why do some theists believe in Darwinian evolution?

So where does evolution say God does not exist? If it doesn't there is no contention between theism (generally speaking) and evolution.

The contention arises not because of what evolution says about God (i.e. nothing at all) but with what theism says about evolution (i.e. it didn't happen that way).
Perfecto. So where does evolution say God does not exist?
Marvellous! Introducing a strawman this early in the argument.

If it doesn't there is no contention between theism (generally speaking) and evolution.
Also wrong. Evolution shows that at least some of the claims of theists are false.

The OP didn't specify any category of theists so there is no reason to go further :D
Yeah well:
786 said:
I'm not interested in responding
You were apparently wrong about that too.
The contention arises not because of what evolution says about God (i.e. nothing at all) but with what theism says about evolution (i.e. it didn't happen that way).

'theism' doesn't say anything- religion does. Usually religions talk about 'this happened' and why, not 'how' (detailed).
'theism' doesn't say anything- religion does.

Uh huh... I suppose a little weasel wording is required to make your pointless point.
This is aimed at theists who believe in scripture.


Living beings adjust them self to the environment . There could have been brought some specie from God knows were , then dump them and let them self multiply and diversify according to the environment
Marvellous! Introducing a strawman this early in the argument.

Oh the philosophical argument? Didn't need to get that far out since I realized the OP was very general. Otherwise if you think you know 'how it happened'- then prove randomness to me again in the God of Science thread. If you can't then you're following philosophical gesturing being perpetuated as some 'scientific fact'.

Also wrong. Evolution shows that at least some of the claims of theists are false.

Theism does not equal theists. And theists does not equal Christianity. There are 'theists' who don't follow any religion at all or even a scripture. They just believe in God. period. So what does evolution show about them?
Ooh, and another pointless post.
What does that have to do with the topic?
Ooh, and another pointless post.
What does that have to do with the topic?

Well my initial philosophical comment was because of the uncertainty of random.

Anyways, the point really is clear a theist can believe in evolution (my second paragraph) without any problems- so it is as full of point as your post is pointless.
Oh the philosophical argument? Didn't need to get that far out since I realized the OP was very general. Otherwise if you think you know 'how it happened'- then prove randomness to me again in the God of Science thread. If you can't then you're following philosophical gesturing being perpetuated as some 'scientific fact'.
Another deflection?
And a superb demonstration of you not understanding "evolution".

Theism does not equal theists. And theists does not equal Christianity. There are 'theists' who don't follow any religion at all or even a scripture. They just believe in God. period. So what does evolution show about them?
Evolution reduces (if not negates) any need for "god".
Well my initial philosophical comment was because of the uncertainty of random.

Anyways, the point really is clear a theist can believe in evolution (my second paragraph) without any problems- so it is as full of point as your post is pointless.
Oops, look at the post times.
It wasn't a reply to you but to arauca. :rolleyes:
Evolution (created by God) with specific directed mutation (made by God) has the same evidence that is there for Evolution by Natural Selection and random mutations.

Peace be unto you ;)
Okay and in what way does it contradict? By the way the OP doesn't specify the type of 'theist'- so to bring in the specificity of the different religions probably won't do you good.

The topic is more general: theists and why they can believe in evolution.

Peace be unto you ;)

I think theists can believe in evolution and most intelligent educated theists probably do. For them there is no contradiction, they rationalize that something created the universe and we evolved but the texts version are just mis-understood or mis-stated or just push it under the rug.

My point is that for me believing in evolution makes religion a non-starter. The non-specific claim of all religions is that they know there is a creator and they spell out in the texts how or who is doing the creating. If there was a religion that specifically said god created the universe but we evolved here over millions of years from lower life forms then we may have something.

Otherwise they are making claims they can't possibly know. So the belief in evolution for me does have a direct impact on my philosophical beliefs.

I believe all relgions are wrong. Nobody has that level of knowledge, at least not yet.
God had a plan. Who knows what took place during the time of human evolution... missing link?
Evolution (created by God) with specific directed mutation (made by God) has the same evidence that is there for Evolution by Natural Selection and random mutations.

Peace be unto you ;)

Doesn't seem to know what the word evidence means either.
Evolution (created by God) with specific directed mutation (made by God) has the same evidence that is there for Evolution by Natural Selection and random mutations.
Nope. There is no evidence for god.
I think theists can believe in evolution and most intelligent educated theists probably do. For them there is no contradiction, they rationalize that something created the universe and we evolved but the texts version are just mis-understood or mis-stated or just push it under the rug.

My point is that for me believing in evolution makes religion a non-starter. The non-specific claim of all religions is that they know there is a creator and they spell out in the texts how or who is doing the creating. If there was a religion that specifically said god created the universe but we evolved here over millions of years from lower life forms then we may have something.

Otherwise they are making claims they can't possibly know. So the belief in evolution for me does have a direct impact on my philosophical beliefs.

I believe all relgions are wrong. Nobody has that level of knowledge, at least not yet.

Baseball is a religion in my eyes. Christians, and Jews are nothing but closed minded fanatics. Yes, they have some correct ideas, but the idea of religion itself is unnecessary.

How so ?

Understanding that we evolved here in a way that is in conflict with religious texts certainly places a burden on the belief in most religions. IOW, they are wrong if evolution is right, therefore it, evolution has a direct impact on our philosophical views.

Which is why most Theist's don't take their creation stories literally.

At least not in front of people who will question or challenge them :D

I do take creation seriously The creation of first cell.
You don't have any meaningful theory for cell creation.