why do some theists believe in Darwinian evolution?

Time for you to define your god. Is your god perfect ? Can it make mistakes ?

Lol. Can he perfectly introduce imperfection in this world to remain the only perfection, that being himself? Yes.
Lol. Can he perfectly introduce imperfection in this world to remain the only perfection, that being himself? Yes.

LOL is right. The fact that you can not accept randomness in evolution but can accept that a god would introduce randomness in evolution is comedy.

But this is where the rationalization comes in doesn't it.

Why would it be so important to it to be the only perfection ? Define please.

Are you challenging it's creation as not being perfect ? If so are you then challenging your god ?

Why would it use evolution or our concept of evolution for creation ?

it would appear this god doesn't know what the hell it's doing and has taken a long time to create what in our eyes is it's finest creation yet, humans.

Which of course are imperfect.
LOL is right. The fact that you can not accept randomness in evolution but can accept that a god would introduce randomness in evolution is comedy.

That is not why I pointed it out. You were going on about evidence.. I was simply pointing out a flaw.

Why would it be so important to it to be the only perfection ? Define please.

That is a subjective question as 'importance' of anything is determined by the subject. So ask God ;)

Are you challenging it's creation as not being perfect ? If so are you then challenging your god ?

Perfectly creating imperfect world = a perfect job.

Why would it use evolution or our concept of evolution for creation?

Again a subjective question

it would appear this god doesn't know what the hell it's doing and has taken a long time to create what in our eyes is it's finest creation yet, humans.

Something that just comes into being.. Great.. Something that you code and then little by little you see the codes magnificence into something beautiful is something more genius.. Secondly time is relative :p

Which of course are imperfect.

Of course.

“ Originally Posted by jpappl
LOL is right. The fact that you can not accept randomness in evolution but can accept that a god would introduce randomness in evolution is comedy. ”

That is not why I pointed it out. You were going on about evidence.. I was simply pointing out a flaw.

Not a flaw to me, but apparently to you. However, this flaw would then have also been created by your god, again why ? Yet you can't answer.

You have no answers yet you still put something "god" where it is not needed.

“ Why would it be so important to it to be the only perfection ? Define please. ”

That is a subjective question as 'importance' of anything is determined by the subject. So ask God

I was asking you. Don't you have an idea ? I would thought you would have some definitions about this god and why it does what it does. You are a theist correct ?

“ Are you challenging it's creation as not being perfect ? If so are you then challenging your god ? ”

Perfectly creating imperfect world = a perfect job.

So now you have answers. :rolleyes:

“ Why would it use evolution or our concept of evolution for creation? ”

Again a subjective question

and again no answer.

“ it would appear this god doesn't know what the hell it's doing and has taken a long time to create what in our eyes is it's finest creation yet, humans. ”

Something that just comes into being.. Great.. Something that you code and then little by little you see the codes magnificence into something beautiful is something more genius.. Secondly time is relative

No, not genius as many didn't make it. It's a stretch to call that perfection. So now we have a perfect being creating imperfection and some duds.

I don't know what you call watching a lion rip the intestines from a water buffalo stuck in mud through it's anus but I don't call that perfection.

I wouldn't call what humans have done to each other perfection either. We are the way we are because we have evolved to survive. Sometimes that means getting ugly. It makes more sense there is no god involved in that process than there is one unless it's a real SOB.

When you ask why questions, you should find that which doesn't fit more valuable then what does. If you're honest that is.
Not a flaw to me, but apparently to you. However, this flaw would then have also been created by your god, again why ? Yet you can't answer.

Because the flaws are the same, why should I provide an answer when you don't. Or science and religion on the same platform now :cool:

I was asking you. Don't you have an idea ? I would thought you would have some definitions about this god and why it does what it does. You are a theist correct?

Definitions do not require answering 'why'- get yourself orientated first.

So now you have answers. :rolleyes:

Wasn't really an answer to your previous question. I was only pointing out 'perfection' is maintained, something which I thought you might not understand.

and again no answer.

Invalid question.:D

No, not genius as many didn't make it. It's a stretch to call that perfection. So now we have a perfect being creating imperfection and some duds.

Who said this world was made to be perfect?
Different theists appear to hide their god of the gaps in different gaps. 786 hides it in the apparent randomness of genetic mutation. Lightgigantic hides his god in the brain and the subjective nature of personal experience.
Different theists appear to hide their god of the gaps in different gaps. 786 hides it in the apparent randomness of genetic mutation. Lightgigantic hides his god in the brain and the subjective nature of personal experience.

There are no gaps if you understand the significance of random :cool:

PS: Mr. I don't buy it ;)
Natural selection would still kill off mutations that are not beneficial, so God wouldn't be able to control evolution. And that still leaves non-evolutionary/biological events.
Natural selection would still kill off mutations that are not beneficial, so God wouldn't be able to control evolution. And that still leaves non-evolutionary/biological events.

Unless he literally came to Earth and killed off any species that threatened the master plan. God>Science.
Then why call on it?

Not only false but stupidly so.

Of course it does. If evolution happened then Adam and Eve weren't created as humans by god.
Please, get a clue before you post again.

Maybe they were, but the bible is bull shit.
If God is omnipotent, then why would anything go off the master plan? Doesn't this imply a loss of control?

I was asking you. Don't you have an idea ? I would thought you would have some definitions about this god and why it does what it does. You are a theist correct? ”

Definitions do not require answering 'why'- get yourself orientated first.

Actually they should be consistent in explaining the why. For example, does god answer prayers ? If yes, then why not all ?

Why is it so important for god to be the only perfection ?

“ So now you have answers. ”

Wasn't really an answer to your previous question. I was only pointing out 'perfection' is maintained, something which I thought you might not understand.

I know, just you being a smart#ss, no problem.

“ and again no answer. ”

Invalid question.

No, just one you can't answer, because you would have to place definitions on a god and nobody can do that. You're smart not to answer these questions because they are all just speculation on your part.

The problem starts when people want to pick and choose when they can define their god.

Getting back to the OP, the theist is punting with the question. Nothing in their text supports evolution, much contradicts it but if we are flexible with the theist and accept that the religious texts are not mean't to be science books, we allow them an escape route to accept the obvious.

Then you want to even have more of the pie and claim god is directing it. :rolleyes:

No, not genius as many didn't make it. It's a stretch to call that perfection. So now we have a perfect being creating imperfection and some duds. ”

Who said this world was made to be perfect?

Here for you:

"Something that just comes into being.. Great.. Something that you code and then little by little you see the codes magnificence into something beautiful is something more genius.. Secondly time is relative"

I think genius is implying perfection. But I wouldn't call it perfect. Alive yes, perfect no.