Why do so many people believe in God.

Hey no problem man. All that can be said is that you know you are here, so it must be possible that you are here. IMO, it's foolish to claim something outside of your knowability. There are an infinite number of scenarios as you describe. IMO, christianity says "no wait, I know! it was this!" with nothing but a book, written by men a LONG time ago to justify their conclusion. Hell you can believe what you want as is obvious, but it doesn't add up for me. I'm satisfied and thankful to exist. I'll leave the "afterlife" or "beforelife" business until I'm in one of those states, if possible. I don't think it's reasonable to believe "there's no chance for eternal life", but by the fact that you are currently in this form, you cannot really say much of what it might be like or what might get you to some other form after death or whatever. Bah nevermind. Same old same old and what you have works for you, so more power to you. :) (just don't tell my kids about that crap until they're old enough to reason for themselves please)
Hi jayleew,

You mention that you consider yourself to be a "Christian", but I get the feeling from your posts that you are not quite convinced? Do you adhere to the Christian creed? An online example below:


Described as:
"These basic doctrines of the Christian faith provide a creed to live by based on Scriptural principles from the Bible as revealed to man through God's inspired Word."
stretched said:
Hi jayleew,

You mention that you consider yourself to be a "Christian", but I get the feeling from your posts that you are not quite convinced? Do you adhere to the Christian creed? An online example below:


Described as:
"These basic doctrines of the Christian faith provide a creed to live by based on Scriptural principles from the Bible as revealed to man through God's inspired Word."
In this link you can read the Christian Creed (If you like to call it a creed), http://angdatingdaan.org/about/about_doctrines.htm . Always emember 1 John 4:1. okay?
That's not the Christian Creed - that's the "Chuch of God International INC" creed.

It sounds very cultish, to me. :D
I have all the knowledge I need. I don't have to split hairs.

So, did you read up on Q, the source documents? Do you now understand that what you've been believing in is not what you thought? Do you also understand that the words you thought came from Jesus were made up by others? Do you realize that there is a very good chance that Jesus never existed?
stretched said:
Hi jayleew,

You mention that you consider yourself to be a "Christian", but I get the feeling from your posts that you are not quite convinced? Do you adhere to the Christian creed? An online example below:


Described as:
"These basic doctrines of the Christian faith provide a creed to live by based on Scriptural principles from the Bible as revealed to man through God's inspired Word."

I am a Christian from the basic doctrines. But the word "Christian" carries negative connotations that I am stereotyped by from the actions of hypocritical "Christians" Also, I do not have faith in religion and that the business of salvation has little to do with what people can do to accomplish it. Being that is the case, I cannot ultimately judge whether I am worth the title of "Christian." I have the promise of God that I am saved, but let my actions and words say who I am. Just like everyone else. If this were the case, and no one proclaimed to be anyone, they would be who they are without calling themselves this or that and being puffed up or made into a liar. If this were the case, the word "Christian" would be an honorable title to have and only attainable by living as a shadow of Jesus Christ. It is easy to say, "I am a Christian." It is another thing entirely to act like one.
Well Jaylee there are about 33000 different denominations of christianity who call themselves "Christian" all with different creeds, but following supposedly the same leader, all believe that "theirs is the true way" and that "they are the true christians" So basically were ever you put yourself by calling yourself a christian, you are a part of the 33000's of any variant of christian denomination.

Here's a partial list of the mayor christian denominations, you may pick which suits your interpretation of the bible.

List of Christian denominations

Just click on each one and find out which suits you best. WARNING, I woulnd't choose any that handle rattle snakes!. :eek:

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Godless said:
Just click on each one and find out which suits you best. WARNING, I woulnd't choose any that handle rattle snakes!.
but Godless, if hes a true christian, it should'nt matter.
I quote KJV Mark 16:16: He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
17: And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
18: They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

oh silly me, he could never be a true christian and go to heaven, could he.
audible said:
18: They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.[/B]
I've picked up a snake.
I've drunk alcohol and it hasn't hurt me.
I've laid my hands on the sick - and I've recovered (from the experience).

But I'm not a believer. :(
Sarkus said:
That's not the Christian Creed - that's the "Chuch of God International INC" creed.

It sounds very cultish, to me. :D
That's the very christian creed inside the Church of God International. And what do you understand about "cult"?
wesmorris said:
I can see no good reason to distinguish between religion and cult.
Yes in fact cult is written in the Bible.

"Por consiguiente, hermanos, os ruego por las misericordias de Dios que presentéis vuestros cuerpos como sacrificio vivo y santo, aceptable a Dios, que es vuestro culto racional." Romanos 12:1 La Biblia de las Americas
Hi Jayleew,

Thanks, I get what you are saying regarding talking and walking. So you believe in a historical Jesus who is your personal saviour? Jesus, who in Christianity is the god of the OT, is the god you worship? Does this means you agree with all Pauline doctrine, and consider the words of the NT as rules to live by. Or is this god perhaps beyond that clutter? I am just curious as your views stand out from the average Christian. Christianity tends to be extremely dogmatic, and if you were expressing these views just a couple of hundred years ago you would be charcoal.
Sarkus said:
I've picked up a snake.
I've drunk alcohol and it hasn't hurt me.
I've laid my hands on the sick - and I've recovered (from the experience).

But I'm not a believer. :(
I'm not a believer either. and I've done the same., and laid my hands on the sick, and cured them, with the help of (science)drugs
you and I may have had an intoxicating liquor containing alcohol. but if we had alcohol in it's purest sense we would not be standing, you know as well as I that if you take any drug in it's purest form your dead. it's says "if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them".
wesmorris said:
I can see no good reason to distinguish between religion and cult.

After analyzing the two terms in the dictionary, there is a small distinct difference between the two terms. It is that a cult is focused on an Earthly spectrum, whereas religion is focused on supernatural, beyond the Earthly spectrum. The problem is, however, a religion can become a cult. I suppose that a cult can just as well become a religion. There are times when we can confuse the two as well. Also, the dictionary carries some negative connotations to the word "cult" in its meaning.
Well, I believe you, but find the difference you mention to be so negligible as to be pointless, and it's not reflected colloquially.
stretched said:
Hi Jayleew,

Thanks, I get what you are saying regarding talking and walking. So you believe in a historical Jesus who is your personal saviour? Jesus, who in Christianity is the god of the OT, is the god you worship? Does this means you agree with all Pauline doctrine, and consider the words of the NT as rules to live by. Or is this god perhaps beyond that clutter? I am just curious as your views stand out from the average Christian. Christianity tends to be extremely dogmatic, and if you were expressing these views just a couple of hundred years ago you would be charcoal.

You are right. I think the first Christians would have been slaughtered by the monster Christianity became after the Crusades. Yes, Jesus is my savior and the god of the OT, and is the god I worship. I agree with Paul's doctrine. The words of the NT are rules meant to live by, but where we go wrong is that we say they that they are the words directly from God. But they are not. The words are the truth and the intentions of God, but it is up to us to find out what they mean. Only someone from that culture and time period could correctly translate the authors' intentions. I do not doubt that the authors were told the truth by God, and they wrote it in a way that would be understood by those in that time period. So, basically we have a "message" from our God. The "message" is to enhance our living and make decisions easier, but not to be the deciding factor concerning anything. The moment we say that the Bible is more than just an ehancing part of our faith, we open ourselves to the influence of men and our own prideful hearts that long for the exact, black and white, easy truth and morality. But, morality and truth are grey, so we need to look for the Spirit's leading more than any book. It was only a few months ago where my mind was closed on all issues that were explained away in my interpretation of the Bible. Through this forum and Rob Bell's inspiration and logic, I have stepped out of my arrogance and I leave room for God to fill the holes.
wesmorris said:
Well, I believe you, but find the difference you mention to be so negligible as to be pointless, and it's not reflected colloquially.

Of course, it is pointless to the logical mind, and only we theists with more faith than logic could possibly be offended by thinking our faith could be considered a nasty cult. I suppose if you want to stir the pot and see people get defensive it would be a great tool to throw out there that religion and cult are the same words.
I suppose if you want to stir the pot and see people get defensive it would be a great tool to throw out there that religion and cult are the same words.

Religion is a belief in the supernatural while a cult is a system of religious beliefs, usually exclusive with followers showing 'exaggerated zeal.'

In that regard, it would appear that a cult is a subset of religion, as would be rituals and practices are subsets.

Does that help?