully-formed humans. Evolution states otherwise.

I don't know if scriptures actually say that Dw? There is this thing were it says formed from the dust of the earth I do believe . That sounds like an evolution type thinking to Me , but what do I know I read whimsical ideas into all kinds of " It's"
I don't know if scriptures actually say that Dw? There is this thing were it says formed from the dust of the earth I do believe . That sounds like an evolution type thinking to Me , but what do I know I read whimsical ideas into all kinds of " It's"

v27 So God created people so that they were like himself. He created people as his image. He created them as man and woman.
Adam and Eve arrived as fully-formed huumans.
No evolution.
If you give me a reason to change my P.O.V. I will.
You've already changed it.
In one post you claim science doesn't matter, in the other you're calling on it back up your fallacious view. :rolleyes:

How much effort do you put into being clueless? Or does it just come naturally?
These are mutations which show up in some and not others, on an unpredictable basis.

What do you consider as 'proof'?

How do you know they are unpredictable ? . The black death was a mystery back in the day . Thought maybe random by many in its own time I imagine .

I think there is considerable work done on finding out why so many died and yet others lived . Was it random ? I don't think so . Something about a specific mutation in the ones that lived . I don't know how much peer review has been done on the notion ? It was a cross over science , History and biology cross is were I saw it .
You've already changed it.
In one post you claim science doesn't matter, in the other you're calling on it back up your fallacious view. :rolleyes:

How much effort do you put into being clueless? Or does it just come naturally?

IT. DOES. NOT. MATER. Period. It is not necessary. The only thing that truly maters is love.
Then why call on it?

It is not necessary. The only thing that truly maters is love.
Not only false but stupidly so.

The bible is bull shit. Evolution happened. That does not disprove Adam, and Eve however.
Of course it does. If evolution happened then Adam and Eve weren't created as humans by god.
Please, get a clue before you post again.
Whatever the step between non-human to human was created by God => God created humans, this is inspite of Evolution.. lmao!
Okay, but talk about the present. Does it not justify the OP question. Theist are still compatible with evolution...

I answered this on post # 32, here:

"I think theists can believe in evolution and most intelligent educated theists probably do. For them there is no contradiction, they rationalize that something created the universe and we evolved but the texts version are just mis-understood or mis-stated or just push it under the rug."

But that wasn't the main point you were making that I responded to, which is the impact evolution has on our philosophy.


How you understand Evolution as pure science vs how you use it to understand the world philosophically is not the same thing

Not the same but also not separate. Just as most theists don't separate a belief in god and their religion. Even if they believe in evolution.

For me the evidence of evolution takes center stage over that which has no evidence to support.

And what of the evidence for evolution and it's impact on the religious ?
For me the evidence of evolution takes center stage over that which has no evidence to support.

And what of the evidence for evolution and it's impact on the religious ?

Evolution's so called 'random processes' have no evidence for randomness.

Because we realize that 7 days for a being to whom time and space are no obsticle can be a very long time to us. About 15 billion years give or take.

I understand that, but why do you think the process of creation was due to
darwinian evolution?

Also, IF it is actually God speaking to man then we would have been stupid at the time when it was dictated.

That doesn't follow from what we understand of ancient history.

The concept of a billion was not even full realized at this time.


Even if the person that it was dictated was shown the light, how would that person explain it to the masses? It knew that we would figure it out eventually.

What make you think it is true to begin with?
