Why do people believe?

sure - an animal's mental capacity doesn't extend beyond the demands for sleeping, eating, mating and defending

Ugh.. you sure ? :bugeye:

Mental capacity to do what exactly ?
Why did God create them without the capacity to believe in Him ? And how does this relate to the animal called human ?
Ugh.. you sure ? :bugeye:

Mental capacity to do what exactly ?
Why did God create them without the capacity to believe in Him ? And how does this relate to the animal called human ?

How do you know what animals believe?
sure - an animal's mental capacity doesn't extend beyond the demands for sleeping, eating, mating and defending

Sorry, by that I was implying there was no case for satisfaction to be a factor. Animals have much greater suffering than humans and so they couldn't be satisfied with those conditions. We have cars, TVs, we're overweight etc., and we're still not happy with that, so animals are even less so.

Because the true nature of things (objective reality) cannot be perceived.
Take light for example. Light only appears as it does to us because certain sensors of the human body react to certain impulses. Objective reality is 'dark'.
Extrapolate for all the other senses.
But there is no fundamental difference between humans and animals, you said so yourself.
mental capacity is not fundamental

It's no a real shocker though, since humans are animals.
humans also have requirements for sleeping, eating, mating and defending, but cannot find complete satisfaction in them like an animal

I am perfectly satisfied not believing in God. Why should I believe in God ?
many reasons - but since we are on the topic, you may be satisfied not believing in god but you have no scope for perfect satisfaction in this world ..... unless you are mad.
mental capacity is not fundamental
I agree. Animals have mental capacity, like humans do. So mental capacity is no reason to believe in God. What is this fundamental difference that makes God want us to believe in him ?

humans also have requirements for sleeping, eating, mating and defending, but cannot find complete satisfaction in them like an animal
You don't really know a lot about animals, do you ?
Animals can be happy or sad, need distraction etc.

many reasons - but since we are on the topic, you may be satisfied not believing in god but you have no scope for perfect satisfaction in this world ..... unless you are mad.
And you have ? Are you mad ?
Ugh.. you sure ? :bugeye:

Mental capacity to do what exactly ?
the mental capacity doesn't extend beyond the four animal propensities

Why did God create them without the capacity to believe in Him ? And how does this relate to the animal called human ?
basically life in what ever form or environment it expresses itself in is about two issues

1 - what you desire
2 - what you deserve

The human form of life is special since it offers the exclusive opportunity to know god - if a human doesn't want that opportunity, animal life is available. In this way one can cycle through all the species of life and gradually raise to the human form again for another attempt. In this way we are gradually working through our desires.
the mental capacity doesn't extend beyond the four animal propensities

basically life in what ever form or environment it expresses itself in is about two issues

1 - what you desire
2 - what you deserve
Including human life.

The human form of life is special since it offers the exclusive opportunity to know god - if a human doesn't want that opportunity, animal life is available.
Says you. It only offers the ability to believe in whatever.
Humans have freed themselves from nature to some extent and therefor don't need to concentrate solely on survival or directly related things.
In short, humans have (had) too much time on their hands. As everyone knows, that usually results in bullshit.

In this way one can cycle through all the species of life and gradually raise to the human form again for another attempt. In this way we are gradually working through our desires.
This doesn't make sense to me.
Because the true nature of things (objective reality) cannot be perceived.
Take light for example. Light only appears as it does to us because certain sensors of the human body react to certain impulses. Objective reality is 'dark'.
Extrapolate for all the other senses.
the nature of objective things cannot be perceived with the mind or associated senses (remember, these are not the fundamental aspects of the self).

The topic is kind of involved but an easy analogy to offer an indication is like wearing a shirt. The shirt bends at the elbow because your body bends at the elbow. The shirt is just a covering. Similarly the mind (and the senses) have the ability to pick up information because the self has the ability to pick up information. So that sort of perception that transcends the mind and senses is in a different category since it is not filtered.

numerous references on the subject

BG 6.7 For one who has conquered the mind, the Supersoul is already reached, for he has attained tranquillity. To such a man happiness and distress, heat and cold, honor and dishonor are all the same.
the nature of objective things cannot be perceived with the mind or associated senses (remember, these are not the fundamental aspects of the self).

The topic is kind of involved but an easy analogy to offer an indication is like wearing a shirt. The shirt bends at the elbow because your body bends at the elbow. The shirt is just a covering. Similarly the mind (and the senses) have the ability to pick up information because the self has the ability to pick up information. So that sort of perception that transcends the mind and senses is in a different category since it is not filtered.

numerous references on the subject

BG 6.7 For one who has conquered the mind, the Supersoul is already reached, for he has attained tranquillity. To such a man happiness and distress, heat and cold, honor and dishonor are all the same.

LG, any perception of whatever through whatever is an interpretation. Period.

Can you keep your supersoul and related matters to yourself.. please ?
I have no opinion on what animals do or do not believe.

I'm asking you why you have one.

Because animals are not stupid. Sorry to put it like that but you asked.

Now, why do you think animals might (be able to) believe in God ?
Originally Posted by lightgigantic
the mental capacity doesn't extend beyond the four animal propensities

what is an animal interested in that doesn't involve sleeping, eating, mating or defending?
How about justice?

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
basically life in what ever form or environment it expresses itself in is about two issues

1 - what you desire
2 - what you deserve

Including human life.

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
The human form of life is special since it offers the exclusive opportunity to know god - if a human doesn't want that opportunity, animal life is available.

Says you. It only offers the ability to believe in whatever.
Humans have freed themselves from nature to some extent and therefor don't need to concentrate solely on survival or directly related things.
In short, humans have (had) too much time on their hands. As everyone knows, that usually results in bullshit.
hence it tends to indicate that the use of this spare time has a better utility than simply eating, sleeping, mating and defending (which is how humans tend to waste the human form and transform the world at large into the proverbial)

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
In this way one can cycle through all the species of life and gradually raise to the human form again for another attempt. In this way we are gradually working through our desires.

This doesn't make sense to me.
suppose a human takes birth as a slug
once in that from of life they proceed (through the process of taking birth and dying) to other forms that are more elevating (like say a reptile). Then they could cycle through all the varieties of beast species until they eventually end up as one of the species of human.
why do people believe that they don't believe ....

Good question.

I can think of this reason:

Because there have been people in one's life who had great influence over one, and who repeatedly told one that one's beliefs are not the right ones.

It seems that by nature, people are unconditionally honest and unconditionally goodwilled, but they are not wise - which is why all sorts of information can enter into their minds, leading people to hold mutually exclusive stances.