Why do so many people believe in God.

Godless said:
Have you seen your god?.

If you say you have, your a liar, and also delusional.

So what's the point? No one can see their physical brain. Unless they are delusional, have you seen yours?. LOL..

I haven't physically seen my mind, but I know my mind very well. Thank you.

teneo thy ego.

Ξέρτε μόνο δικος σου και εσείς κυβερνά το πεπρωμένο σας.

You can translate can't you?.

Lawless (not that but Lolz)!
Godless said:
Have you seen your god?.
I have not owned nor possessed any god but I have seen gods (they're not false, they're true unlike graven images worshipped by billions of paganic people.).

Godless said:
So what's the point?
Logic dictates that as a breathing being and as a rational being I have to share what I believe I must declare and what I declare as the only credible fact that man cannot be so without the presence of his breath and reason.

Godless said:
So what's the point? No one can see their physical brain. Unless they are delusional, have you seen yours?. LOL..
Even if I die I don't need to see my brain since I am flesh, entonces I have a brain covered by my skull. So, I owned a brain not by acquisition or by merchandising concern but by a free gift from the Creator whom I gladly acknowledge being the source of my breath and reason.

Btw, you sound incredible the way you punned fallacious logic.

Godless said:
I haven't physically seen my mind, but I know my mind very well. Thank you.
Whether you have a mind or none, certainly you should care or not care for it. And you're very welcome that you accepted that you haven't physically seen your mind but the fact that you thought very well that you had a mind, I may now proceed in concluding that your mind is physically absent, concretely invisible but known abstractly.

Well, I feel the presence of the sources of human life concretely and abstractly known and declared: air (H20) or the atmosphere, the lithosphere and other spheres the scientists' classification, fire, sunshine, blood(or the very composition that makes human blood) and many more. I also accepted that there were billions of trillion years ago existing galaxies or more in the universe before the emergence of this habitable planet earth as was designed by the inhabiter of eternity. Whether God permits scientists to classify His works of old or not is not my problem anymore the fact that what I need when the day comes for me to give off my breath is simply a delightful acceptance/entrance to the habitation of the Holy. :)

Godless said:
teneo thy ego.
Ξέρτε μόνο δικος σου και εσείς κυβερνά το πεπρωμένο σας.
You can translate can't you?.
I guess, you need to put those Greek characters in their proper place on the web, just like the less educated Filipinos who tried to communicate simple English to Americans/British/English-speaking nations, simple spoken chinese language to chinesemen, simple japanese to japanese people, and simple language to whom that simple language is easily understoo.d :rolleyes:
Hola idiota!.

Vos lo primero que tienes que acer es sacarte la cabeza de tu culo!.

Y veras de lo que tu pretendes de saber es que no sabez nada.

Por que el idiota con la cabeza metido en el culo, no sabe nada.

Si vos dices que ha visto a dios, es por que vos estai loco de la cabeza, y estas viendo illusiones. Pero en actualida, tu no has visto nada, por que vos tienes mente de pendejo.

Logicamente no tienes ni un centavo, no me puedes tu dictar de ser logico, cuando tu cres en fantasia. Ok! pendejo.

enton said:
Logic dictates that as a breathing being and as a rational being I have to share what I believe I must declare and what I declare as the only credible fact that man cannot be so without the presence of his breath and reason.


That is the funniest thing I have read thus far.


Enton, please get a grip of reality, to anchor yourself lest you sail away into the sunset of your own absurdity.

"Logic dictates..." - from you that is priceless. :D
Try and understand what logic is.
Try and understand how it can be used.
Then reread what you have posted above.

Genius, I tells ya! Genius!
(they're not false, they're true unlike graven images worshipped by billions of paganic people.).

I agree. I never understood how all those paganics (?) got away with having carved images of jesus on a cross.. Not only on massive church statues, but on earrings, necklaces etc etc.

Sarkus said:

Enton, please get a grip of reality, to anchor yourself lest you sail away into the sunset of your own absurdity.

"Logic dictates..." - from you that is priceless.
Try and understand what logic is.
Try and understand how it can be used.
Then reread what you have posted above.

Genius, I tells ya! Genius!
You remind me of these:

"I saw the Harbor Lights..."
"Red Sails in the Sunset" :D Thank you, I still remember those old platter's songs.